A Thought in Three Parts was first performed in workshop form as
Three Short Plays in New York in 1976 at the New York Shakespeare Festival/The Public Theater (Joseph Papp, producer). The directors were Wilford Leach (
Summer Evening) and Leonardo Shapiro (
The Youth Hostel), music was composed by William Elliot; the production stage manager was Kitzi Becker and the stage manager was Jason La Padura. The cast was:
Summer Evening
DAVID | John Bottoms |
SARAH | Deborah Rush |
The Youth Hostel
DICK Jeffrey Horowitz | |
HELEN | Karen Ludwig |
JUDY Kathleen Tolan | |
BOB Colin Garrey | |
TOM Ron Van Lieu | |
Mr. Frivolous
MR. FRIVOLOUS | Frederick Neumann |
A Thought in Three Parts was performed in London by the Joint Stock Theatre Group (Max Stafford-Clark, William Gaskill, David Hare, artistic directors) in London on February 28, 1977. It was directed by Max Stafford-Clark; sets were designed by Sue Plummer and lighting was designed by Steven Whitson. The cast was:
Summer Evening
DAVID | Philip Sayer |
SARAH | Robyn Goodman |
The Youth Hostel
DICK Jack Klaff | |
HELEN | Stephanie Fayerman |
JUDY Robyn Goodman | |
BOB | Paul-John Geoffrey |
TOM Philip Sayer | |
Mr. Frivolous
A Thought in Three Parts received its U.S. premiere in May 2007 by Rubber Repertory in Austin, Texas, in a production co-produced by Rubber Rep and Vortex Repertory Company. This production was later performed in Marfa, Texas, in a co-production by Rubber Rep and the Goode Crowley Theater. It was directed by Carlos Treviño, Matt Hislope and Josh Meyer; set design was by Chase Staggs, costumes were designed by Brigette Hutchison, lighting was designed by Steve Shirey and sound was designed by Josh Meyer. The cast was:
Summer Evening
DAVID | Mark Stewart |
SARAH | Adriene Mishler |
The Youth Hostel
DICK Josh Meyer | |
HELEN | Rosaruby Glaberman |
JUDY Kelli Bland | |
BOB | Matt Hislope |
TOM Steven Laing | |
Mr. Frivolous
MR. FRIVOLOUS | David Yeakle |
A pleasant hotel room in a foreign country. David and Sarah, a couple in their late twenties. A bed by the window, a night table next to it. Sarah is in the bathroom, offstage, at the start. David and Sarah often speak very fast, perhaps much faster than people really speak. Sometimes their dialogue is almost overlapping.
DAVID: Well dinner was not so bad, in fact. Sarah certainly enjoyed her fish a great deal, which I must say I did think was quite a bit better than my rabbit, somehow. You know, rabbit’s all right, but actually what with scraping the gravy off with a spoon to try to see the damned thing so that one could try to take out those tiny little bones, I’m not at all sure I wouldn’t have done just as well ordering the duck, frankly. Because one couldn’t call it filling, and now I’m hungry again, and I’d like to go down and get something to eat. You know, my friends at home quite like me. My friends at home really do. I’m known as a nice—as a good chap, actually. They find me appealing. But we’re traveling here.
(Into the bathroom) Sarah? Sarah?—are you feeling at all like some—?—
SARAH (From inside): What?
DAVID:—I was thinking—
SARAH (From inside): Just trying things on—
DAVID:—I just thought that we might go down to the—
SARAH: What?
DAVID:—to the restaurant and—lovely dress, love—the—
SARAH: Well? Don’t you think?—just our chocolates, maybe? Do we really—
DAVID: Well—it might be nice—some sort of a soup, or one of those—
SARAH: Well—I’d rather—my skirt’s ripped—
DAVID: Oh really, darling? I was only thinking that maybe we could get—we could get some toast—
SARAH: Well then why not go down—
SARAH: You probably—
SARAH: You could still—
DAVID: I know, but—
DAVID: You come, too. We could just have some toast and tea and then we could—
SARAH: Well—why not bring something up?
DAVID:—but you don’t feel—
SARAH: What?
DAVID: From there? Do you really—
SARAH : I don’t—
DAVID: All right, I will, but shouldn’t—
SARAH: All right.
DAVID: If you’re sure that you—
SARAH: Fine.
(David exits.)
Actually, I really would like some toast. I’ll tell you frankly I really like toast a lot. I mean, toast with butter, toast and butter with different kinds of eggs: I like toast with fried eggs; I like toast with poached eggs; and buttered toast and scrambled eggs—now that’s really marvelous. Especially with orange juice, orange juice with ice. I like jam also, like all breakfast foods. (Pause) I must say sometimes I rather would like to lie in bed all day and all night and just have tea and toast and jam, if a maid would bring them, I mean. I rather would like to solve little puzzles, and do little drawings, and write little plays to read to myself. And I rather would like to lie there in bed with my feet just quietly touching each other, and if a crumb of toast by chance would happen to fall onto the sheets and find its way down to the bottom of the bed, I wouldn’t mind. I wouldn’t mind occasionally spilling my tea, if it wasn’t too hot, or even spilling a cold drink maybe, you know, just spilling these different drinks in my bed and dropping some toast in my bed as well. Now I know that butter is hard to clean off of one’s sheets, and toast is hard to clean out of one’s bed, and tea and drinks could stain the sheets too, but it might be nice just to have them there, just to have them with me under the sheets. And I think I might like to splash around quite a bit with that mess in my bed, and kick my legs a bit in my bed, and rub my bottom into my bed. And if I needed to pee I would pee in my bed, and my feet would get pretty wet in my bed. (Pause) That’s the way I would like it to be when I could read then too—read all sorts of books and newspapers that I would enjoy. I would keep getting new ones and keep a big basket right near me to throw the old newspapers in and even the old books in. It would need to get dumped out sometimes, and I’d dump it right onto the floor, and then I’d kick it about quite a bit. I would rather enjoy to have a sandwich or two in there too to kick about on the floor, and then have some bits of things on my feet as I climbed back in bed and took out my book and tasted my tea and spilled a bit more in the bed. And in the book I would read about people at a table having tea and toast, with plates and napkins and glass which sparkles and cuts and shines, and the women wearing dresses with red and white jewels, where red and white jewels would be stuck on the clothes.
(David returns with a tray of fruit and other things.)
DAVID: Now darling, I—
SARAH: What?
DAVID:—wasn’t able to get what you—
SARAH: What did you get?
DAVID: These are not what we—
SARAH: Oh—well I really don’t mind. They seem fine.
DAVID: Well, do they, darling? I’d wanted—
SARAH: They’re fine.
