To make RSM easy, this book is augmented with a fully functional, time limited version of a commercially available computer program from Stat-Ease, Inc. called Design-Expert software. Download this Windows-based computational tool, as well as companion files in Adobe’s portable document format that provide tutorials on various designs from the very basics to sophisticated RSM, from There, you will also find files of data for most of the exercises in the book. The datasets are named to be easily cross-referenced with the corresponding material in the book. Also, if you work through all the problems (the only way to a working knowledge of RSM), check your answers by downloading them from the book’s website.
You are encouraged to reproduce the results shown in the book and to explore them further. The Stat-Ease software offers far more detail in statistical outputs and many more graphics than can be included in this book. You will find a great deal of information on program features and statistical background in the online hypertext help system built into the software.
Technical support for the software can be obtained by contacting:
Stat-Ease, Inc.
2021 East Hennepin Ave, Suite 480
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413
Telephone: 612-378-9449
Fax: 612-378-2152