There’s a glut of steep gradient signs around these parts of Carmarthenshire, most of them in the high double figures, so whichever way you ride it will be tough. Castle Road is arguably the toughest. Leaving the B4459 in the centre of Pencader, you pass a notice warning that the road is unsuitable for long vehicles – a sure sign that the climb is going to be outstanding. Leaving the village behind, you cross a large 20 painted on the road and the slope launches into the sky – ouch it’s steep, close to 20%. Banking left, the steep and narrow road heads up into a fantastic right-hand hairpin, the gradient refusing to ease. The next corner heads left and thankfully the road eases slightly before ramping up hard once more. After a while, the climb begins to fade and the final few hundred metres are easy up to a leveling outside a B&B.