Chapter 11 | Biographies

Adams, Alton Augustus

Adams, Alton Augustus, Sr. The Memoirs of Alton Augustus Adams, Sr.: First Black Bandmaster of the United States Navy. Music of the African Diaspora, 12. Berkeley: University of California Press; Chicago: Center for Black Music Research, Columbia College, 2008.

Clague, Mark. “Instruments of Identity: Alton Augustus Adams Sr., the Navy Band of the Virgin Islands and the Sounds of Social Change.” Black Music Research Journal 18, no. 1–2 (Spring-Autumn 1998): 21–65.

Floyd, Samuel A., Jr. “Alton Augustus Adams: The First Black Bandmaster in the U. S. Navy.” The Black Perspective in Music 5, no. 2 (Autumn 1977): 173–187.

Thomas, Dale. “Alton Augustus Adams: One of the Best-Known Musicians of the U. S. Virgin Islands.” Journal of Band Research 41, no. 1 (Fall 2005): 30–41.

Alford, Kenneth (pseudonym of Frederick Ricketts)

Trendel, John. Colonel Bogey to the Fore: A Biography of Kenneth J. Alford. Dover, England: Blue Band Magazine, 1991.

Bachman, Harold B.

Bachman, Harold B. The Biggest Boom in Dixie: The Story of Band Music at the University of Florida. Jacksonville, FL: Paramount Press, 1968.

———. The Million Dollar Band. Chicago: Educational Music Bureau, 1962.

Tipps, Alton Wayne. “Harold B. Bachman, American Bandmaster—His Contributions and Influence.” PhD diss., University of Michigan, 1974.

Battisti, Frank L.

Berz, William. “A Biography of Frank L. Battisti.” WASBE Journal 20 (2013): 63–75.

Beeler, Walter

Pugh, Joel E. “The Legacy of Walter Beeler: His Contributions to the Concert Band and its Literature in the College and Secondary Curricula.” MM thesis, Bowling Green State University, 1988.

Begian, Harry S.

Nichols, Jon P. “Harry Begian—Conductor: A Short Biography.” WASBE Journal 10 (2003): 135–139.

Benson, Warren

Wagner, Alan Dale. “The Life and Works of Warren Benson: A Descriptive Catalog.” PhD diss., Florida State University, 2000.

Bourgeois, John R.

Malecki, Jeffrey Alan. “Colonel John R. Bourgeois: A Biography and Analysis of Transcription Style.” DMA diss., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2011.

Buehlman, Barbara

Anderson, Timothy Todd. “Barbara Buehlman: A Study of Her Career in Music Education and as a Pioneer of the Female Band Director Movement.” EdD diss., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010.

Butler, Helen May

Backhaus, Patricia. “An Adamless Garden of Musical Eves. A Short History of Helen May Butler: The Female Sousa and Her American Ladies’ Concert Band.” In Kongressbericht Feldkirch/Vorarlberg 1992, edited by Wolfgang Suppan, 181–184. Alta musica, 16. Tutzing: Schneider, 1994.

Cailliet, Lucien

Fisher, Larry. “Lucien Cailliet: His Contributions to the Symphonic Band, Orchestra, and Ensemble Literature.” Journal of Band Research 18, no. 2 (Spring 1983): 48–56.

Clarke, Herbert L.

Clarke, Herbert L. “How I Became a Cornetist.” St. Louis: J. L. Huber, 1934. Reprint, Kenosha, WI: G. Leblanc, n.d. [Originally published serially in Jacobs Band Monthly.]

Madeja, James T. “Herbert L. Clarke and the Long Beach Municipal Band (1923–1943).” College Band Directors National Association Journal 28 (Summer-Fall 1991): 27–40. Reprinted in The Wind Band and its Repertoire: Two Decades of Research as Published in the College Band Directors National Association Journal, edited by Michael Votta, 193–204. Miami, Fla.: Warner Bros., 2003.

———. “The Life and Work of Herbert L. Clarke (1867–1945).” EdD diss., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988.

