collision (kuh-LISH-uhn)
when two things run into each other
con (KAHN)
a dishonest trick to get money
conspiracy (kuhn-SPEER-uh-see)
a secret, dishonest plan made by two or more people
disqualify (dis-KWAHL-uh-fy)
to prevent someone from taking part in or winning an activity; athletes can be disqualified for breaking the rules of their sport
endorphins (en-DAWR-finz)
chemicals released by the body when working out
footage (FOOT-ij)
actions recorded on video
guilt (GILT)
a bad feeling inside of you because you know you did something wrong
interrogation (in-TUR-uh-gay-shun)
asking questions in a forceful way, especially of a suspect
leg (LEG)
a part of a race
sidelines (SAHYD-lahynz)
outside of the racetrack or path
stamina (STAM-uh-nuh)
the energy and strength to keep doing something for a long time