Thank you to my good friend Rebecca Bell, who, besides making excellent comments on Dying for Murder, taught me a great deal about barrier islands and sea turtles, and made sure I never ate pork chops ten nights in a row again. Thanks also to Jim Richardson and Nicholas Mrosovsky who introduced me to barrier islands and sea turtles. Thanks to ma soeur, Dorion Kingsmill, and my sons, Tim Kingsmill Wootton and Jesse Kingsmill Wootton, for reading over various drafts and providing excellent comments and suggestions. Thanks for the many lunchtime conversations at Pho Vietnam! Thanks to Age of the Geek, where I finished writing the book, between important lunches and coffee breaks. Thanks also to Sandy Macdonald for my author photo on the Dundurn website and for his voice on my book trailer ( and so much more. And thanks to Kirk Howard and the team at Dundurn. You rock!