Conn, Charles Gerard

Krivin, Martin. “C. G. Conn: His Legacy and Legend.” Journal of Band Research 1, no. 2 (Winter 1965): 11–18.

Conway, Patrick

Fonder, Mark. Patrick Conway and His Famous Band. Galesville, MD: Meredith Music Publications, 2010.

———. “The Patrick Conway Military Band School, 1922–1929.” Journal of Research in Music Education 40, no. 1 (Spring 1992): 62–79.

Howard, George S. “Patrick Conway.” Journal of Band Research 17, no. 1 (Fall 1981): 47–63.

Croft, James Edwin

Mills, Alan W. “The Life and Career of James Edwin Croft.” DMA diss., Florida State University, 2010.

Devienne, François

Montgomery, William Layton. “The Life and Works of François Devienne (1759–1803).” PhD diss., Catholic University of America, 1975.

Ebbs, Frederic C.

Grenier, Brian S. “Frederick C. Ebbs: The Hobart Years, 1940–1948.” MM project, Vandercook College of Music, 2006.

Evans, Merle

Plowden, Gene. Merle Evans: Maestro of the Circus. Miami, FL: E. A. Seemann Publishing, 1971.

Simpson, Anne. “I Haven’t Played Opera: An Interview with Merle Evans.” Journal of Band Research 21, no. 2 (Spring 1986): 47–54.

Falcone, Leonard

Comstock, Rita Griffin. Solid Brass: The Leonard Falcone Story. Twin Lake, MI: Blue Lake Press, 2011.

Nichols, Jon P. “Leonard Falcone—A Brief Biography.” WASBE Journal 19 (2012): 62–68.

Welch, Myron Delford. “The Life and Work of Leonard Falcone with Emphasis on His Years as Director of Bands at Michigan State University, 1927 to 1967.” EdD diss., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1973.

Falcone, Nicholas

Berz, William, and Joseph Dobos. “The Band Director You’ve Probably Never Heard Of: Nicholas Falcone.” WASBE Journal 19 (2012): 8–23.

Fennell, Frederick

Brozak, George A. “Revelli and Fennell: The Albert Austin Harding Influence.” Journal of Band Research 38, no. 1 (Fall 2002): 1–24.

Caines, Jacob Edward. “Frederick Fennell and the Eastman Wind Ensemble: The Transformation of American Wind Music Through Instrumentation and Repertoire.” MA thesis, University of Ottawa, 2012. Available online at

Rickson, Roger E. Ffortissimo: A Bio-Discography of Frederick Fennell: The First Forty Years, 1953 to 1993. Cleveland: Ludwig Music Publishing, 1993.

Simon, Robert. A Tribute to Frederick Fennell. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2004.

Fillmore, Henry

Bierley, Paul E. Hallelujah Trombone! Columbus, OH: Integrity Press, 1982.

———. The Music of Henry Fillmore and Will Huff. Columbus, OH: Integrity Press, 1982.

Fitzgerald, Frank A.

Munterfering, Scott Jay. “Frank A. Fitzgerald (1861–1908): Cornet Soloist, Teacher, and Bandmaster.” Journal of Band Research 49, no. 1 (Fall 2013): 21–37.

———. “The Musical Life and Career of Frank. A. Fitzgerald: Cornet Soloist, Teacher, and Bandmaster.” DMA diss., North Dakota State University, 2010.

Ford, Trevor

Roberts, Marion King. “Trevor Ford: His Music and His Influence on the Bands of Norway.” DMA diss., University of Kansas, 1986.

Foster, William

Rowley, Samuel Lafabion. “William Patrick Foster and His Impact on African American Wind Band Conductors.” EdD diss., Teachers College, Columbia University, 2013.

Gabriel, Arnald D.

Gleeson, Harry. “The Journey of Arnald D. Gabriel.” The Instrumentalist 63, no. 6 (January 2009): 62–63.

