RATING: 7/10

Anglesey is a bit off the beaten track for most people, so you really need a reason to visit. Perhaps that reason could be this hill? Of course, one climb – even if it is 35% – doesn’t quite warrant the journey, but this hill is just the bait. Once you’ve been lured in, there are many more wonderfully calm and sleepy lanes to enjoy. Head east away from the seafront to begin the climb. As soon as the road bends right, begin the fight. Wind up to a small junction, stay right, and then pass a 35% sign. After this you’ve 100m of flat to prepare yourself for the task ahead. Bending left then right between high hedgerows, the second corner is the killer – this is where it hits its maximum. The slope continues very hard until you see a yellow salt box, where it eases a touch. The further you climb from here, the easier it becomes, allowing you to spin the pain from your sore legs.