SARAH: Yes, they’re—(Silence. They eat. As they eat) Yes I’m quite content, love—
DAVID: I’m glad, my darling—are you happy, with?—
SARAH:—how they find fruit so ripe—
SARAH:—the napkins, and look—
DAVID:—and just always be happy—
SARAH:—these toothpicks—
SARAH:—start sort of flat, and then get round, and then come to a point—
DAVID: Your teeth are so pretty—the way you bite those things—
SARAH: Do you like my teeth, love?—These saucers—I wish we—
SARAH: Wait, though! You still haven’t seen my—
(She goes into the bathroom and shuts the door.)
DAVID: Quietly I watch her dress, undress. Incredible, incredible, she has no idea the trembling in my heart as I lie in bed and watch her clothing, falling to the floor, softly to the chair.
(Sarah enters in a new dress.)
My God—did you get this dress—today? Your breasts—
SARAH: I—yes—
SARAH: I was thinking—
DAVID:—that color—
SARAH:—this top with the very same dress—it seems almost too thin, but I like the sleeves—
DAVID:—lie down for a bit?—
(They lie down on the bed. Silence.)
You know, there was dancing downstairs—I was really amazed—
SARAH: There was?
DAVID:—the way they—
SARAH: Now darling—
DAVID: Don’t you find it amazing?
DAVID:—the way their elbows—those angles—
SARAH: Yes?—
DAVID: And I love that strange music—
DAVID:—that sort of drunken, that crippled—step—
DAVID: Oh my love—
SARAH: Am I your love, darling?
DAVID: Oh yes, my love. My love. My love. What? Do you loathe me?
DAVID: But you’re feeling—?—
SARAH: What?
DAVID:—in some—way—?—
SARAH: Why? What? Am I—?—
DAVID: No, but you—
SARAH: What?
DAVID: Would you like that other pear, my love?
(She doesn’t reply. He doesn’t move.)
No? Well then, darling, I think I’ll read. (Pause) But you’re feeling quite happy?
SARAH: Thank you.
DAVID: You just enjoy thinking? Well, I’ll just read quietly, and you can think.
SARAH: I’m—(Pause)
DAVID: Thinking tragic thoughts, darling?—
SARAH: I’m not thinking, actually.
DAVID: No—well I didn’t—
SARAH: I’m not thinking, actually.
DAVID: I didn’t—
SARAH: What?
DAVID:—that you had to be thinking—
SARAH: Well no. Yes. But I wonder if you do mind terribly my looking out the window? Does it stop you from reading?
DAVID: Not at all, my love—I was only hoping your thoughts weren’t tragic—
DAVID: And now I’m glad that they aren’t, my love. (Silence) Yes, it’s amazing how inexpensive the fruit was, in fact, and I really thought it was awfully good.—Didn’t you?
DAVID: This hotel isn’t bad—
SARAH: It—no—
DAVID: And the other one really wasn’t much less expensive.
SARAH: Well no—not really.
DAVID: You mean, you think it was actually quite a bit less expensive, in fact?
SARAH: Well no, I meant you were right, it wasn’t much less expensive at all, actually.
(She gets up from the bed.)
DAVID: Well that’s what—yes—
(She goes into the bathroom and shuts the door.)
Help me. Help me. I want to be hugged. I want to be bound up. I want to be kissed. Stay with me. Stay with me. Don’t stop me. I love you. I—
(She enters in a new dress.)
SARAH: This one I got—
DAVID:—that’s marvelous, actually—
SARAH:—inexpensively, and—
DAVID: Very nice indeed—
SARAH:—incredibly cheap—yes I will have that pear—do you want—
DAVID: No, no—your legs—so lovely, my darling, so perfect—
SARAH: Oo—just delicious—so sweet—
DAVID:—take the tray out into the hall, I think—I’m afraid of the bugs—
SARAH: It’s strange, there’s nothing, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t do for pleasure. I’d stick a hot poker up my ass if I thought I would like it.
DAVID: I love you. I love you.
SARAH:—look cute in that funny-looking shirt, my love—(She turns up her collar)—do you like it like this?
DAVID: Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes. It’s appealing.
SARAH: Oh, do you find me appealing?
DAVID: I find you—
SARAH: Thank you—
DAVID:—maybe with a scarf?—(Silence. He sits in a chair) There are so many sounds out there, aren’t there?—things in the trees—and that constant bang—
SARAH:—a festival there by the sea, my love—
DAVID:—a what?—
SARAH:—they’re dancing and singing and selling those—
SARAH:—those things that they make—with straw, those paper—
DAVID: You mean those hats?—
SARAH: Oh, they’re from a different—
DAVID: Oh, are they?
SARAH: These are—
DAVID: I thought they—
SARAH: These are those things made of twigs, the faces—
DAVID: Oh God, those prune-faced—
SARAH: They’ve got all the fruit out too—a regular market—oh, darling, we—
DAVID: I was wondering—
SARAH: Do you like it better buttoned to the top?
DAVID: Let me see it without the—
SARAH: Like this?
DAVID: That’s nice. I like it.
SARAH: Or this?
DAVID: So nice. (Silence) Do you want to lie down?
SARAH: Why not?
DAVID: Then let’s.
(They lie down on the bed. She takes a box of chocolates from the night table.)
SARAH. A chocolate?
DAVID: No thank you.
SARAH: Pardon me. I will. (She eats one, then puts them away) I’ll just read slightly.
DAVID: Oh, read? Read. That’s good. That’s good.
(Silence. They read. She slams her book shut.)
Oh, what’s wrong, darling?
SARAH: I’m sorry.
DAVID: No, love. No no. That’s fine. I’m happy reading here.
SARAH: Well I’m not so happy. I don’t like this book. I hate it. I’m sorry.
DAVID:—don’t like it?—
SARAH:—not funny, it’s dirty—I hate it.
DAVID: I’m sorry.
SARAH: Well it’s not your fault—
DAVID: Well it is, I’m sure.
SARAH: Well I really don’t think so—
DAVID: I think—
SARAH: What?
DAVID: No—you know—well—I feel—would you like to play cards?
DAVID: A short game?—
SARAH: No thank you—
DAVID: I’m only—
SARAH: I’m quite—
DAVID: I’m just trying to think now—I’m trying—
SARAH: I’m very, very sorry.
DAVID: No, I’m sorry—I’m just trying to think—are there any other sorts of games with the cards that we haven’t ever tried—
SARAH: I’m very, very sorry.
DAVID: Well don’t—
SARAH: What?
DAVID: I’m only—
SARAH: You what?
DAVID:—feel perhaps we might just try to sleep?
SARAH: I’m not tired. I’m not tired. I’m not tired.
DAVID: Well—you mean—
SARAH: I can’t sleep now.
