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absolutes, as tell for language of trust, 188

accountability, limited, 28, 44, 152, 167, 173

actions, 12, 45, 145–68, 244

changing environments and, 152, 167

character and, 150–53, 167

consequence-free, 28, 44, 152, 167, 173

current vs. past, 36

discovery questions and, 145–46, 147–48

focus on planning over, as tell for unreliability, 130–31

inconsistency of, 156

negative tells for, 153–56, 168

positive tells for, 160–63, 167–68

predictability and, 150–51, 167

as tells, 35–37, 57, 95

as tells for vesting, 80

words vs., 35–37, 149–50, 167

Afghanistan, Soviet war with, 21, 41

Afghanistan war, 119

al-Qaeda, 42, 76, 119

O’Neill’s prediction of attack by, 5, 6, 7

anger, fear and, 213

Annan (Confidential Human Source), 101–2, 149, 243, 244

courage of, 88, 109

Dreeke’s concerns about, 89

Dreeke’s first meeting with, 87–89

Dreeke’s last meeting with, 108–11

Dreeke’s long relationship with, 104

Dreeke’s second meeting with, 102–3

Leo in recruitment of, 84

plausible threat of nuclear war conveyed by, 87–88, 101

Thorne and recruitment of, 85–89

anthrax poisonings, 16–17

anxiety, created by trauma, 218

apologizing, as tell for language of trust, 190

appearances, unreliability of, 29, 45

appreciation, showing of, as tell for emotional stability, 225

Arendt, Hannah, 133–34

arguments, discussions vs., 181–82

attention to detail, 123

authenticity, negative aspects of character in, 153

aviation schools, 9/11 terrorists’ training at, 132

Baker, Dan, 213

behavior, self-interest as primary motivator in, 13–14, 22

Behavioral Analysis Program (BAP), 14, 15–16, 77, 164, 166, 203–4

Dreeke as head of, 169–70, 204, 205

Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU), 15

behavior prediction:

avoiding judgmental labels in, 215

in critical situations, 10

desperation and, 23

difficulty of, 8, 9

emotions and, 14, 23, 26, 29

empathy and, 14–15

fundamental principle of, 204

hard truths about, 28–30, 44–45

information as critical to, 155

as learnable skill, 9, 11, 22, 44

9/11 responses as lesson in, 5–6, 7

rationality as key to, 3, 23, 26, 56, 167, 238

six-sign system for, 11–13, 32–39, 115–16, 232–33, 238–39, 242–43; see also actions; language; longevity, in relationships; reliability; stability, emotional; vesting

as social science, 14, 15, 152

tells in, see tells

betrayal, 23

as personal attack, 9, 27

psychological consequences of, 10–11

reflexive responses to, 27

bin Laden, Osama, 5, 7, 54

blame, acceptance of, as tell for reliability, 137

blaming, as tell for emotional instability, 220

body language, 71, 96

bosses, see managers

bragging, as tell for language of trust, 186–87


regions of, 214–15, 226

survival skills as hardwired in, 214

Brockman, L. J., 135, 189

bureaucrats, as risk-averse, 158


communication as skill gap in, 176

moral codes and, 163

vesting in, 67, 79

calmness, as tell for emotional stability, 228–29

catastrophizing, as tell for emotional instability, 218


embracing, 239, 240

fear of, 239–40

Chapman, Anna, 63


actions and, 150–53, 167

components of, 150–51

Chechnya, Russian disinformation campaign about, 203, 222

China, as world’s largest drone manufacturer, 119


life as ongoing process of, 237–38

offering of, as tell for emotional stability, 226–27

predicting outcomes of, 238

Churchill, Winston, 189

clarity, as tell for language of trust, 182

Clinton, Hillary, 165

cocooning, 17

Code of Trust, 92–94, 112–13, 244

adherence to, as tell of emotional stability, 226

see also language of trust; trust

cognitive function, as impaired by stress, 211

cold calls:

scripts for, 184–85, 191–92

trust and, 176, 179

Cold War, 3, 78

commitment, vesting and, 33


rationality and, 37, 96

as skill gap in business world, 176

communication, nonverbal, 51

in relationships, 105

as tell for language of trust, 175, 189, 194

as tell for reliability, 138–39

as tell for vesting, 80

tells in, 57, 96–97

communication, verbal, 51

as tell for vesting, 80

tells in, 57, 95–96

compassion, emotional instability and, 38

compassion fatigue, 17

competence, 115, 116, 120–21, 128, 142–43

consistency and congruence as tells for, 123

“curse” of, 121

diligence and, 124

false claims of, 35

hiring process and, 121–22

marriages and, 122

narrow range of, as tell for unreliability, 129–30

reliability and, 34–35

tells for, 121–23

see also incompetence

competence management, 121

competitors, viewed as enemies, 154–55

conclusions, jumping to, as tell for language of trust, 180

confidence, as tell for reliability, 134–35

consideration for others, 124

consistency, 161, 163, 217

context, seeking, 162

contracts, as defense against unethical behavior, 8

conversation, see communication, verbal

core values, 151, 153, 163, 166

corporate security:

Dreeke’s consulting job in, 169–72, 174–75, 177–79, 183–86, 190–93

scope of, 173–74

counterespionage, counterintelligence, 15–16, 17, 30, 42, 53, 63, 157, 159, 166, 191, 243

credit, undue taking of, as tell for unreliability, 128

Criminal Minds (TV show), 15

criminals, use of drones by, 118, 120

crises, behavior prediction in, 10


of colleagues, 155–56, 192

of family members, 162

responses to, 59, 61, 161

debating, as tell for language of trust, 187–88

deception, see lying

defensiveness, as tell for language of trust, 187

dependence, on others, as tell for unreliability, 129

depression, created by trauma, 218

Descartes, René, 37


behavior prediction and, 8, 23, 28, 29, 207, 228

as enemy of trust, 225

diligence, 115, 116, 120, 123–25, 128, 142, 143

competence and, 124

reliability and, 34–35

rewarding of, 124

trust as motivator for, 125

widespread lack of, 124–25

see also reliability

discovery questions, 145–46, 147–48

discussions, arguments vs., 181–82

Displaced Persons Center (postwar), 19


growing public mood of, 17

insidiousness of, 147

of oneself, 147

see also trust

DJI Phantom 4 drone, 120

Doveryai no Proveryai (trust, but verify), 3–4, 23, 35, 92, 125, 153

Dreeke, Robin:

Annan and, see Annan

in attempted recruitment of former Soviet general, 150, 156–60

as BAP head, 169–70, 204, 205

BAP joined by, 203–4

drone pilot’s license of, 120

family life of, 165, 202

FBI career of, 15–16, 202–3

FBI retirement of, 240–46

George’s relationship with, 120, 125–27, 133–34, 139–42

in Hanssen investigation, 53–54, 74

Leo and, see Leo

Linda and, 208–9, 221–23

in Linda’s meeting with Iraqi defector, 210–12

lost sense of self and insecurity of, 199–200

Marine Corps career of, 15, 200, 202

in meeting with Petrov, 223–24

in move to FBI headquarters, 77, 165

in move to Norfolk Field Office, 164–65

in 9/11 aftermath, 16–17

9/11 attack and, 4–7

post-9/11 health problems of, 50

in resignation from drone task force, 142

Russia as focus of, 202–3, 210

Sergei and, see Sergei

Silicon Valley consulting job of, 169–72, 174–75, 177–79, 183–86, 190–93

Thorne as “Jedi Master” for, 30, 52, 145–46, 148–50, 204, 242

Viktor’s relationship with, 49–50, 66, 78


FBI task force on, 115–18, 120, 125–27, 131–32, 139–40

swarms of, 119

training programs for, 132

use of, in criminal and terrorist activities, 118, 119–20

in war on terror, 119

Economist, 189

ego, suspension of:

in building trust, 92, 112, 170, 182–83

power and, 228

egotism, 215

Einstein, Albert, on relativity of time, 90, 91

elicitation, of information, 173

emotional hijacking, 26, 53, 85–86, 145, 147, 171, 206, 230

discovery questions as antidote to, 148

emotionally unstable people:

