1 The Nazi rise to power, 1918–23: from the end of the First World War to the Munich Putsch
5 The revolution eats its own children: the destruction of the SA
6 Economic transformation, or smoke and mirrors? The Nazi impact on the German economy, 1933–9
7 Reluctant supporters, or sullen opponents? The German workers
9 The persecution of German Jews in the 1930s
10 ‘Racial hygiene’ in the 1930s
11 The Nazi impact on society: young people and education
12 The Nazi impact on society: women in the Third Reich
13 The Nazi impact on society: the Christian Church
14 The Nazi impact on society: the control of ideas
15 Germany and the world, 1933–9
16 Nazi Germany, 1933–9: a popular dictatorship?
17 The Third Reich at war: the unstoppable Blitzkrieg, 1939–41
18 ‘The twisted road to Auschwitz’: from persecution to genocide
19 The Third Reich at war: the home front
21 The Third Reich at war: from conquest to Götterdämmerung