DAVID: Well, I thought you looked sleepy—but do you mean you can’t sleep because you’re afraid of the—?—
SARAH: What? No! Do you mean those bugs?
DAVID: No—no—I just meant that I really wouldn’t think that those bugs are actually really a danger—they’re only—
SARAH: Oh no? Well all right, then—you’re apparently an expert in—
DAVID: I’m not saying that, but I think that we probably might have been warned if—it’s not awfully likely that we were the only ones ever to see—you’re not sleepy at all? Well, that could be because of course you did take—
SARAH: But you sleep. I just can’t. I’m sorry. I’m hot. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
DAVID: Yes. Yes, I was afraid that maybe if you did take a nap this afternoon—
SARAH: You what?
DAVID: Well, you know, often a nap—
SARAH: The what?—can’t you sleep? I’m all right. I’m—
DAVID: And you don’t want to read?
SARAH: Because I just like to sit here and watch all the people, actually.
DAVID: Well yes, but that’s fine, and I mean we could both make a trip down there right now and come back. And I’d really rather like—
SARAH: Well, in fact, you see, I could take a quick trip down there by myself—
DAVID: But then why don’t we go? I’ll just change my shirt—(He gets up from the bed and starts to change) And I know you won’t mind if it rains, my love—
DAVID: And if our shoes do get wet, then we still have those—
SARAH: David—
DAVID:—those sandals—
DAVID: Yes, I have been wondering whether actually we should have stayed here. You know? Really? It is so expensive , and you’re right that the heat in these rooms—
SARAH: Well, but how could you know that you wouldn’t in fact have got something worse at the other one, actually?
DAVID: Well—
SARAH: I mean at least here the bathroom—
DAVID:—the bathroom is great—I mean, better than—
SARAH:—Yes, well I think it’s nice—
DAVID: Well, I’m ready. All right?
SARAH: David—
DAVID: What?
SARAH: I can’t. Please. Really. Please. No please don’t touch me. Please. No. Really. Don’t.
DAVID: Yes. Well. Fine. You see, I actually had thought, in some way—
(Silence. He returns to the bed.)
SARAH: Yes. Well I guess you’re right. We paid a great deal—
DAVID: We what?
SARAH: We paid a great deal, we really paid a great deal for this room, which I’d call a pretty ugly little room, I should say—
DAVID: You don’t find it attractive?
SARAH: No I wouldn’t say I do.
DAVID: Well—it may not be.
SARAH: Well—it isn’t.
DAVID: Well—it might not be. Though I rather like it. You see, I rather like it, myself, in fact.
SARAH: Oh, really? Well I rather hate it, myself, you see—
SARAH: Because I don’t really like our little lamp very much, and I don’t really like our little table very much. And I rather think that that rug there is ugly. And I rather think that that other rug is ugly. And I rather think that that other rug is ugly. And I rather think that that other rug is ugly. And I rather think that that other rug is ugly. And I wonder—do you like these blankets, David?
DAVID: Well—yes I do, actually.
SARAH: Well I don’t think I like them, you see. I mean this design is all right—but the way they feel—
DAVID:—the material, you find?—
SARAH: I don’t really like this material—no—
DAVID: You find it unpleasant, or somehow—?—
SARAH: Yes, it’s—oh my God, this picture just came into my mind, I thought of you strangling me—
DAVID: Yes? Some sort of a fantasy?
SARAH: I’ve actually never imagined the feeling of choking. One might get quite queasy—
DAVID: Well—
DAVID: Yes, they say that you—
SARAH: But why not hug me, David? You know how to hug me, don’t you?—
DAVID: Would you like to put your head on my chest?
SARAH: Just—there—
DAVID: Quite pleasant—but are some of your bones—?—er—
SARAH: No—not really—
DAVID: I feel that your head—
SARAH: No—no, don’t move it. That’s fine. (Silence) Am I stopping you from reading now, David? Am I?
DAVID: No. Not really. No, I wouldn’t say so.
SARAH: Good. I’m only trying to lie here, darling. Not to harm you. Not to destroy you.
DAVID: Good. Good.
SARAH:—don’t want to destroy you. Will you kill me, David?
DAVID: No, my love. No, my sweet. You know I won’t kill you. I’ll always protect you. Just always protect you.
SARAH: I mean, these feelings—these feelings—of love and love and love and love—
DAVID: Do you love me, my darling?
SARAH: Well, do you know what feelings of love really actually are? Do you know what love means?
DAVID: Well—
SARAH: Or are you actually only a little piece of shit who’s learned how to talk about feelings?
DAVID: I don’t think that I—
SARAH: How can you tell?
DAVID: Well I can’t be sure—
SARAH: Do you know what love means?
DAVID: You know, I can’t be sure—
SARAH: You can’t what?
DAVID:—that I know—
SARAH: You can’t?
DAVID: What? Do you want me to lie? Is that what you want?
SARAH: Well I think that I do.
DAVID: Well then, certainly, yes, I definitely know.
SARAH: Well that’s fine then. You know what it means.
DAVID: I certainly do.
SARAH: Well I wish that I did.
DAVID: I’m sorry.
SARAH: I wish that I did.
DAVID: I’m very sorry.
SARAH: Can you tell me something about it?
DAVID: Sure. Of course. It’s quite like hatred—
DAVID: An intense focus on the other person.
SARAH: Thanks. That’s helpful. I think that you’re really on to it there.
DAVID: Thank you. Really.
SARAH: I once put a silver coin on my tongue. Do you know? I dried up, then I was dripping with sweat. My lips were stiff—yes, the coin was an eye. I was watching the ocean. The water was black. I was barefoot. The sun stood by me, it was tiny, it was white, it was burning the water. The water was twisting in pain. It was crying.
DAVID: And you felt—a sticky feeling?
DAVID: A drippy feeling?
DAVID: Now here’s what I picture. There’s a big spotted field, and you’re lying there dead. It’s night, there are stars, there are clouds, and they’re racing in the sky, and I’m dragging your body by the feet, dirty feet. Your head gets bloody. I’m running fast. At the end there’s a stream, and I lay you down into it and wash you. I stretch you out under a tree, on the grass. I try to kiss you, but you’re dry and sour. Maybe I’ll burn you.
SARAH: David?
SARAH: Will you leave me tonight, darling?
DAVID: Tonight? What? Will I leave you tonight? Here’s a book I don’t feel like reading. Here’s one I don’t feel like. Here’s one I don’t think that I—God, do you hear those sounds? They never get tired.
DAVID: But we’re always tired. Aren’t we, Sarah?
SARAH: Oh no. I don’t think so.
(She touches him. Pause.)
DAVID: Maybe tomorrow we should buy that dress—the white one with the flowers? (Pause)
DAVID: But don’t you like it?