difficulty of predicting behavior of, 208, 233

minimizing contact with, 198–99

power gained by, 197–98, 233–34

see also instability, emotional


behavior prediction and, 4, 23, 26, 29

language as revealing of, 51

rational thought and, 26, 39, 44, 146–47, 171, 206, 234

see also stability, emotional

empathy, 29, 217

behavior prediction and, 14–15


in building trust, 170

self-awareness and, 201

enemies, fixation on, 139

enthusiasm, in relationships, 105

entitlement, sense of, as tell for emotional instability, 219–20

Epictetus, 89, 151

exaggeration, of one’s abilities, 35

eye contact, as tell for language of trust, 181

facial expressions, 96

fairness, 163, 167

family, vesting and, 56

FBI, 14, 15, 238

Dreeke’s career at, see Dreeke, Robin

drone task force of, 115–18, 120, 125–27, 131–32, 139–40

hard information on U.S. enemies lacked by, 20–21

fear, 26, 44, 146

anger and, 213

as basic human emotion, 213–14

body temperature and, 209

of change, 239–40

as contagious, 209

emotional instability and, 214–15

love as antidote to, 213–14

of not being loved, 200

of others (xenophobia), 209

perfectionism and, 201

trust and, 216, 233

fearlessness, as tell for emotional stability, 225

50 percent rule, 28, 45

Flaps and Seals (FBI surveillance branch), 117


reasonableness and, 228

as tell for emotional stability, 228

Fordham University, 206, 211, 222

forebrain, 214, 226

Frontline, 6

full-body nonverbals, 96–97

generosity, in building trust, 93, 113

George (FBI task force leader), 115–18, 243–44

Dreeke’s relationship with, 120, 125–27, 133–34, 139–42

lack of competence shown by, 134

lack of reliability shown by, 139–42

office of, 132

trust and, 119–20, 126, 134, 139–40

weak people skills of, 117, 127, 134, 139

global economy, uncertainty and, 27

gossip, 161–62, 166

GRU (Russian military intelligence), 158

guilt, and fear of not being loved, 200

gut feelings, see intuition, unreliability of

Hanssen, Robert, 51–52

FBI postarrest investigation of, 53–54, 74

happiness, with oneself, as tell for emotional stability, 227

Hatton, Lenny, 5, 6, 7

helplessness, learned, as tell for emotional instability, 217

heroism, recognition of, 83–84

hiring process:

evaluating competence in, 121–23

honesty in, 163

history, repetition of mistakes in, 43

honesty, 153, 163, 166, 167

hot-button issues, avoiding, 162

humility, 199–200, 234

immunity, from consequences, 28, 44, 152, 167, 173

imperfection, as human condition, 201, 234, 239, 240

improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 119

incompetence, 28, 44

see also competence

inconsistency, in behavior, 156


delay in providing, 161

personal, reticence about, 155


in job interviews, 137

as tell for reliability, 136–37

instability, emotional, 234

causes of, 207, 234

fear and, 214–15

healing forces for, 207–8, 234

see also emotionally unstable people; stability, emotional

integrity, 153

intensity, in relationships, 91, 102–3

intentions, as tells, 57, 80, 97

internet, opportunities for deceit and manipulation on, 121

Intrepid, USS, 25, 84

intuition, unreliability of, 7, 10, 15, 28–29, 45, 209

Iraqi defector, 206–7, 231

Linda’s meeting with, 210–12

Iraq war, 17, 119

ISIS, 119

jobs, tough, welcoming of, as tell for reliability, 136

Johnson, Jack, 86, 148–49, 244

as Dreeke’s supervisor, 149, 150, 156, 157, 160, 164, 165–66

judgmental attitudes:

