RATING: 6/10

From now on – whatever you’re doing, wherever you are – keep an eye on the weather in west Wales. As soon as there are clear blue skies, call in sick, pack the family off to the grandparents, throw the bike in the car, and head for this climb. You begin by rolling out of Machynlleth and settling into the steady opening section of a truly majestic ascent. These few kilometres provide the perfect warm-up, and you’ll need it before the slope kicks up. Bearing left, the gradient hits 12%, and then bends even steeper right past a few houses. Cutting through farmland, you’ll see barren hills ahead and before long the narrow, beautifully smooth road takes you into their tranquil beauty. It’s hard under your wheels though, and you crawl up and over each horizon only to be faced with yet another stretch of road. On and on, it continues to tease and stretch, all the way to the summit.