SARAH: Oh, I do, yes—
DAVID: I loved those red flowers with those very pale leaves—
(He kisses her. She turns a switch on the night table, and the lights of the room go out. Light still comes in from outside. They touch.)
SARAH: Oh my God, yes.
Two sparsely furnished rooms, not connected, dimly lit, with no windows. Room 1, stage left; Room 2, stage right. Room 1, Dick sitting on the bed, thinking. Room 2, empty. Sounds of birds outside. Long silence before Dick speaks.
DICK: Well—seem to be alone here. Nobody else in. Birds singin’ outside. Nothin’ much to do—just sit around I guess.
(Pause. Room 2, Judy enters. She turns down the bed, neatens the room, as the scene in Room 1 progresses.)
Fun to play with toys, but don’t got none. (Helen enters Room 1) What? Oh hi, Helen.
HELEN: Hi, Dick.
DICK: Aren’t you out with the others?
HELEN: Nope. Guess not. (Pause) I guess I’m just different—like you, Dick.
DICK: Yeah, I guess so, Helen. (Pause)
HELEN: Mind if I sit down? I’m feelin’ a bit ill.
DICK: Why not. Go ahead. (She sits down)
HELEN: Yeah. My stomach’s been gettin’ to me. Makin’ me sick. I hate bein’ sick—y’know?
DICK: Yeah.
HELEN: Can you guess what I was doing just before I came in here, Dick?
DICK: No. What?
HELEN: I was doing fuckin’ nothing.
DICK: Yeah. That’s too bad. (Pause) I hope you’re in a good mood now, though, Helen.
HELEN: Well I hope you are, Dick.
DICK: Well, I might be.
HELEN: You stupid asshole.
DICK: Yeah.
HELEN: You stupid asshole.
(Room 2. A knock at the door.)
JUDY: Yes—who is it?
BOB (Outside): Well—It’s me—Bob—
JUDY: Oh—(Pause)—Hi, Bob!
BOB (Outside): May I come in?
JUDY: Oh—(Pause)—sure! (Bob enters) Gee, Bob—you look all upset. (Pause) What’s wrong?
BOB: I don’t know, Judy. I guess I just can’t sleep.
JUDY: Can’t sleep? Gosh—why, Bob? Are you—too upset?
BOB: No—not exactly. I can’t quite explain.
JUDY: You can’t? (Pause)
BOB: You see—I’m too nervous to sleep. I’m just too disturbed—
JUDY: Gosh, Bob—
BOB: Can I sit down at least?
JUDY: Of course—I didn’t mean—(He sits down)
BOB: You see, I’ve never had a girlfriend, Judy, and—(Pause)
JUDY: I see—you’re afraid you just don’t know how to talk to girls.
BOB: Yes.
JUDY: Well—(Pause)—I think you’re doing just fine right now . . .
BOB: Gee—thanks, Judy. You’re the kind of girl a fella might really like to talk to. Really.
JUDY: Well, thank you, Bob.
BOB: No—I mean it.
JUDY: That’s nice, Bob. I really appreciate it.
BOB: Judy—Judy—you know how bad I’d like to touch you.
JUDY: Oh now, Bob—don’t frighten me like that.
BOB: No, I don’t mean to frighten you. But I want so bad just only to look at you—
JUDY: Only to look, Bob?
BOB: I want to see your breasts, Judy.
JUDY: What—you mean—naked, Bob?
BOB: Yes, Judy. I need to. Really. I won’t touch you. I promise. I promise. But I just can’t sleep. I can’t leave this room. I won’t look hard, Judy. But just to look.
JUDY: Bob—I don’t know you—
BOB: You have to, Judy. I just can’t leave.
(She sits silently for a long while on her bed. Then she takes off her shirt.)
Thank you, Judy.
JUDY: Will you leave now, Bob?
BOB: No—I need more, Judy. Your pants too.
JUDY: Oh Bob—please—
BOB: No—I really need it, Judy. I have to see it.
(She slowly takes off her pants. Nude, she sits on the bed so that he can see her genitals. She looks sad. He looks at her carefully from his chair.)
Thank you, Judy. Should I touch it?
JUDY: No, Bob.
(He stands. Stripping, he approaches her. Then he slowly penetrates her and makes love to her until he comes.)
BOB: It’s not enough, Judy.
JUDY: No. (He goes back to his chair)
BOB: I expected more.
JUDY: I know.
BOB: Why do you hate me?
JUDY: I don’t hate you, Bob.
BOB: I want more.
JUDY: Bob, really—
BOB: Let’s get married, Judy.
JUDY: No, Bob. Put on your pants. You’ll catch cold.
BOB: Thanks, Judy. (He picks up his pants, but doesn’t put them on) I hate you. But I love you, Judy.
JUDY: I know, Bob. I’m very cold. I’m going to get dressed. (She puts on her shirt)
BOB: Thank you, Judy.
JUDY: Let’s try to stop now.
BOB: I know, Judy.
JUDY: I’d rather go to bed now. I’d like to sleep.
BOB: I know, Judy.
JUDY: Don’t you want to leave now, Bob?
BOB: No, not really—I’ll just stay here. I think we’ll fall asleep soon.
JUDY: I know, Bob—but don’t you think you should leave? I’d like to masturbate.
BOB: I’ll watch you, Judy.
JUDY: No, Bob, I could never do it then.
BOB: Get onto the side of the bed, and I’ll get on this side, and we’ll both do it, and we won’t see each other.
JUDY: All right, Bob. We’ll see who comes first.
BOB: I’m sure you will, Judy.
(They go to opposite sides of the bed and both masturbate. She comes first.)
JUDY: That was wonderful. Are you coming, Bob?
BOB: Not yet—now shut up.
JUDY: All right, Bob. I feel terrific—really exhilarated. Gee whiz. Oh come on, Bob—you sure are slow.
BOB: Oh—oh—that helped me! (He comes) Get me some tissues, Judy. I feel like a fool.
JUDY: All right, Bob. Here. Ugh—what a mess.
BOB: Gee thanks, Judy. Give me a kiss. Here—right here. (He points to his cheek. She kisses it) Thanks, Judy. I guess I’d better go. I hate myself—but I’d like to sleep somewhere else.
JUDY: That’s fine, Bob. I’m going to jerk off some more. So get your ass out.
BOB: Don’t be vulgar, Judy.
JUDY: I’m not, Bob. I just love to jerk off.
(Bob leaves. She lies on the bed and masturbates.)
I really love this. It turns me on. There! Ah! Mmm . . .
(Long silence. She lies in bed, but doesn’t sleep. In Room 1, Helen is wandering around the room. Dick is sitting in a chair.)
