
Contributor Biographies


As a technical writer, Jamie Cassidy-Curtis is a seasoned warrior who does frequent battle with auto-correct. She usually wins. However, sometimes auto-correct wins by sneaking in last-second "fixes" when she clicks Save or Send.

Timothy Cassidy-Curtis’s fiction has also appeared in Quantum Visions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.  He is also published in NOVA, the Magazine of Science Fiction, with two stories already published (in the same issue), and one to be published in an upcoming issue.  Additionally, Tim has published nonfiction in paid magazines and science journals.

Ralph Cox is a baby boomer who likes those little paperbacks of the '50s and '60s, 120 to 200 pgs (a century of authors), but still finds writers today who can grip him for 400 pages, so he likes Sax Rohmer and Alice Hoffman, and what would go between and off either side. He had the urge to write after seeing a magazine advertisement showing Rod Serling asking him that very question.

Jude-Marie Green continues to sell stories and work with Clarion West and The Speculative Literature Foundation to further the art of science fiction.  This is the fifth (of six) Quantum Visions chapbooks she has edited.  Learn more at

Chrome Oxide has been writing humorous science fiction and fantasy short stories since 2012. This is his sixth appearance in Quantum Visions. He is currently working on a short story collection as well as a fantasy novel. His love of music is revealed by song titles and musicians names scattered throughout his stories.

Shauna Roberts writes historical fiction, science fiction, romance, and fantasy and is a graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop. Her publications include more than a thousand nonfiction articles, three nonfiction books, several short stories, two novelettes, and three novels (Like Mayflies in a Stream, historical fiction, 2009; Claimed by the Enemy, historical fiction with romantic elements, 2014; and Ice Magic, Fire Magic, fantasy with romantic elements, 2015).

Wendy Van Camp is the writer behind "No Wasted Ink" a blog for readers of science fiction and is a winner of honorable mention via Writers of the Future in 2017. Wendy's work includes  a  regency novelette, "The Curate's Brother" and many  short stories and poems in science fiction magazines such as “Altered Reality Magazine”, "Scifaikuest", and “Far Horizons”.

Jonny Vasquez is a composer, musician, actor, skateboarder and now, a published artist. This is dedicated to his mother, Lainey.

In lieu of a biography, Robin Walton offers a quote: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. " – Marianne Williamson