- Galen, Archbishop Clemens von 1, 2
- Geiger, Theodor 1
- Gellately, Robert 1
- Genetic Health Court 1
- Geneva Convention on the Laws and
- Customs of War (1949, 1977) 1
- genocide
- and claims of ignorance of 1, 2
- and complicity of German population 1
- and cooperation of other countries 1, 2
- and explanation of 1
- and extermination camps 1, 2
- and Hitler’s responsibility for 1, 2
- and invasion of USSR 1
- and Jewish ghettos in Poland 1
- and murder of Jews in USSR 1, 2
- and process leading to the ‘Final Solution’ 1
- and resistance to 1
- and Wannsee Conference 1
- and widespread knowledge of 1
- Genocide Convention (1948) 1
- Gerlach, Helmuth 1
- German Army
- and bomb plot (1 July 1944) 2
- and collapse of Eastern Front 1
- and defeat at Stalingrad 1
- and Hitler becomes supreme commander of 1, 2
- and Hitler secures support of 1, 2
- and hostility towards SA 1, 2
- and lack of loyalty towards Weimar 1
- and murder of Jews 1, 2
- and opposition to Nazism 1
- and personal oath to Hitler 1
- and war crimes 1
- German Fashion Institute 1
- German Labour Front 1, 2
- German National People’s Party (DNVP) 1, 2
- German Newspaper Publishers’ Association 1
- German People’s Party (DVP) 1
- German Workers’ Party (DAP) 1, 2
- Germany
- and post-First World War unrest 1, 2
- and post-war division of 1
- and post-war reintegration of 1
- see also Third Reich; Weimar Republic
- Gestapo
- and arrests by 1
- and establishment of 1
- and foreign workers 1
- and membership 1
- and monitoring of public opinion 1
- and Night of the Long Knives (1934) 1, 2
- and use of informers 1
- Gleichschaltung (coordination) 1
- Goebbels, Joseph 1, 2, 3, 4
- and accepts Hitler’s leadership 1
- and adulation of Hitler 1
- and America’s entry into war 1
- and anti-Semitism 1, 2
- and calls for total mobilization 1
- and film industry 1
- and genocide 1
- and Hanfstaengl 1
- and Kristallnacht 1
- and modern art 1, 2
- and Night of the Long Knives (1934) 1, 2
- and Phoney War 1
- and propaganda 1, 2
- and radio broadcasting 1, 2
- and rearmament 1
- and suicide of 1
- Goebbels, Magda 1, 2
- Goerdeler, Carl 1
- Göring, Hermann 1, 2, 3
- and control over police 1, 2, 3
- and establishes Gestapo 1
- and foreign policy 1
- and Four-Year Plan 1
- and genocide 1
- and incorporates police into Nazi organization 1
- and Jewish policy 1
- and Kristallnacht 1
- and Night of the Long Knives (1934) 1
- and promises end to elections 1
- and rearmament 1, 2
- and reduces police powers of SA 1
- and Russian prisoners-of-war 1
- Gramsci, Antonio 1
- Great Britain
- and consequences of Second World War 1
- and declares war on Germany 1, 2
- and German reoccupation of Rhineland 1
- and guarantee to Poland 1
- and Hitler abandons hope of alliance with 1
- and Munich conference 1
- Greece 1, 2
- Groscurth, Helmuth 1
- Groszheim, Friedrich-Paul von 1
- Grynszpan, Hershel 1
- Guderian, General Heinz 1, 2
- Guenther, Irene 1
- Gustloff, Wilhelm 1
- Gypsies 1