as enemy of trust, 93

as tell for language of trust, 187

KGB, 41, 62

language, 12, 45, 169–95

in cold calls, 176, 179

conciseness viewed as trustworthiness in, 179

as delivery system, 170, 175

disconnect between actions and, 35–37, 149–50, 167

emotional states as revealed by, 51

inclusive, as tell for longevity, 107

manipulative, 38, 176

as most transparent of behavioral signs, 175, 193

nonjudgmental, 37

self-absorption and, 178

talking trash and, 37

as unintentionally revealing of personality, 38

in work environment, 175–76

see also communication

language of trust, 175, 194, 244

avoiding misunderstandings in, 176, 180, 194

empowerment in, 170

listening in, 170, 194

negative tells for, 186–90, 195

nonverbal communication and, 175

positive tells for, 180–83, 194

reasonableness in, 170

suspension of ego in, 170, 182–83

validating of others in, 170, 180

Law & Order (TV show), 15

leadership, and sharing power, 126

Leo (Confidential Human Source), 243, 246

Dreeke’s distrust of, 26–27, 43

Dreeke’s first meeting with, 17–21

Dreeke’s second meeting with, 40–41

funeral of, 78

grandson’s visa as concern of, 41–42

KGB and, 41

network of sources built by Dreeke and, 51–52, 62–64

Outsiders Club owned by, 62

in recruitment of Annan, 84

in recruitment of Sergei, 65–66, 72

Sergei’s history with, 73–74

Thorne’s advice on handling of, 30–32

Linda (FBI agent), 209

Dreeke and, 208–9, 221–23

emotionalism of, 206, 207

Iraqi defector’s meeting with, 210–12

positive and negative tells exhibited by, 231

psychology degree of, 221–22

in Russian whitewash investigation, 205–6, 210–12, 221–23, 230

listening, in language of trust, 170, 194

Locks, Clicks, and Picks (FBI tradecraft branch), 117

longevity, in relationships, 11, 29, 34, 45, 83, 116, 243

commendation and recognition in, 105–6

enthusiasm in, 105

expectation of, 90, 111–12

inclusion in social activities as tell for, 107

inclusive language as tell for, 107

leading by example in, 90–91, 112

negative tells for, 97–101, 113

nonverbal communication in, 105

perks as tells for, 106

positive tells for, 104–8, 113

and relativity of time, 90, 91, 112

speeding up expectation of, 91–94

traditions in, 104–5

vesting and, 104

loss, as part of life, 241, 246

“lotto hits” (successful operations), 70, 118, 149, 150, 157, 160, 164, 165

love, 202

as antidote to fear, 213–14

as basic human emotion, 213–14

emotional stability and, 214–15

need for, 200

loyalty, 152–53, 160–61


motives for, 8

ubiquity of, 8


risk-averse, 148, 149

trust and, 171–72, 174

manipulators, manipulation:

language as used by, 176

resisting impulse for, 14

as tell for emotional instability, 221

“Man Who Knew, The” (Frontline documentary), 6

Marine Corps, U.S., 15, 200, 202

marriages, competence and, 122

mergers and acquisitions, security concerns in, 173

micromanaging, as tell for unreliability, 127

Middle East, 119, 203

Mindhunter (TV show), 15


difficulty in taking responsibility for, 156

downplaying one’s own, as tell for unreliability, 131

misunderstandings, avoiding, in language of trust, 176, 180, 194

morality, moral codes, 151–52, 167

business and, 163

predictability vs., in establishing trust, 13, 22–23, 71

as tell for language of trust, 182

universality of, 151

motivation, 123

“Mr. X,” 169–72, 174–75, 177–79, 183–86, 190–93, 244–45

narcissism, 221

Navarro, Joe, 177

“negating the frame,” as tell for language of trust, 188

negativity, as tell for emotional instability, 217–18

noisy mind:

quiet mind vs., 214–16

trust and, 215–16

note-taking, poor, as tell for unreliability, 130

nuclear war, possibility of, 87–88, 101

O’Neill, John:

al-Qaeda attack on U.S. predicted by, 5, 6, 7

death of, 6


predictability and, 35

as tell for emotional stability, 229

Outsiders Club, 62, 84

overdependence on others, as tell for emotional instability, 220

Pacetta, Frank, 125

paranoia, 18, 19, 21

partnership, as primal need, 33

perceptions, 29, 45


as enemy of “good enough,” 234

fear and, 201

perks, as tells for longevity, 106

permanence, expectation of, as tell for emotional instability, 218–19

persistence, 29, 45, 123

personal appearance, as tell for unreliability, 128–29

personality, consistency of, 163

personalization, as tell for emotional instability, 218–19

personal lives:

criticism of others’, 155–56

irregular behavior patterns in, 155

pervasiveness, assumption of, as tell for emotional instability, 218–19

Petrov, Adrik (pseudonym):

Dreeke’s meeting with, 223–24

positive tells exhibited by, 230–31

suspected of running Russian whitewash protest, 222–23, 230

planning over action, focus on, as tell for unreliability, 130–31

playing hard-to-get, as tell for unreliability, 127–28

poker, tells in, 14

polarization, of current culture, 39

political correctness, 166


gained by emotionally unstable people, 197–98, 233–34

self-awareness and, 201

sharing of, 126, 212

and suspension of ego, 228

trustworthiness and, 30, 227–28

valuing people over, as tell for emotional stability, 227–28

“power paradox,” 152, 173, 228


actions and, 150–51, 167

morality vs., in trust, 13, 22–23, 71

optimism and, 35

trust and, 11, 12

primacy (transfer of trust), 85, 87, 112

productivity, focus on, as tell for reliability, 137–38

psychological syndromes, self-diagnosed, as tell for language of trust, 190

punctuality problems, as tell for unreliability, 128

Putin, Vladimir, 62, 150, 157, 165, 205

quiet mind:

noisy mind vs., 214–16

trust and, 215


communication and, 37, 96

emotions and, 26, 39, 44, 146–47, 171, 206, 234

forebrain and, 214, 226

as key to predicting behavior, 3, 23, 26, 56, 167, 238

overreliance on, 217

reasonableness vs., 170

self-interest and, 22

as tell for emotional stability, 225–26

trust and, 12, 13, 78, 115, 140, 171, 215, 226

see also reasonableness

Raw Intelligence Cycle, 88

Reagan, Ronald, 3–4


flexibility and, 228

rationality vs., 170

reliability and, 94, 138

trust and, 93, 95, 103, 112, 170

see also rationality

recognition, in relationships, 105–6

record keeping, poor, as tell for unreliability, 130


being taken for granted in, 107–8

demonstrating value of others in, 92

intensity in, 91, 102–3

longevity in, see longevity, in relationships

ritual in, 91

short-term, 29

trust at first sight in, 71, 84, 91, 103, 116

vesting in, see vesting

reliability, 11, 45, 115–44, 243

competence and, see competence

diligence and, see diligence

negative tells for, 127–31, 144

positive tells for, 134–39, 143–44

as powerful feeling, 132

rationality vs., 170

reasonableness and, 94, 138

trust and, 120

religion, trust and, 151–52

reptilian brain, 214–15, 226

respect, equality of, as tell for language of trust, 183

responsibility, difficulty in accepting, 156

résumés, 36

exaggerations and gaps in, 154

risk aversion, 148, 149, 158

ritual, in building relationships, 91


Chechnya disinformation campaign of, 203, 222

democratic movement in, 205, 224

Dreeke’s focus on, 202–3, 210

emigrants from, 62

possible 9/11 involvement of, 17–18

protest whitewash campaign of, 205–7, 210–12, 221–24, 230, 232

terrorists in, 76

tradition of powerful government in, 71

use of torture and terror by, 205–7

U.S. misperception of, 203

see also Soviet Union

Russian diplomats, U.S. expulsion of, 52

Russian general, attempted recruitment of, 150, 156, 158–59, 164–65

Russian oligarchs, 157, 165

Russia-U.S. relations, “reset” in, 165–66

Saddam Hussein, 231

torture employed by, 207

scam artists, 12

Schafer, Jack, 91

self-absorption, language and, 178

self-acceptance, 201

self-autonomy, 227

self-awareness, 38, 50

as empowering, 201

lack of, 35

self-deception, 10

self-esteem, 227

self-interest, 27, 50

emotional hijacking and, 147

misperception of, 38–39

of others, uncovering, 14

as primary predictor of rational behavior, 13–14, 22, 146

rationality and, 22

trust and, 56–57, 171

vesting and, 56–57, 79

self-leadership, 216

self-responsibility, 124

sense of self, loss of, 199–200

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 3–6, 75, 132, 246

aftermath of, 83–84

fear of new attack in aftermath of, 25

immediate aftermath of, 16–17

lingering health effects and deaths from, 21

possible Russian involvement in, 17–18

Sergei (Confidential Human Source), 84, 243

Dreeke in recruitment of, 65–66, 70–71

Dreeke’s first meeting with, 71–77

Dreeke’s 2009 reunion with, 77–79

Leo in recruitment of, 65–66, 72

Leo’s history with, 73–74

Silence of the Lambs, The (film), 15

Silence of the Lambs, The (Harris), 15

similarities, emphasis on, as tell for language of trust, 180–81

situational awareness, 99

sizing people up, see behavior prediction

social activities, work-related, as tells for longevity, 107

social contracts, as defense against unethical behavior, 8

social media postings, consistency of professional life and, 163

social skills, 38

soft science, importance of, 127

Soviet Union, 3–4

Afghanistan war of, 21, 41

former satellite nations of, 42, 62, 76

see also Russia

specifics, as tell for reliability, 135

speediness, in work habits, as tell for reliability, 136

stability, emotional, 12, 38–39, 45, 197–235, 245

continuum of, 39, 217

as key to behavior prediction, 208, 233

love and, 214–15

negative tells for, 217–21, 235–36

positive tells for, 225–29, 234–35

self-acceptance and, 201

see also instability, emotional

Stalin, Joseph, 19, 130

State Department, U.S., 165

Russian diplomats expelled by, 51–52

“stempathy,” 15, 217

stoicism, 14–15, 89, 151, 217

stories, changing details of, 161