HELEN (Playing with flowers): I like flowers.
DICK: Yeah?
HELEN: They’re really attractive.
DICK: Are they?
HELEN: Yeah. I sometimes feel they’re really great.
DICK: Yeah.
HELEN: Why don’t we get a few more? Really decorate the place.
DICK: Yeah. Why not?
HELEN: I feel so lonely, Dick. Would you like to hug me for a minute?
DICK: Well I really don’t want to, Helen.
DICK: Fuckin’ sorry, but I’m feelin’ sort of sick.
HELEN: Yeah. I’ll fuckin’ hug myself.
(She climbs onto the bed, gets under the covers, and throws her pants out onto the floor. She touches herself under the covers.)
DICK: You really make me sick, Helen. You really do. I really hate you.
HELEN: Really, Dick?
DICK: You’re not the kind of person I like now, Helen.
HELEN: Oh, aren’t I, Dick?
DICK: No. You really aren’t.
HELEN: Well what sort of person do you like now then, Dickie? Why don’t you tell me? I’m really interested.
DICK: Well, people more like Joan, Helen—or people like Alice.
HELEN: Alice? Really? Is she the one you like, Dick? I’ll bet she is.
DICK: Well—I do like her, Helen.
HELEN: Yeah—she’s really your type. She’s really your type, Dick.
DICK: You dripping cunt—will you leave me alone?
HELEN: She’s really your type, Dick. Just the type you wet your pants for. Should I tell you all about her, Dickie?
HELEN: I’ll just tell you a few things. I think you’ll find them fascinating.
DICK: Go eat yourself, Helen.
HELEN: To start with, sweetheart, her asshole is covered with shit. She’s never used toilet paper in her fuckin’ life. She’s got dirt on her arms up to her elbows. And she’s a fuckin’ liar, and she stole my razor blades twice in a row, and then she fuckin’ hid them.—Do you want to hear more of this?
DICK: Go on—why not? What the hell do I care?
HELEN: She eats shit in her room. Wendy watched her. It’s not even secret. She’ll never do it for me because she knows I hate her, but she does it in front of everybody, all the time. She hasn’t shaved her body once since the day she was born, so she looks like a big hairy tree, with big black roots running into the ground. I once tripped her up and stripped off her shirt just to look at her. She looked like a dirty, filthy pig. I pulled down her underwear to look at her crotch, and I was almost sick. It was like a stinking forest growing in all directions. I wanted to look, but she tried to stop me. She stuck her fist in my eye. She almost blinded me. She could have killed me. I tried to smash her head on the ground, but she hit me in the nose, and I was bleeding all over.
DICK: That’s great, Helen.
HELEN: Why do you like her so much? Why? Why? Why don’t you tell me?
DICK: I don’t know. I think she’s a decent person. She seems like a good person, like a good person. She’s a person, a decent—a person, a person, a decent—I like her. I don’t see why you don’t like her.
HELEN: Have you ever eaten a meal with her?
DICK: A thousand times. I’ve always liked it. She’s a pleasant companion.
HELEN: Did you watch her eat?
DICK: What do you mean did I watch her eat?
HELEN: I mean, did you watch her eat?
DICK: But what do you mean did I watch her eat? What do you mean did I watch her eat?
HELEN: I mean, did you watch her eat?
DICK: I don’t know what you mean.
HELEN: I mean, did you watch her eat, Dick? Did you watch her eat?
DICK: I don’t know what you want me to say. I don’t know what you want. I don’t know what you want. You want me to say things, Helen. What do you want? I don’t get it. I don’t get it.
HELEN: I said, did you ever watch her when she eats? She doesn’t eat the way I think you mean I think I think, Dick. Now stop me.
DICK: I’ll stop you, Helen, and I really mean it, so you better listen. Now, Alice is my friend. A fine person. I want to know her. I do not want to discuss these things, to fight, to argue. We’re talking here about my friend Alice, and if you don’t like her you can go and drown yourself in shit for all I care, but I don’t want to hear these insults and lies. I want the truth.
HELEN: Oh do you, Dickie? You want the truth?
DICK: Yes.
HELEN: You want the truth? Well here it is—your great friend Alice is hated by everyone, including me, and she knows it. Consequently she’s taking revenge by making herself disgusting to everybody, and she’s leading you off to be a friend of hers so she can make you just like her. She’ll catch you off your guard, and you’ll be eating shit, too, Dickie—just like Alice.
DICK: Well well.
HELEN: Yes—that’s the truth, baby Dickie. So like it, honey. I hope you like it. (Pause)
DICK: You really get to me, Helen. You really do.
(Long pause. In Room 2, Judy gets out of bed, puts on a skirt, and sits in a chair.)
HELEN: I wish I were dead.
DICK: Is that right? Why is that, Helen?
HELEN: Go fuck yourself, Dick.
DICK: Gee thanks, Helen.
HELEN: “Gee thanks, Helen.” You really are an asshole, Dickie.
DICK: Yeah, thanks. Thanks a lot, sweetheart. Why don’t you leave me alone?
HELEN: Well why the hell should I?
DICK: Because I want you to. I’m sick of you.
HELEN: Really? Really? (She lifts up the bed covers) Are you sick of this?
DICK: Oh come on, Helen.
HELEN: Come on, Dick. Just finger me, Dickie.
DICK: Why the hell should I?
HELEN: Well why don’t you, Dick? Please? Please?
DICK: You’re just sitting there, Helen! (He goes to the bed and fingers her) I’ll feel your asshole too.
HELEN: Oh God.
DICK: Is that okay?
HELEN: Okay! Okay! Oh! (She comes. Pause)
DICK: Yeah—well—look what you’ve done to my fingers. God!
HELEN: Well—so what?
DICK: Yeah—so what for you. (Wiping his fingers) You’ve fuckin’ wrecked my whole fuckin’ day, Goddamn fuckin’ shit—
HELEN: Yeah—well—thanks, Dick.
DICK: Yeah—thanks for nothing. Get out of here.
HELEN: Yeah, okay, Dickie. See you around.
DICK: Yeah. So long, Helen.
HELEN: So long, Dick. (She exits)
DICK: Yeah. Well. I’m sick to death of these pushy people. What’s the point? Do I need that? I’m going to lie right down here and jerk myself off, and if anybody tries to stop me it’s their tough luck. That’s my fuckin’ point of view.
(He lies down and begins to masturbate. Judy leaves Room 2 and enters Room 1.)
JUDY: Oh, hi, Dick! Are you jerking off?
DICK: Well—I was. I’m gonna go nuts!
JUDY: But what’s the matter? Don’t you feel like talking? I thought you’d be lonely.
DICK: Oh Judy—I’ve been trying to be by myself for hours. Helen’s been in here giving me a hard time.
