As this is not an academic book, I have not tried to give a complete list of sources. However, the following list is reasonably full. The intention is threefold: to include titles mentioned in the text, to provide guidelines for further reading, and to list sources which may have escaped the attention of specialists. For the benefit of the Arabists, I have rendered Arabic names and titles in the most commonly accepted form of transliteration, that used in Arabian Studies. The arrangement by section is to some extent arbitrary; for example, the Bents’ book Southern Arabia might as well appear under ‘Suquṭrā’ as ‘Ḥaḍramawt’.
What is and what is not compulsory reading is, of course, a matter of taste. While anything by al-Hamdānī is of prime importance for the earlier period, readers of Arabic might start with al-Qāḍī ‘Abdullāh al-Shamāḥī’s Al-yaman, a clear and concise guide to Yemeni history up to the 1960s; the gazetteers of al-Ḥajarī and al-Maqḥafī are both invaluable as works of reference; and the annals of al-Washalī are a fascinating personal record written in an age of change. In English, the books on Ḥaḍramawt by Freya Stark and the Ingramses are – like many of the South Arabian titles published by John Murray – classics; Doreen and Leila Ingrams’s Records of Yemen, a vast collection of documents on the country, includes some early and hard-to-find accounts by outsiders but has the disadvantage of being neither portable nor affordable. Paul Dresch’s Tribes, History and Government is scholarly, wide-ranging and well-written; Francine Stone’s Tihāmah book is both informative and beautiful. Personally, should I ever find myself marooned on Suquṭrā during the season of storms, there are three books I would hope to have with me: Ibn al-Mujāwir’s Tārīkh al-mustabṢir, a work of sometimes dubious reliability but packed with sūq gossip; Serjeant and Lewcock’s wonderful book on Ṣan‘ā’; and, of course, Hava’s Dictionary.
General Background
‘Abdullāh b. ‘Abd al-Wahhāb al-Mujāhid al-Shamāḥī, al-Qāḍī, Al-yaman: al-insān wa ’l-haḍārah, Beirut, 1406/1985
Aḥmad Jābir ‘Afīf et al. (eds.), Al-mawsū ‘ah al-yamaniyyah, Ṣan‘ā’, 1412/1992
Bidwell, R.L., The Two Yemens, Harlow, 1983
Bradley, Chris, Discovery Guide to Yemen, London, 1995
Daum, Werner (ed.), Yemen: 3000 Years of Art and Civilisation in Arabia Felix, Innsbruck–Frankfurt/Main [c. 1988]
Dresch, Paul, Tribes, Government and History in Yemen, Oxford, 1989
al-Ḥajarī see Muḥammad b. Aḥmad
al-Hamdānī see al-Ḥasan
al-Ḥasan b. Aḥmad al-Hamdānī, Ṣifat jazīrat al- ‘arab, ed. Muḥammad b. ‘Alī al-Akwa‘, Ṣan‘ā’, 1403/1983
Hava, Revd J.G., Al-farā’id al-durriyyah: Arabic-English Dictionary, Beirut, 1915
Ibn al-Mujāwir see Yūsuf
Ibrāhīm Aḥmad al-Maqḥafī, Mu ‘jam al-buldān wa ’l-qabā’il al-yamaniyyah, Ṣan‘ā’, 1988
