173.                sweet and savory breaded shrimp
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2
1preparing the ingredients. Cover the instant crisp air fryer basket with a lining of tin foil, leaving the edges uncovered to allow air to circulate through the basket.Preheat the instant crisp air fryer to 350 degrees.
In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs until fluffy and until the yolks and whites are fully combined.
Dunk all the shrimp in the egg mixture, fully submerging. In a separate mixing bowl, combine the bread crumbs with all the dry ingredients until evenly blended.
One by one, coat the egg-covered shrimp in the mixed dry ingredients so that fully covered, and place on the foil-lined air-fryer basket.
2air frying. Close air fryer lid. Set the air-fryer timer to 20 minutes.
Halfway through the cooking time, shake the air fryer's handle so that the breaded shrimp jostles inside and fry-coverage is even.
After 20 minutes, when the fryer shuts off, the shrimp will be perfectly cooked and their breaded crust golden-brown and delicious! Using tongs, remove from the instant crisp air fryer and set on a serving dish to cool.
Per serving calories: 250.3; fat: 4.8g; sodium: 1146.8mg; fiber: 2.5g; protien: 25.6g
174.                Indian fish fingers
Preparation Time: 35 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4
1preparing the ingredients. Start by removing any skin on the fish, washing, and patting dry. Cut the fish into fingers.
In a medium bowl mix all ingredients except for fish, mint, and bread crumbs. Bury the fingers in the mixture and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Remove from the bowl from the fridge and mix in mint leaves.
In a separate bowl beat the egg, pour bread crumbs into a third bowl. Dip the fingers in the egg bowl then toss them in the bread crumbs bowl.
2air frying. Close air fryer lid. Cook at 360 degrees for 15 minutes, toss the fingers halfway through.
Per serving: calories: 187; fat: 7g; protein:11g; fiber:1g