JUDY: Oh—really? Here—let me do it. (She starts to jerk him off)
DICK: No—really—Judy—you really don’t need to.
JUDY: I want to—honestly, Dickie.
DICK: I know, Judy, but—
JUDY: You don’t want me to? Do you want to have me?
DICK: No—I only—
JUDY (Pulling up her skirt): Look—here—here—let me get right on you. Oh—oh—you see?—wowee—(She sits on him, and they make love) Oh, boy—this is really enjoyable! Yes! Yes!
(She comes, then he immediately comes.)
Oh, gee—
DICK: Yeah—I have to admit that felt awfully good, Judy. I’m glad you did it to me.
JUDY: Thanks, Dick.
DICK: You’ve really got a good, sticky hole. It’s really a good one.
JUDY: I like you too, Dick.
DICK: But why aren’t you out with the others, though, Judy?
JUDY: ’Cause I’m in here fuckin’ you, Dick. Now, you know that.
DICK: No, but I mean—
JUDY: No but I mean I came here on purpose to fuck you.
DICK: What? You did? But why, Judy? Do you like me that much?
JUDY: Well—do you really want to know how much?
DICK: Well—how much, Judy?
JUDY: I love you, Dickie!
DICK: Really? You do? But what do you mean?
JUDY: From the first time I saw you. You looked really special to me. Different! Really!
DICK: Why, Judy! I’m amazed!—Of course I always liked you too, Judy—in those cute little shorts—you could almost see your vagina—and those downy hairs on your thighs—
JUDY: I knew you loved those shorts, Dick. I only wore them’cause I knew you loved them.
DICK: God—and to think I didn’t know—never even thought you felt anything about me. And here we are! Gosh—isn’t it great?
JUDY: Yeah—it really is. Oh God—let’s do it some more.
(They make love again and both come. They lie quietly. Long silence.)
DICK: Judy?
JUDY: Yes?
DICK: You have a beautiful body. I’ve never see tits like that—they’re so small and petite.
JUDY: I know, Dick.
DICK: I just love everything about you.
It’s dark in here.
JUDY: Yeah.
DICK: You know, there used to be a bear that lived over there. You see?—that spot was some of his urine.
JUDY: Gee, Dick—
DICK: You see, there was a forest over there, and a big red house . . .
JUDY: Gosh, Dick—
DICK: But you’d better go away now, Judy, though, really. (Pause) I’m beginning to get that feeling—you know?
JUDY: What do you mean, Dick? What feeling?
DICK: I’m beginning to wonder what I like about you, Judy. I’m beginning to feel a bit strange—and I don’t think I want you here anymore—I’m beginning to wonder if you’re too thin for me, Judy.
JUDY: Dick—I don’t understand—
DICK: No—I really mean it, Judy. You’re too thin—your ass—please, Judy, please go before I get you now! I’d have to get you, Judy—so get out now!
JUDY: All right! All right!
DICK: You’d better go! You’d better hurry up! Get out! Get out! Now! Now! (Judy exits, leaving her skirt behind) I’m mortified. I kicked her out as if she were a dog. But what could I do? I hated her! She’s too thin! She’s just not healthy! When I saw that ass, like a pushed-in face—No! No! I really could have killed her! My God! My God! And she was so good-looking—that wonderful vagina, those breasts—so tiny! I loved them so much! But I felt too angry. (Pause) It’s all so hard—it’s so difficult . . . (Pause) Oh God—God—tired’s not the word. I need such a rest. A rest, quiet. Lots of swimming. (He masturbates, making sounds. He comes, with more sounds) Ah—that was great. Good orgasm! God—I really needed it. (Pause) Wow. Good. Now I’ll sleep . . .
(He sleeps. Judy enters, looking for her skirt.)
JUDY: I’m sorry, I left my—Hey, he’s asleep! (Pause) God, he doesn’t look so frightening now! Hi, sleepyhead—where’d you put my skirt?
(Helen enters in a skirt and top.)
HELEN: Oh—hello there, Judy.
JUDY: Well—well well well! Hi, Helen!
HELEN: Hi, Judy.
JUDY: Have you come to see Dick? He seems a bit grumpy.
HELEN: I think he’s sleeping, Judy.
JUDY: Yeah—well—you know what I mean. (Pause)
HELEN: Yes, I’ve been feeling a bit bored, you know, lately, Judy—
JUDY: Uh-huh—
HELEN: And I thought I might visit a little penis he has, you know?
JUDY: Oh—really? Why not visit mine, Helen?
HELEN: That’s very funny, Judy. (She lifts Dick’s blanket and puts her head under it) Let’s see who’s here. Hello? Hello? Does he have one in here, somewhere, d’you think? I can’t seem to find it. (Judy lifts up Helen’s skirt and puts her head under it. Helen shrieks) Oh God, that tickles!
(Helen pulls away, laughing. Judy follows her, laughing wildly. Helen climbs onto the bed to escape. Judy climbs on also. Both are laughing wildly. Dick wakes up with a start.)
DICK: Hey! What!? What the—
JUDY: Hi there, Dick! Just grabbing a little bite here—
(She rips Helen’s skirt off and starts to kiss her genitals. At first Helen fights her, laughing wildly, but then she relents. Dick watches them.)
DICK: Hey—how’s she doing there, Helen?
HELEN: Well I’m not too sure. (Pause) She’s really a pig. Ow—come on now, Judy!
DICK: Is she really that bad?
HELEN: Oh really, Judy! Really! Really!
JUDY (She looks up): What’s wrong, you shit?
DICK: You cunts. How disgusting.
HELEN: You made him grow a penis there, Judy. See?
JUDY: Hey, I think I like that. (She starts to suck Dick’s penis)
DICK: Hey! (He starts to laugh loudly)
HELEN: You like that, huh, Dick.
DICK: She’s not bad at this, Helen!
(Dick is laughing wildly. Helen is looking for something.)
HELEN: Where is that fuckin’ thing?
(Helen finds a dildo and begins to masturbate with it on the bed, while Dick continues to laugh. Finally he comes. Helen continues masturbating.)
DICK: Not bad, Judy.
JUDY: Hey, look what she’s doing.
DICK: Hm . . . Rather delightful.
JUDY: Thinks she’s pretty clever, I can certainly see that. (Helen comes) Can I borrow it, Helen?
HELEN: Go fuck yourself, Judy.
JUDY: Why not? (Helen begins to masturbate again with the dildo) Oh come on, Helen. Why not? (Helen ignores her) Why not?
HELEN: It’s really something—
(Judy rushes at Helen, as if to grab the dildo, but Dick pushes her away.)
DICK: Get out of here, Judy. Come on, get out.
JUDY (She yells at them): You repulsive shits!