Neidig, Kenneth L. “An Interview with Arnald Gabriel.” The Instrumentalist 36, no. 3 (October 1981): 18–26. Reprinted in Conductors Anthology. Vol. 2, 2nd ed., 821–827. Northfield, IL: The Instrumentalist, 1993.

Gillette, James

LeCroy, Hoyt F. “James Robert Gillette: The Carleton Symphony Band and the ‘Pagan’.” Journal of Band Research 24, no. 2 (Spring 1989): 39–48.

Rodman, Ronald. “James Robert Gillette.” WASBE Journal 19 (2012): 56–61.

Gilmore, Patrick Sarsfield

Cipolla, Frank J. “The Business Papers of David Blakely, Manager of the Sousa and Gilmore Bands.” Journal of Band Research 13, no. 2 (Spring 1978): 2–7.

———. “Patrick S. Gilmore: The Boston Years.” American Music 6, no. 3 (Fall 1988): 281–292.

———. “Patrick S. Gilmore: The Boston Years and Beyond.” In Kongressbericht, Abony/Ungarn 1994, edited by Wolfgang Suppan, 183–187. Alta musica, 18. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1996.

Darlington, Marwood. Irish Orpheus, The Life of Patrick S. Gilmore, Bandmaster Extraordinary. Philadelphia: Olivier-Maney-Klein, 1950.

Gilmore, Stephen P. “Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore: America’s Prototypical Impresario.” Journal of Band Research 34, no. 1 (Fall 1998): 69–100.

Grose, Gerald. “Patrick S. Gilmore’s Influence on the Development of the American Concert Band.” Journal of Band Research 6, no. 1 (Fall 1969): 11–16.

Nicholson, Jon. “Patrick Gilmore’s Boston Peace Jubilees.” EdD diss., University of Michigan, 1971.

Gish, Albert R.

Madden, Richard V. “Ode to a Forgotten Genius.” Journal of Band Research 15, no. 2 (Spring 1980): 15–22.

Goldman, Edwin Franko

Johnston, Herbert N. “Edwin Franko Goldman (1878–1956): A Brief Biographical Sketch on the Centenary of His Birth.” Journal of Band Research 14, no. 1 (Fall 1978): 2–15.

Jolly, Kirby Reid. “Edwin Franko Goldman and the Goldman Band.” PhD diss., New York University, 1971.

McAnally, J. Kent. “Edwin Franko Goldman, Richard Franko Goldman, and the Goldman Band: Professionals and Educators.” The Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education 17, no. 1 (September 1995): 19–58.

Stotter, Douglas. “The Repertoire and Programs of Edwin Franko Goldman and the Goldman Band.” Journal of Band Research 36, no. 2 (Fall 2001): 1–21.

Goldman, Richard Franko

Lester, Noel. “Richard Franko Goldman and the Goldman Band.Journal of Band Research 24, no. 1 (Fall 1988): 1–27.

———. “Richard Franko Goldman: His Life and Works.” DMA diss., Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1984.

McAnally, J. Kent. “Edwin Franko Goldman, Richard Franko Goldman, and the Goldman Band: Professionals and Educators.” The Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education 17, no. 1 (September 1995): 19–58.

Hall, Robert Browne

Bowie, Gordon W. “R. B. Hall and the Community Bands of Maine.” PhD diss., University of Maine, 1993.

Harding, Albert Austin

Brozak, George A. “Revelli and Fennell: The Albert Austin Harding Influence.” Journal of Band Research 38, no. 1 (Fall 2002): 1–24.

Burford, Cary Clive. We’re Loyal to You, Illinois: The Story of the University of Illinois Bands Under Albert Austin Harding for 43 Years. Danville, IL: Interstate, 1952.

Weber, Calvin E. “Albert Austin Harding: Pioneer College Bandmaster.” Journal of Band Research 3, no. 1 (Autumn 1966): 5–12.

———. “The Contribution of Albert Austin Harding and His Influence on the Development of School and College Bands.” EdD diss., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1963.

