The wicked are lost in ignorance
and enslaved by their own desires.
They chase after pleasure and power,
with hearts clenched like a fist,
not even glimpsing God's justice,
not seeing that they wander in the dark.
Their selfishness keeps God hidden,
as thick clouds blot out the sun.
Your love is vaster than the sky, Lord,
and reaches beyond the stars.
Your justice is firmer than the mountains,
deeper than the ocean's depths.
You care for all earth's creatures;
infinitely precious is your love.
All your children come to you
and take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
They feast upon your abundance;
they drink from the river of your joy.
For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see pure light.
Let all people know your will, Lord;
let the wicked walk on your path.
Then we will hear earth's harmony,
and your chorus will be complete.