(She goes out, slamming the door. Helen masturbates more and more vigorously. Dick gets out of bed, goes to a big box, takes some food out of it, and eats it. Bob enters.)
DICK: Hey—hi there, Bob.
BOB: Hi, Dick—my God—what she’s doing!—
DICK: You like that, Bob?
BOB: You’re naked, Helen—I can see your—(Pause)
DICK: Do you like that, Bob old man?
BOB: Oh God, gee—I can hardly stand this, Dick. I can really see in there. Every part of her vagina. What she’s doing—what she’s doing—
(Helen comes, she lies exhausted for a moment, puts down the dildo.)
HELEN: Oh. God. Well hi there, Bob.
BOB: Hi, Helen.
HELEN: Hi. Hi hi.
DICK: Well go ahead, Bob. You want to jerk off, you just go ahead. We won’t stop you. (He returns to the bed)
HELEN: He wants to jerk off?
DICK: Well, don’t you, Bob?
HELEN (To Bob): Yeah, we can’t stop you. (Pause)
BOB: Really? Really? You mean you want to see it?
DICK: If you want to show it.
BOB (He takes out his penis): See? Look.
DICK: It seems all right.
HELEN: Yeah. It looks like a penis.
(Bob is sitting on the bed with Helen and Dick. He masturbates. Helen and Dick watch.)
BOB (Masturbating faster and faster): I’m coming soon!
DICK: Oh boy—
HELEN: Oh—God—
BOB: Oh! (He comes, shooting sperm toward Helen and Dick)
DICK: Whoops—catch!—yuck. (Helen is laughing hysterically)
HELEN (To Bob, laughing): You’re such an asshole!
BOB: Oh wow—that was good—
HELEN: Yuck! Yuck! What an asshole!
BOB: Well—why not? Can you equal me, Dick?
DICK: Can I what? What?
BOB: Well—can you?
HELEN: Yeah, Dick. Let’s have a little contest. Let’s see how you do. (Pointing to either side of her) Now you should be right there, and you should be right there. And now here’s my pretty little belly, and on the next step up are my nice little tits, and all the way up is my cute little neck. Now aim this way, and let’s see who gets higher.
DICK: Oh come on, Helen.
BOB: Yeah, let’s see it, Dick.
DICK: Are you really serious?
HELEN: Come on, Dick! Stop wasting our time.
DICK: Well come on, Helen! I don’t think I’m in the mood.
HELEN: I hate him! I hate him! All right, I’ll start you. (She kisses him until he starts to laugh)
DICK: Okay! Okay!
HELEN: I really hate you, Dick. (Bob and Dick both start to masturbate) All right then, come on, boys. Let’s see a little speed. Let’s go. Let’s go!
BOB: I’m closer—oh God—
(Bob comes. Then Dick comes. Silence. Then Helen speaks.)
HELEN: Boy, I’m feeling pretty wet up there, Bob. I’m really soaked.
DICK: Well I thought mine was higher.
HELEN: Oh come off it, Dick.
DICK: Well—wasn’t it, Bob?
BOB: Well you did pretty well there, Dick, but I thought mine was up to her face.
DICK: You what?
BOB: Think I’ll try it again.
HELEN: Could you aim for my mouth?
BOB: Well there’s no harm trying. (He starts to masturbate)
HELEN: Well come on then, Dick.
DICK: Will you leave me alone?
HELEN: Come on, Dickie! Don’t wreck everything! Come on! Come on! (She touches his penis)
BOB: No fair! Damn it!
HELEN (To Bob): You shut up and keep working. (After a while, to Dick) You’re getting no place, Dick. You’re just pathetic. (She removes her hand)
DICK: You’re a shithead, Helen. (Helen starts to masturbate with the dildo. Dick watches her for a long while. Then he speaks) I said you’re a shithead.
(He grabs the dildo and throws it across the room. She tries to run to get it, and he grabs her and wrestles her down to the floor and starts hitting her. Grunts and cries. Judy enters. Bob keeps masturbating.)
JUDY: Hi there, Bob.
BOB: Hi, Judy. I’m just doing this.
JUDY: I can see that, Bob. (She looks at Helen and Dick) Those disgusting farts. (To Helen) I’m taking your little thing, you disgusting vomits.
(She picks up the dildo and licks it. Dick and Helen stop fighting for a moment to look at her, and Helen rushes at her, pulling her to the floor by her hair and hitting her. Dick tries to pull Helen off, and all fight violently. Judy is screaming. She still holds the dildo. Then Bob comes, dripping sperm over the other three, and they stop fighting and separate. Silence for a moment.)
HELEN: Oh, wow—
DICK: God, thanks a lot there, Bob.
(Judy is sitting at some distance on the floor from the others. She begins to masturbate with the dildo, more and more vigorously.)
BOB: Gosh, what a wonderful feeling. I love the way it feels right here, just right at the edge. (Pointing to the head of his penis)
HELEN: Hey, my hand is bleeding.
(Judy finally comes, then drops the dildo on the floor.)
BOB: God, it’s freezing in here. I hope we don’t catch cold!
(Judy exits. Suddenly all feel cold. Bob sneezes loudly, takes a blanket and wraps himself up. Judy enters Room 2 and lies down on the bed. She masturbates with difficulty, manually and with her pillow. Bob leans against a wall of Room 1 and shuts his eyes. Dick washes himself with some water in a corner of the room and finally lies down on the bed. Helen wraps herself in a blanket and gets some food from the big box. She eats it, huddled to the wall. All are shivering. Judy continues to masturbate in Room 2.)
JUDY: It’s so unfair. Just so unfair.
(Judy comes, and then sleeps. Long silence. In Room 1, Bob and Dick fall asleep. A long, long silence. Then Tom enters Room 2. He switches on a rather bright light and kisses Judy.)
TOM: Hi, darling.
JUDY: Hi, Tom. (Waking up)
TOM: How’s my sweet little wife?
JUDY: Am I your wife, darling?
TOM: Of course, my angel. You remember that.
JUDY: I know, Tom.
TOM: I’ve brought some breakfast. I sure could eat it.
JUDY: So could I, Tom. I’d really love to.
TOM: Here. Fix it yourself. However you like it.
JUDY: Thanks, Tom. That would really be great.
(Judy fixes the breakfast, and they sit at a table and eat it.)
TOM: Smells like sperm in here, Judy. Did you have visitors?
JUDY: Only Bob, darling. He made me do it.
TOM: Bob? He’s crazy! I think he’s odd—I really do.
JUDY: He is odd, darling. A peculiar person.
TOM: Does he love you, darling?
JUDY: I don’t know, Tom. Sometimes I think so. I wish I were odder.
