RATING: 5/10

Although not quite the middle of nowhere, this can’t be far from it. Following on from The Devil’s Staircase heading towards Tregaron, you’ll come across this vicious and weather-beaten climb, famous for forcing riders off their bikes during the Milk Race in the 1980s. Although with our modern machines and better gearing you shouldn’t have the same problem, I hope. Begin the climb as you cross the River Towy. The narrow road turns right and then takes a wickedly sharp left, the surface rough and broken. Next you hit a tortuous 25% section, the road deteriorating at the edges as nature seeks to remove all trace of tarmac. Drag yourself up this stretch and over a false brow and then head round to the left. After this it’s left again and into the last of some 20% climbing. With the short, sharp shocks of the lower slopes now over you’ll soon be bending right and climbing gently over the top, back towards signs of civilisation.
