Climbing from the centre of Aberdare, this mountain road has a glorious collection of twists and turns at the top. The early part of this climb can be split into two sections: the first hard, steep as you weave your way out of the valley; and the second harder, bearing right. Crossing the ubiquitous cattle grid, marking your exit from civilisation and your entry into the wilderness, the surface turns silky smooth and climbs steeply to the first of four hairpins. First turning left, the gradient is shallow round the corner and then steep into a long straight up to the second: a perfectly engineered right-hander that allows you to sweep round with no need for extra effort or a change of gear. Flow on towards the third: even steeper, this one banks left before taking you up to the fourth, which bends back to the right. Once through these exhilarating corners you’re left with a long, gentle stretch that lasts until the road dips over the other side.