TOM: I know, darling—I guess it’s difficult.
JUDY: Do you think Bob loves me?
TOM: I’m not sure, sweetheart. He certainly seems to.
JUDY: I’m glad. I like him. I think he’s nice.
TOM: But don’t you like me, Judy?
JUDY: Yes, but he’s nice, too.
TOM: I know, darling. I was only teasing.
JUDY: All right, Tom. I knew you were. (Pause) Have some more food.
TOM: Thanks, Judy. (Silence) I ran into Baby Naylor last night. He’s playing trumpet with Leiku Kanefian.
JUDY: Really, darling?
TOM: Yes—that’s what he said.
JUDY: That’s great. How nice. What a good position! (Pause) Gosh, Tom. I wish you had a job. Why don’t you get one? You know you’re qualified.
TOM: I know, Judy. But I just can’t concentrate.
JUDY: Does your mother support you, sweetheart?
TOM: You know she does, Judy.
JUDY: I guess I thought perhaps she’d stopped it, Tom.
TOM: But why would she stop it, Judy? That’s silly. You know she cares about me.
JUDY: I know that, Tom. I certainly know that, my darling. I know that, baby. I know. I know. I do know that, darling. I know, darling. I know, darling. I know, darling. I know, darling.
TOM: I know you know, Judy. I know that, dear.
JUDY: Bill—
TOM: I’m Tom, darling.
JUDY: I know you’re Tom, sweetheart. I was just talking to you.
TOM: I know, darling.
JUDY: Tom—don’t you think we should clear out some of our odds and ends, darling? Our possessions have accumulated so. There are so many things we don’t even need.
TOM: Or want. That’s true. Really. Let’s chuck them all out.
JUDY: But Tom—don’t you like our things?
TOM: Well—I don’t know, darling. Not really too many of them. They’re mostly junk, after all.
JUDY: Well I guess so, darling. I mean, I picked them carefully.
TOM: Well—all the same, I think they’re junk.
JUDY: I guess you’re right, Tom, and we’d better chuck them out.
TOM: Okay, Judy—if you want to.
JUDY: If I want to?
TOM: Well—it was your idea.
JUDY: Well—I suppose it was, darling, but it was really your idea.
TOM: Well, I suppose it was, darling, but it was really your idea.
JUDY: Well, it was really your idea, darling. But let’s throw them all out. (Silence) Tom?
TOM: What?
JUDY: You’re in a bad mood, sweetheart. What’s the matter?
TOM: Nothing’s the matter.
JUDY: No, really, darling.
TOM: I’m sick of my job. The goddamned boss gets into my hair.
JUDY: But Tom, I don’t—
TOM: Crosses me every chance he gets. Damned son of a bitch.
JUDY: You don’t have a job, Tom. I wish you did.
TOM: Well so do I, damn it. So why are you stopping me, then?
JUDY: I’m not stopping you, Tom.
TOM: You liar—don’t you say you’re not stopping me.
JUDY: Don’t say it, Tom?
TOM: I said, don’t say it. (He slaps her)
JUDY: Okay, Tom. You win. You win.
TOM: You bet I win, baby. That’s what winning’s all about.
(Long silence. Then he hits her again. They fight violently on the bed. Long silence. In Room 1, Helen shifts her position against the wall, still cold and shivering. Long silence. Tom is almost asleep. Then Judy gets up, touches her face.)
JUDY: Well well. Hey, Tom, you know you’ve wounded me? You’ve really harmed me.
TOM: What?
JUDY: I say, you’ve really harmed me.
TOM: I have?
JUDY: But not too interested?
TOM: I thought I was sleeping.
JUDY: I think you’re an asshole, Tom.
TOM: I thought I was sleeping.
JUDY: Are these dreams, Tom? I really feel bruised. These cuts really hurt. You’ve finally hurt me, Tom.
TOM: “You’ve finally hurt me, Tom.”
JUDY: Do you like me, Tommy? Do you actually like me?
TOM: Your mouth is open, Judy.
JUDY: Do you like me? Do you like me? (Pause) “Here we finally are, Judy.” “I think I understand you, Judy.”
(Silence. She shudders. Silence. Blackout.)
An appealing room. Mr. Frivolous, a man in his early thirties. Breakfast on a table. Mr. Frivolous is about to pour some coffee for himself.
MR. FRIVOLOUS: Mmm—yum yum yum—now for a good cup of coffee.
(The coffee spills) Whoops.
(Pause) I guess it—yes.
(He wipes up the spill. He pours the coffee again and sips it) I always ask these mornings why, I always ask why the birds always flutter by the curtain just as the sun dips behind a cloud. Darker, darker. They’re so loud—they might be in the room.
(Pause) I ask the little bird why he stays, he says he’s going away. He asks why wait, why not fly, now, down to the water, down to that bubbling water, down by the sand.
(Pause) It’s cold and cloudy. What a terrible breeze.
(Pause) I step on a stair of grass, running with water. I stand on the water, my shoes barely wet, the trees on each side passing, clouds dark with rain, waiting to pour.
(He looks at the food on the table) I don’t feel like this. Let’s get this stuff out of the way. Now.
(He moves the food) I’m tired. Yes. And a little bit sick. I’m sorry. You don’t find it appealing. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
(Pause) I asked you once, who flies with the crow. Where do they both go. Why the sky is gray where the crow flies, why I’m tucked in the corner of his wing, a pilot, watching the earth, like a jewel on a ring. Dogs are mating outside. Come into the garden! You can see—there. Lettuce, dirt. Just a few little flowers.
(Pause) And I wonder, who are you, my darling, what are you? Yes, I’m awakened by a late-night telephone call, make my way from bed, grabbing a blanket and a cushion, to speak to you. The room is cold. And you too lie in darkness, far from me. I’m stretched out on the floor, and I beg you, Come get me now. Please, come find me. I lie here naked, I lie here waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Now. Now. Now. Now. I want to be pulled, and looted, and ripped by your nails, painted, like a placard, with your lipstick on my back, my legs, my ass, my asshole. And these things, all these, lying around—these sheets, these bits of clothes, of brassieres, of panties—these are an easel, for all that work.
(Pause) And then I speak to my priest, and I say, Priest, touch me. Lie down here beside me.
(Pause) God bless the priests who lie by the side of their lovers, whose arms touch the arms of their lovers, whose prickly cheeks touch the face of their lovers.
(Pause) And then I remember that long afternoon when with wings unfurled, the angels scattered the light across the grass, and we waited while they did, and ran back to us, and then we sent them out again. You were the littlest angel, you ran under my robe and held my legs. And then finally at dusk we gathered up our clothes, long since discarded as we lay in the grass, and headed for home, to wash, have dinner, tuck you in, and lights out.