Ingrams, Doreen and Leila (eds.), Records of Yemen, 16 vols., Neuchâtel, 1993
Ingrams, Harold, The Yemen: Imams, Rulers and Revolutions, London, 1963
Muḥammad b. ‘Abd al-Malik al-Marwanī, Al-thanā’ al-ḥasan ‘alā ahl al-yaman, Beirut, 1411/1990
Muḥammad b. Aḥmad al-Ḥajarī, al-Qāḍī, Majmū‘ buldān al-yaman wa qabā’ilihā, 2 vols., ed. Ismā‘īl b. ‘Alī al-Akwa‘, Ṣan‘ā’, 1404/1984
Nashwān b. Sa‘īd al-Ḥimyarī, Muntakhabāt fī akhbār al-yaman min kitāb shams al-‘ulūm, ed. ‘Aẓīm al-Dīn Aḥmad, Leiden, 1916, reprinted Ṣan‘ā’, 1401/1981
Niebuhr, Carsten, Travels through Arabia, trans. and abr. R. Heron, Edinburgh, 1792
Serjeant, R.B., and Bidwell, R.L. (eds.), Arabian Studies, Cambridge–London, 1974–85
al-Shamāḥī see ‘Abdullāh b. ‘Abd al-Wahhāb
Smith, G. Rex, The Yemens (World Bibliographical Series), Oxford, 1984
Wilson, Robert T.O, Gazetteer of Historical North-West Yemen, Hildesheim, 1989
Yāqūt b. ‘Abdullāh al-Ḥamawī, Al-buldān al-yamāniyyah ‘ind yāqūt al-ḥamawī, ed. al-Qāḍī Ismā‘īl b. ‘Alī al-Akwa‘, Beirut-Ṣan‘ā’, 1408/1988
[Yemeni Centre for Research and Studies], Dirāsāt yamaniyyah, Ṣan‘ā’, 1978–
Yūsuf b. Ya‘qūb Ibn al-Mujāwir, Ṣifat bilād al-yaman (tārīkh al-mustabṢir), ed. O. Löfgren, Leiden, 1951–4, reprinted Beirut, 1407/1986
Pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Yemen
‘Abdullāh b. ‘Abd al-Wahhāb al-Mujāhid al-Shamāḥī, al-Qāḍī, Al-hijrāt al-yamaniyyah, Cairo-Ṣan‘ā’, 1396/1976
Anon., The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, trans, and ed. G.W.B. Huntingford, London, 1980
Beeston, A.F.L., A Descriptive Grammar of Epigraphic South Arabian, London, 1962
——et al. (eds.), Sabaic Dictionary, Beirut-Louvain-la-Neuve, 1982
Bidwell, R.L., and Smith, G. Rex (eds.), Arabian and Islamic Studies (festschrift for R.B. Serjeant), London, 1982
Doe, Brian, Southern Arabia, London, 1971
al-Ḥasan b. Aḥmad al-Hamdānī, Kitāb al-iklīl, VIII, ed. Nabīh Amīn Fāris, Princeton, 1940, reprinted Beirut–Ṣan‘ā’, n.d.
Ḥusayn Aḥmad al-Sayāghī, al-Qāḍī, Ma ‘ālim al-āthār al-yamaniyyah, Ṣan‘ā’, 1980
Ismā‘īl b. ‘Alī al-Akwa‘, al-Qāḍī, Barāqish fi kutub al-mu’arrikhīn (unpublished typescript), Ṣan‘ā’, 1407/1986
Muḥammad ‘Abd al-Qādir Bā Faqīh, Fi ’l-‘arabiyyah al-sa‘īdah, Ṣan‘ā’, 1408/1987
Muḥammad b. ‘Alī al-Akwa‘, Al-yaman al-khaḍrā’ mahd al-lḥaḍārah, Ṣan‘ā’, 1402/1982
Muṭahhar ‘Alī al-Iryānī, Nuqūsh musnadiyyah, Ṣan‘ā’, 1990
Nashwān b. Sa‘īd al-Ḥimyarī, Mulūk ḥimyar wa aqyāl al-yaman, ed. Ismā‘īl b. Aḥmad al-Jirāfī and ‘Alī b. Ismā‘īl al-Mu’ayyad, Beirut, 1978
Pirenne, J., ‘Les Sud-Arabes à travers leur Art’ (and other articles), Les Dossiers de l’Archéologie, no. 35, Dijon, March–April 1979
Pyotrovsky, M., Malḥamah ‘an al-malik al-ḥimyarī as‘ad al-kāmil, trans. Shāhir Jamāl Āghā, Ṣan‘ā’, 1404/1984