cognitive function impaired by, 211

nonverbal behavior during, as tell for reliability, 138–39

supervisors, see managers

survival skills, as hardwired in human brain, 214

survivor’s guilt, 41

Susan (Confidential Human Source), 212, 222–23, 224, 230, 231, 245

SVR, 62–63

sycophants, 154

talking heads (TV commentators), 181

teamwork, vesting as ultimate animator in, 56, 80

tells, 11, 12, 14, 51

for actions, 153–56, 160–63, 167–68

actions as, 35–37, 57, 95

for competence, 121–23

for emotional stability, 217–21, 225–29, 234–36

intentions as, 57, 97

language as, 175–76

for language of trust, 180–83, 186–90, 194–95

for longevity in relationships, 97–101, 104–8, 113

in nonverbal communication, 57, 96–97

for reliability, 127–31, 134–39, 143–44

for trust, 57, 75, 80, 95–97, 160, 242–43

in verbal communication, 57, 95–96

for vesting, 57–62, 67–70, 73, 74, 80–81, 104

terrorists, terrorism, 4, 64, 76, 203, 206

use of drones by, 118, 119–20

Thorne, Jesse, 160, 205, 206, 210

as Dreeke’s “Jedi Master,” 30, 52, 145–46, 148–50, 204, 242

and Dreeke’s six-sign system, 242–43

on handling Leo, 30–32

in Hanssen investigation, 53–54

and recruitment of Annan, 85–89

and recruitment of Sergei, 66–67

thoroughness, 123

thought, rational, see rationality

“3-P” personality, as tell for emotional instability, 218–19

time, relativity of, 90, 91, 112

traditions, in relationships, 104–5

transparency, 153–54

about weaknesses and mistakes, as tell for reliability, 135–36

trash talking, 37

trauma, 218

tribal warfare, as constant of human history, 63

trust, 3–4, 29, 45

avoiding judgmental attitudes in, 93, 112

betrayal of, see betrayal

cold calling and, 176, 179

as deep bond, 246

desperation as enemy of, 225

fear and, 216, 233

50 percent rule and, 28, 45

generosity in, 93, 113

indiscriminate, 10–11, 13, 55, 63

language of, see language of trust

longevity and, 34

managers and, 171–72, 174

as needing to be earned, 55

noisy mind and, 215–16

predictability and, 11, 12

predictability vs. morality in, 13, 22–23, 71

quiet mind and, 215

rationality and, 12, 13, 78, 115, 140, 171, 215, 226

reasonableness and, 93, 103, 112

reliability and, 120

self-interest and, 56–57, 171

shared religion and, 151–52

six-sign system and, 242–43

suspending one’s ego in, 92–93, 112

tells for, 57, 75, 80, 95–97, 160, 242–43

transfer of (primacy), 85, 87, 112

validating others in, 93, 112

vesting and, 210, 214

“winning,” 186

“trust, but verify” (Doveryai no Proveryai), 3–4, 23, 35, 92, 125, 153

trust at first sight, 71, 84, 91, 103, 116

type-A personalities, 9, 35, 85, 199, 215

unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), see drones

Valentina (Leo’s wife), 64


in building trust, 92, 93, 112, 170

as tell for language of trust, 180

variability, 28, 44

verbosity, as tell for language of trust, 188–89

vesting, 11, 33, 45, 49–81, 116, 174, 243

actions and, 80

in business world, 67, 79

commitment and, 33

in Dreeke’s relationship with Leo, 49, 52

expected longevity of relationships and, 104

families and, 56

mutual benefits of, 33

negative tells for, 56–62, 81

positive tells for, 67–70, 80, 104

self-interest and, 56–57, 79

as tell for language of trust, 182–83

trust and, 210, 214

as ultimate animator in teamwork, 56, 80

verbal and nonverbal communication and, 80

voluntary nature of, 33

victimization, perception of, as tell for emotional instability, 219

Viktor (Leo’s grandson):

Dreeke’s relationship with, 49–50, 66, 78

medical and visa problems of, 41–42, 49–50

volatility, as tell for emotional instability, 220–21

Voss, Chris, 177

vulnerability, 28, 44

war on terror, drones in, 119

weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), 17, 115, 119

Weiner, Jeff, 176

Wellborne, Doug, 118–19

Wire, The (TV show), 15

words, actions vs., 35–37, 149–50, 167

work ethic, 124

workplace, language in, 175–76


creating one’s own, 199, 202, 204, 233, 239

perfect, as illusion, 201

World Trade Center:

9/11 attack on, see September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

1993 bombing of, 5

World War II, Russian deaths in, 19

xenophobia, 209