Herbert, Victor

Dieker, Ronald J. “Victor Herbert: American Bandmaster and March Composer.” Journal of Band Research 24, no. 2 (Spring 1989): 55–72.

Hindsley, Mark H.

Gregory, Earle Suydam. “Mark H. Hindsley: The Illinois Years.” EdD diss., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1983.

Howard, George S.

Howard, George S. The Big Serenade. Evanston, IL: The Instrumentalist, 1961.

———. A Symphony in the Sky: An Autobiography. N.p.: John Philip Sousa Foundation, 1992.

Irons, Earl D.

Barrow, Gary W. “Col. Earl D. Irons and the Early Development of Texas Bands.” Journal of Band Research 21, no. 2 (Spring 1986): 9–30.

Jewell, Fred

Conrad, Charles P. “Fred Jewell (1875–1936): His Life as Composer of Circus and Band Music, Bandmaster and Publisher.” DA diss., Ball State University, 1994.

Julian, WJ

Martin, John Tilford. “WJ Julian: His Life and Career with Emphasis on his Tenure as Director of Bands at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1961 to 1993.” DMA diss., University of Southern Mississippi, 2012.

King, Karl L.

Gerardi, Jess L. “Karl L. King: His Life and Music.” PhD diss., University of Colorado, 1973.

Hearn, Ben. “Karl L. King (1891–1971).” Journal of Band Research 8, no. 1 (Fall 1971): 3–5.

Holvik, Karl M. “The Karl King Story: An Informal Interview.” Pts. 1 and 2. Journal of Band Research 3, no. 2 (Spring 1967): 6–14; 4, no. 1 (Autumn 1967): 21–29.

Kopetz, Barry E. “Karl L. King: A Biographical Sketch of the Early Years (1891–1920).” Journal of Band Research 25, no. 2 (Spring 1990): 47–63.

Kreines, Joseph

Weikle, Paul Eugene, Jr. “Joseph Kreines: A Biographical Sketch, an Analysis of American Song Set For Band and a Descriptive Catalogue of his Original Compositions and Transcriptions for Wind Band.” PhD diss., University of Southern Mississippi, 2012.

Krommer, Franz

Whitwell, David. “Franz Krommer: Early Wind Master.” Journal of Band Research 10, no. 2 (Spring 1974): 21–24.

Lake, Mayhew Lester

Lake, Mayhew Lester. Great Guys: Laughs and Gripes of Fifty Years of Show-Business Music. Grosse Pointe Woods, MI: Bovaco Press, 1983.

Leidzén, Erik

Holz, Ronald W. Erik Leidzén: Band Arranger and Composer. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1990.

Longy, Georges

Gudell, Valerie M. “Georges Longy: His Life and Legacy.” DMA diss., University of Houston, 2001.

Whitwell, David. The Longy Club: 1900–1917. 2nd ed. Austin, TX: Whitwell Books, 2011.

Lyon, Ernest E.

Raley, J. Michael. “The Career and Contributions of Music Educator and University of Louisville Band Director Ernest E. Lyon (1915–2005).” Journal of Band Research 49, no. 2 (Spring 2014): 1–27.

McAllister, A. R.

Hash, Phillip M. “A. R. McAllister and the Joliet Township High School Band: 1912–1926.” Journal of Band Research 45, no. 1 (Fall 2009): 33–52.

McGinnis, Donald E.

Titus, Jamie R. “The Professional Life and Pedagogy of Donald E. McGinnis, Ph.D.” DMA diss., Ohio State University, 2005.

Mitchell, Gilbert

Berz, William. “Gilbert Mitchell.” The Brass Herald 41 (December-January 2012): 38–40.

Neil, Frederick

Campbell, Gail M. “Bandsman Frederick Neil as Trombonist.” Journal of Band Research 6, no. 2 (Spring 1970): 30–32.

Paynter, John P.

Camphouse, Mark, ed. John P. Paynter: Man, Musician, Mentor. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2014.

Carson, William S. On the Path to Excellence: The Northshore Concert Band. Paynter, Buehlman, and Beyond. Galesville, MD: Meredith Music Publications, 2003.