——Al-yaman qabl al-islām, trans. Muḥammad al-Shu‘aybī, Beirut, 1987
Robin, Christian, ‘Le Haut Plateau’ (and other articles), Les Dossiers de l’Archéologie, no. 35, Dijon, March–April 1979
——Les Hautes-Terres du Nord-Yémen avant l’Islam, 2 vols., Istanbul, 1982,
——’Les plantes aromatiques que brûlaient les Sabéens’, Saba, no. 1, n.p., 1994
Serjeant, R.B., South Arabian Hunt, London, 1976
Wahb b. Munabbih al-Yamānī, Kitāb al-tījān fī mulūk ḥimyar, Hyderabad, 1347/1928, reprinted Ṣan‘ā’, 1979
Yūsuf Muḥammad ‘Abdullāh, Awrāq fī tārīkh al-yaman wa āthārihi, Beirut, 1411/1990
Later Yemen
Aḥmad b. ‘Alwān, al-Shaykh, Al-futūḥ, ed. ‘Abd al-‘Azīz Sulṭān Ṭāhir al-Manṣūb, Ṣan‘ā’, 1412/1992
‘Alī b. al-Ḥusayn b. ‘Alī al-Mas‘ūdī, Murūj al-dhahab wa ma‘ādin al-jawhar, 4 vols., ed. Muḥammad Muḥyī al-Dīn ‘Abd al-Ḥamīd, Beirut, n.d.
‘Alī b. Muḥammad b. ‘Ubaydullāh al-‘Abbāsī al-‘Alawī, Sīrat al-hādī ila ’l-ḥaqq yaḥyā ibn al-ḥusayn, ed. Suhayl Zakkār, Beirut, 1401/1981
Anon., Tārīkh al-dawlah al-rasūliyyah fi ’l-yaman, ed. ‘Abdullāh Muḥammad al-Ḥibshī, Damascus, 1405/1984
Ḥabshūsh see Ḥayīm
Harris, Walter, A Journey through the Yemen, Edinburgh, 1893, reprinted London, 1985
Ḥayīm b. Yaḥyā b. Sālim al-Futayḥī Ḥabshūsh, ‘Ru’ya ’l-yaman’, Ru’yat al-yaman bayn ḥabshūsh wa halévy, ed. Sāmiyah Na‘īm Sanbar, Ṣan‘ā’, 1412/1992; the French translation by Samia Naïm-Sanbar [Sāmiyah Na‘īm Sanbar], Yémen, Arles, 1995
Ḥusayn b. ‘Abdullāh al-‘Amrī, The Yemen in the 18th and 19th Centuries: A Political and Intellectual History, London, 1985
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Muḥammad b. Muḥammad Zabārah, Nashr al- ‘arf, Ṣan‘ā’-Beirut, n.d. (vol. I), 1405/1985 (vols. II and III)
al-Muqaddasī see Shams al-Dīn
Playfair, R.L., History of Arabia Felix, Bombay, 1859, reprinted St Leonards–Amsterdam, 1970
Pridham, B.R. (ed.), Contemporary Yemen: Politics and Historical Background, Beckenham, 1984
Salwā Sa‘d Sulaymān al-Ghālibī, Al-imām al-mutawakkil ‘ala ’llāh ismā‘īl ibn al-qāsim, n.p., 1411/1991
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The Twentieth Century
‘Abdullāh al-Sallāl el al., Thawrat al-yaman al-dustūriyyah, Ṣan‘ā’–Beirut, 1405/1985
‘Abd al-Wāsi‘ b. Yaḥyā al-Wāsi‘ī al-Yamānī, al-Shaykh, Tārīkh al-yaman (farjat al-humūm wa ’l-ḥazan fī ḥawādith wa tārīkh al-yaman), Ṣan‘ā’, 1990–1
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Aḥmad Waṣfī Zakariyyā, Riḥlatī ila ’l-yaman, Damascus, 1406/1986
Ameen Rihani [Amīn al-Rayḥānī], Arabian Peak and Desert, London, 1930
Fayein, Claudie, A French Doctor in the Yemen, London, 1957
Holden, David, Farewell to Arabia, London, 1966
Ḥusayn b. Aḥmad al-‘Arashī, al-Qāḍī, Bulūgh al-marām fī sharḥ misk al-khitām, ed. and continued by Fr. Anastase-Marie al-Kirmilī, Cairo, 1358/1939, reprinted Beirut, n.d.
