Chapter 19 | Instrumental Methods, Rehearsal Techniques, and Instructional Approaches


Barden, Wendy. Maximizing Student Performance: Practice and Reflection in Band and Orchestra. San Diego, CA: Neil A. Kjos Music Company, 2010. [Includes 17 reproducible forms.]

———. Performance Assessment in Band. San Diego, CA: Neil A. Kjos, 2009.

Blocker, Larry. “Assessment of Student Learning in Band.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 1, 2nd ed., edited by Richard Miles, 46–51. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2010.

———. “Making Connections.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 3, edited by Richard Miles, 4–14. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2000.

———. “Teaching for Moments that Matter.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 4, edited by Richard Miles, 2–13. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2002.

Brophy, Timothy S., and Frank Abrahams. The Practice of Assessment in Music Education: Frameworks, Models, and Designs. Chicago, GIA Publications, 2010.

Brophy, Timothy S., and Kristen Albert. Assessment in Music Education: Integrating Curriculum, Theory, and Practice. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2008.

Brophy, Timothy S., Andreas Lehmann-Wermser, and Elizabeth M. Bewie. Music Assessment Across Cultures and Continents: The Culture of Shared Practice. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2013.

Burrack, Frederick. “Enhanced Assessment in Instrumental Programs.” Music Educators Journal 88, no. 6 (May 2002): 27–32.

Cowell, Richard. The Evaluation of Music Teaching and Learning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1970.

Farrell, Susan R. Tools for Powerful Student Evaluation. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Meredith Music Publications, 1997.

Fautley, Martin. Assessment in Music Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Goolsby, Thomas W. “Assessment in Instrumental Music: How can Band, Orchestra, and Instrumental Ensemble Directors Best Assess Their Student’s Learning? Here Are Some Evaluation Tools and Techniques to Consider.” Music Educators Journal 86, no. 2 (September 1999): 31–50.

Kimpton, Paul, and Delwyn L. Harnisch. Scale Your Way to Music Assessment. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2008.

Kimpton, Paul, and Ann Kaczkowski Kimpton. Grading for Musical Excellence: Making Music an Essential Part of your Grades. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2013.

Orzolek, Doug. “Measuring Music Education: Teacher Evaluation in Minnesota.” Music Educators Journal 100, no. 4 (June 2014): 22–24.

Shuler, Scott C. “Music Education for Life: Music Assessment. Part 1: What and Why.” Music Educators Journal 98, no. 2 (December 2011): 10–13.

———. “Music Education for Life: Music Assessment. Part 2: Instructional Improvement and Teacher Evaluation.” Music Educators Journal 98, no. 3 (March 2012): 7–10

Classroom Management

Haugland, Susan L. Crowd Control: Classroom Management and Effective Teaching for Chorus, Band, and Orchestra. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.

Linsin, Michael. Classroom Management for Art, Music, and PE Teachers. San Diego, CA: JME Publishing, 2014.

Newell, David. Classroom Management in the Music Room: “Pin-Drop Quiet” Classes and Rehearsals. San Diego, CA: Neil A. Kjos Music Company, 2012.

Curriculum and Pedagogy

Barden, Wendy. Maximizing Student Performance: Practice and Reflection in Band and Orchestra. San Diego, CA: Neil A. Kjos Music Company, 2010. [Includes 17 reproducible forms.]

Bauer, William I. Music Learning Today: Digital Pedagogy for Creating, Performing, and Responding to Music. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Beeler, Walter. “A Band Clinic.” Reorganized and edited by Mark Fonder. BDGuide 8, no. 4 (March/April 1994): 4–8.

Casey, Joseph L. Teaching Techniques and Insights for Instrumental Music Educators. Rev. ed. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1993.

Colson, John F. Conducting and Rehearsing the Instrumental Music Ensemble: Scenarios, Priorities, Strategies, Essentials, and Repertoire. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2012.

Cooper, Lynn G. Teaching Band & Orchestra: Methods and Materials. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2004.

Cowell, Richard J., and Michael P. Hewitt. The Teaching of Instrumental Music. 4th ed. Boston: Prentice-Hall, 2011.

Cramer, Ray. “The Inroads to Inspired Teaching: Ingenuity, Insight, Integrity, and Inspiration.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 8, edited by Richard Miles, 24–38. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2011.

———. “Soundings: Developing Beautiful Tone.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 6, edited by Richard Miles, 3–35. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2007.

Dammers, Richard. “Utilizing Internet-Based Videoconferencing for Instrumental Music Lessons.” Update: Applications of Research in Music Education 28, no 1 (2009): 17–24.

Feldman, Evan, and Ari Contzius. Instrumental Music Education: Teaching with the Musical and Practical in Harmony. New York: Routledge, 2011.

Garofalo, Robert. Blueprint for Band: A Guide to Teaching Comprehensive Musicianship Through School Band Performance. Rev. ed. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Meredith Music Publications, 1983.

Goldman, Edwin Franko. Band Betterment. New York: Carl Fischer, 1934.