Piagentini, Richard Francis. “John P. Paynter: A Biography of Northwestern University’s Second Director of Bands (1928–1996).” DMA diss., Arizona State University, 1999.

Pryor, Arthur

Frizane, Daniel E. “Arthur Pryor (1870–1942): American Trombonist, Bandmaster, Composer.” DMA diss., University of Kansas, 1984.

Luper, Loren J. Arthur Pryor: His Trombone, His Band, His Music. Santa Barbara: Kimberly Press, 1987.

Pryor, Arthur. “How to Play a March.” Musical Courier 26 (September 26, 1931): 45, 56. Reprinted in The Metronome (August 1932): 8–9, and in Music in the USA: A Documentary Companion. Edited by Judith Tick, 286–290. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Reeves, David Wallace

Stackhouse, David L. “D. W. Reeves and His Music.” Pts. 1 and 2. Journal of Band Research 5, no. 2 (Spring 1969): 15–28; 6, no. 1 (Fall 1969): 29–41.

Revelli, William D.

Blakeslee, Michael. “Spotlight on William D. Revelli.” Music Educators Journal 79, no. 5 (January 1993): 36–38.

Brozak, George A. “Revelli and Fennell: The Albert Austin Harding Influence.” Journal of Band Research 38, no. 1 (Fall 2002): 1–24.

Mark, Michael L. “William D. Revelli: Portrait of a Distinguished Career.” Journal of Band Research 16, no. 1 (Fall 1980): 1–28.

Talford, Gregory L. “William D. Revelli: An Introspective Study.” MM thesis, Central Michigan University, 1985.

Reynolds, H. Robert

Berz, William. “A Biography of H. Robert Reynolds.” WASBE Journal 20 (2013): 76–90.

Santelmann, William H. and William F.

Byrne, Frank P., Jr.. “The Santelmann Legacy.” Journal of Band Research 22, no. 1 (Fall 1986): 29–44.

Schuller, Gunther

Schuller, Gunther. Gunther Schuller: A Life in Pursuit of Music and Beauty. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2011.

Simon, Frank

Michael Freedland. Music Man: The Story of Frank Simon. London; Portland, OR: Vallentine Mitchell, 1994.

Simon, Frank. “The Best Advice I Ever Had.” The School Musician Director and Teacher 31 no. 7 (March 1960): 43.

Ullery, Victoria L. “Frank Simon: History and Influence.” Journal of Band Research 23, no. 2 (Spring 1988): 40–78.

Smith, Leonard B.

Polce, Vincent J. “The Influence of Leonard B. Smith on the Heritage of the Band in the United States.” PhD diss., Ohio State University, 1991.

Smith, N. Clark

Ohman, Marian M. “Major N. Clark Smith—A Ten-Band Man.” Journal of Band Research 39, no. 2 (Spring 2004): 1–34.

Sousa, John Philip

Berger, Kenneth. The March King and His Band: The Story of John Philip Sousa. New York: Exposition Press, 1957.

Bierley, Paul E. The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2006.

———. John Philip Sousa, American Phenomenon. Rev. ed. Miami: Warner Bros. Publications, 2001.

———. The Works of John Philip Sousa. Westerville, OH: Integrity Press, 1984. [This is a revised edition of the author’s John Philip Sousa: A Descriptive Catalog of His Works. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1973.]

Church, Charles Fremont. “The Life and Influence of John Philip Sousa.” PhD diss., Ohio State University, 1943.

Cipolla, Frank J. “The Business Papers of David Blakely, Manager of the Sousa and Gilmore Bands.” Journal of Band Research 13, no. 2 (Spring 1978): 2–7.

Danner, Phyllis. “John Philip Sousa: The Illinois Collection.” Journal of Band Research 38, no. 2 (Spring 2003): 44–63. Reprinted from Notes [Journal of the Music Library Association] 55, no. 1 (September 1998): 9–25.