Ismā‘īl b. Muḥammad al-Washalī al-Tihāmī al-Ḥasanī, (Dhayl) nashr al-thanā’ al-ḥasan, ed. Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Shu‘aybī, Ṣan‘ā’, 1402/1982
Luce, Margaret, From Aden to the Gulf, Salisbury, 1987
Muḥammad b. ‘Alī al-Akwa‘ al-Ḥuwālī, Ṣafhaḥ min tārīkh al-yaman wa qiṢṢat ḥayātī, Damascus, n.d. (pt. I), [Aden], n.d. (pt. II), n.p., 1414/1993 (pt. III)
Muḥammad Ḥasan, Qalb al-yaman, Baghdad, 1948
Nazīh Mu’ayyad al-‘Aẓm, Riḥlah fi ’l-‘arabiyyah al-sa‘īdah, Beirut, 1407/1986
Scott, Hugh, In the High Yemen, London, 1942
Smiley, David, Arabian Assignment, London, 1975
al-Washalī see Ismā‘īl
Yaḥyā al-Sudumī, Suqūṭ al-mu’ āmarah, [Ṣan‘ā’], 1994–5
Ṣan ‘ā’
‘Abd al-Raḥmān Yaḥyā al-Ḥaddād, Ṣan‘ā’ al-qadīmah, Ṣan‘ā’, 1992
‘Abd al-Wāsi‘ b. Yaḥyā al-Wāsi‘ī, al-Shaykh, Al-badr al-muzīl li ’l-ḥazan fī faḍl al-yaman wa maḥāsin Ṣan‘ā’dhāt al-minan, Cairo, 1345/1927
Aḥmad b. ‘Abdullāh al-Rāzī, Tārīkh madīnat Ṣan‘ā’, ed. Ḥusayn b. ‘Abdullah al-‘Amrī and ‘Abd al-Jabbār Zakkār, Damascus, 1394/1974
‘AIī b. ‘Abdullāh b. al-Qāsim b. al-Mu’ayyad bi ’llāh, al-Sayyid Jamāl al-Dīn, Wasf Ṣan‘ā’, ed. ‘Abdullāh Muḥammad al-Ḥībshī, Ṣan‘ā’, 1993, and English translation by Tim Mackintosh-Smith, City of Divine and Earthly Joys (forthcoming)
Anon., Ṣafaḥāt majhūlah min tārīkh al-yaman, ed. al-Qāḍī Ḥusayn b. Aḥmad al-Sayāghī, Ṣan‘ā’, 1404/1984
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al-Rāzī see Aḥmad
Serjeant, R.B., and Lewcock, Ronald, Ṣan‘ā’: An Arabian Islamic City, London, 1983
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Watson, Janet C.E., A Syntax of Ṣan‘ānī Arabic, Wiesbaden, 1993
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Allfree, P.S., Hawks of the Hadhramaut, London, 1967
Bent, Theodore [and Mabel], Southern Arabia, London, 1900
Bujra see Abdalla
Bulliet, Richard W., The Camel and the Wheel, New York, 1980
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Ingrams, Doreen, A Time in Arabia, London, 1970
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Lewcock, Ronald, Wādī Ḥaḍramawt and the Walled City of Shibām, Paris, 1986
Meulen, Daniel van der, Aden to the Hadhramaut, London, 1947
al-Ṣabbān see ‘Abd al-Qādir
Saqqāf ‘AIī al-Kāff, Ḥaḍramawt ‘ibr arba ‘at ‘ashar qarn, Beirut, 1410/1990
Serjeant, R. B., The Portuguese off the South Arabian Coast, Oxford, 1963, reprinted Beirut, 1974
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al-Baraddūnī see ‘Abdullāh al-Baraddūnī
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al-Hubaishi see Ahmed
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