Hindsley, Mark H. Hindsley on Bands (The Gospel According to Mark). Homewood, IL: Hindsley Transcriptions, 1979.

———. “Intonation for the Band Conductor.” In The College and University Band, edited by David Whitwell and Acton Ostling, Jr., 175–199. Reston, VA: MENC, 1977.

Jagow, Shelley. Developing the Complete Band Program. Galesville, MD: Meredith Music Publications, 2007.

———. Tuning for Wind Instruments: A Roadmap to Successful Intonation. Galesville, MD: Meredith Music Publications, 2012.

Janzen, Eldon A. Band Director’s Survival Guide: Planning and Conducting the Successful School Band Program. West Nyack, NY: Parker Publishing, 1985.

Kearns, Ronald E. Quick Reference for Band Directors. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011.

Kohut, Daniel L. Instrumental Music Pedagogy. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing, 1996.

Labuta, Joseph A. Teaching Musicianship in the High School Band. Rev. ed. Galesville, MD: Meredith Music Publications, 1997.

Lautzenheiser, Tim. The Art of Successful Teaching: A Blend of Content and Context. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1992.

———. “The Essential Element to a Successful Band: The Teacher, the Conductor, the Director, the Teacher.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 1, 2nd ed., edited by Richard Miles, 89–102. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2010.

———. The Joy of Inspired Teaching. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1993.

Lisk, Edward S. “Building a Sound Rehearsal.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 1, 2nd ed., edited by Richard Miles, 57–66. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2010.

———. The Creative Director: Alternative Rehearsal Techniques. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Meredith Music, 1995.

———. The Creative Director: Intangibles of Musical Performance. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Meredith Music, 1996.

———. “Making a Difference.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 6, edited by Richard Miles, 116–129. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2007.

———. The Musical Mind of the Creative Director. Galesville, MD: Meredith Music Publications, 1998.

———. “The Mysterious World of In-Tune Playing.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 5, edited by Richard Miles, 13–28. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2004.

———. “The Rehearsal—Mastery of Music Fundamentals.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 2, edited by Richard Miles, 12–28. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2010.

———. “Shaping Ensemble Sonority.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 9, edited by Richard Miles, 69–94. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2013.

McBeth, W. Francis. Effective Performance of Band Music: Solutions to Specific Problems in the Performance of 20th Century Band Music. San Antonio: Southern Music, 1972.

McGinnis, Donald E. “Rehearsal Warmups and Intonation.” In The College and University Band, edited by David Whitwell and Acton Ostling, Jr., 161–171. Reston, VA: MENC, 1977.

Miles, Richard. “Improving Performance Through ‘Sound’ Seating.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 5, edited by Richard Miles, 72–95. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2004.

———. “‘Rehearsing and Teaching’.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 7, edited by Richard Miles, 23–53. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2009.

———. “Strategies for Teaching Music in Rehearsal.” In Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 4, edited by Richard Miles, 65–96. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2002.

Millican, Si. Starting Out Right: Beginning Band Pedagogy. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2012. See

Odegaard, Denese. Music Curriculum Writing 101: Assistance With Standards-Based Music Curriculum and Assessment Writing: For Band, Choir, Orchestra, and General Music. GIA Publications, 2009.

O’Toole, Patricia. Shaping Sound Musicians: An Innovation Approach to Teaching Comprehensive Musicianship Through Performance. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2003.

Prescott, Gerald R., and Lawrence W. Chidester. Getting Results with School Bands. New York: Carl Fischer, 1938.

Randles, Clint, and David Stringham. Musicianship: Composing in Band and Orchestra. Chicago: GIA Publications 2013.

Rush, Scott. Evolution of the Successful Band Director. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2009.

Rush, Scott, and Tim Lautzenheiser. Habits of a Successful Band Director: Pitfalls and Solutions. Rev. ed. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2006.

Sindberg, Laura. Just Good Teaching: Comprehensive Musicianship Through Performance (CMP) in Theory and Practice. Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield, 2012.

Thompson, Kevin. Wind Bands and Brass Bands in School and Music Centre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

Williamson, John E. Rehearsing the Band. Galesville, MD: Meredith Music Publications, 2008.


Biba, Gregory. Band Instrument “Quick Fix” Repair Solutions. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2006.

Bluemel, Christopher Page, and Craig Anderson. Guide to Brass Musical Instrument Repair: The Ultimate Guide to Brass Instrument Repair. Glenmoore, PA: Northeastern Music Publications, 2011.

Bonfoey, Mark P., and Anthony J. Cirone. Percussion Repair and Maintenance: A Performer’s Technical Manual. Miami: Belwin-Mills; Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing, 1986.

Burton, Stanley. Instrument Repair for the Music Teacher. Sherman Oaks, CA: Alfred Publishing, 1978.

National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians, Inc. (NAPBIRT).

Tiede, Clayton H. The Practical Band Instrument Repair Manual. Dubuque, IA: W. C. Brown, 1962.

United States Army Field Band. “Instrument Repair Video Series.”