Newsom, Jon, ed. Perspectives on John Philip Sousa. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1983.

Smart, James R., comp. The Sousa Band: A Discography. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1970. Available online at

Sousa, John Philip. Marching Along: Recollections of Men, Women and Music. Rev. ed. Westerville, Ohio: Integrity Press, 1994.

Sousa, John Philip, IV. John Philip Sousa’s America: The Patriot’s Life in Images and Words. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2012.

Warfield, Patrick. “Salesman of Americanism, Globetrotter, and Musician: The Nineteenth-Century John Philip Sousa, 1854–1893.” PhD diss., Indiana University, 2003.

Stamp, Jack

Perry, Dawn Anna. “Jack Stamp: A Biographical Sketch and Analysis of Symphony No. 1—‘In Memoriam David Diamond’.” PhD diss., University of Southern Mississippi, 2008.

Thaviu, A. F.

Crane, Frederick. “A. F. Thaviu Redux.” Journal of Band Research 36, no. 1 (Fall 2000): 1–25.

VanderCook, Hale A.

Wilson, Gilbert Edwin. H. A. VanderCook: The Teacher. Chicago: VanderCook College of Music, 1971.

Voxman, Himie

Gleason, Bruce. “Himie Voxman: His Contributions to Music Education.” The Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education 17, no. 2 (January 1996): 85–97. Available online at

Wainwright, John William

Markovich, Victor A. “John William Wainwright: Pioneer Band Master/Music Educator.” Journal of Band Research 26, no. 2 (Spring 1991): 33–42.

Walls, Billy G.

Bouldin, Thomas Gordon. “Dr. Billy G. Walls and the Auburn University Bands, 1961–1991: A Story of Impact, Influence and Innovation.” Ph.D. diss., Auburn University, 2010.

Watkins, Alfred L.

Samuels, Sue. “Alfred Watkins and the Lassiter High School Band: A Qualitative Study.” PhD diss., Auburn University, 2009.

Thomas, Matthew J. “Alfred L. Watkins: An Historical Narrative of His Musical Life and Work With the Lassiter High School Band.” PhD diss., Florida State University, 2010.

Went, Johann Nepomuk

Wolynec, Gregory James. “Johann Nepomuk Went: A Bohemian Success Story.” Journal of Band Research 40, no. 1 (Fall 2004): 53–65.

Wiley, Dewey O.

Anderson, Hugh. “The Contributions of Professor Dewey O. Wiley to the School Band Movement in Texas.” Southwestern Musician–Texas Music Educator 32, no. 7 (January 1964): 3.

———. “A Salute: The Contributions of Professor Dewey O. Wiley to the School Band Movement in Texas.” Southwestern Musician–Texas Music Educator 49, no. 8 (March 1981): 10–11.

Cutter, Paul F. “Dewey O. Wiley and the Texas Tech Band: The Depression Years.” Journal of Band Research 30, no. 2 (Spring 1995): 71–86.

Hansford, James Irvin, Jr. “D. O. (‘Prof’) Wiley: His Contributions to Music Education (1921 to 1963).” PhD diss., North Texas State University, 1982.

Williams, Ernest S.

Berz, William. “Ernest S. Williams: Cornetist, Trumpeter, Conductor and Educator.” The Brass Herald, 49 (August-September, 2013): 68–70.

Winking, Keith Robert. “Ernest Williams, Virtuoso and Educator: A Biographical Survey of his Philosophies and Techniques.” DMA diss., University of Texas at Austin, 1993.

Williams, James Clifton

Kerr, Stephen P. “A Brief Biography of James Clifton Williams.” Journal of Band Research 34, no. 1 (Fall 1998): 25–37.

Yoder, Paul

Balent, Andrew. “Paul Yoder—The Right Man at the Right Time.” The Instrumentalist 36, no. 1 (August 1981): 12–19.

Kelly, Steven N. “Paul Yoder (1908–1990): A Pioneer in Public School Band Education.” The Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education 17, no. 2 (January 1996): 117–136.