

Rumour has it that the sandwich was less the invention of the 4th Earl of Sandwich, but more of an accidental brainwave, when he became peckish during a game of cards and asked for some meat to be placed between a couple of slices of bread. The magic that happened became the sandwich.

The sandwich is so many things to so many people: breakfast, elevenses, packed lunch al desko… A portable, hand-held lunch on the go, a sit-down dinner, end of dinner wiper-upper of all the good stuff left over on your plate after a meal; late-night fridge-raid fodder or sophisticated high tea.

Sandwiches can be savoury – ranging from bacon at breakfast to Roman-style sausage and broccoli buns, Mexican-style chicken tortas or the ultimate cheese burgers. They can also be sweet, such as the showstopper Victoria sponge – light, fluffy cakes layered with softly whipped cream and jam.

There aren’t many ingredients that can’t be worked into a sandwich to delicious effect – from a bunch of carrots to whole joints of meat. The sandwich comes in many forms, not only on traditional sliced bread, but in buttery brioche rolls; soft floury buns; dark, chewy rye bread; pillowy waffles; pita pockets and even whole hollowed-out loaves of bread.

This book is an ode to the Earl, a celebration of the lunchtime staple. A collection of the poshest, most delicious sandwich recipes, designed to inspire you and to provide a sandwich idea for all occasions.
