As they entered the club, Eddie realised that it wasn’t your every day, run of the mill lap-dancing club. It was underground for a start, in the basement of some seedy hotel in the Parkgrove area of the city. In the day, this place was fine. Families out walking their dogs, kids playing in Kelvingrove Park. But at night, it became a very different place.
The neon sign outside already gave the place a seedy feel. But then, all lap-dancing clubs had those signs. This place felt different, he couldn’t quite pinpoint why.
‘Right lads, who do you fancy?’ Cole said, rubbing his hands together as they stepped into the soundproof club. The sign on the door said ‘members only’ and only members could sign people in.
Eddie looked down to see Cole signing a book at the door. It didn’t surprise him that Cole was a member of this kind of establishment. He came across as the type.
‘You’re a member?’ Eddie asked, patting Cole on the back.
‘One of the first things I did when I got here, mate. Aren’t all you Glasgow lads members? You’ve got some banging birds here, I thought you would have been.’ Cole smiled widely, and Eddie wondered if the rest of the men inside were just like him.
‘I need a drink,’ Jake said as he headed in the direction of the bar.
Eddie stood still, taking in his surroundings. There were girls everywhere, dancing on the bars, dancing on the tables. He wondered if any of them were there against their will. Most were foreign, some British. He watched as a small group of younger lads sat at one table in the corner, leering over the girl on their table. She wasn’t dancing, but lying down on it. One of the lads snorted a line of powder off her stomach and the rest of them howled and cheered, like a pack of preying wolves. Eddie looked away. As he understood it, in most establishments like this one you weren’t allowed to touch the dancers. Maybe this wasn’t like the rest. It had a dangerous feel to it, like perhaps the girls weren’t just dancers. He asked himself the question again, were they here against their will? It was likely, going by what he’d just witnessed. A mix of nerves and excitement stirred in his stomach. This was a side to Glasgow he’d never seen before. Perhaps he was out of his depth and he should get out while he still could. But did he want to get out?
‘Ed, who you thinking? That blonde over there with her arse in that lad’s face seems your type. You like blondes? Arabella’s a blonde, is she not?’
Eddie shot Cole a warning look. ‘I think I’ll join Jake at the bar.’ The words were hissed through gritted teeth as he pushed past Cole.
‘Make mine a double vodka,’ Cole called out after him.
So, Cole was like the rest of the men in here. Eddie didn’t think it would take long before Cole was the one snorting a line off that girl’s torso. But was Eddie any better for actually being present, even if he wasn’t partaking in the activities around him? He reached the bar and stood next to Jake who was gulping back a whisky. ‘You alright? You’ve been acting weird since we left the flat.’
‘I’m fine.’ Jake replied sharply, placing the glass down on the bar harder than Eddie expected.
‘Look, I’m only asking because I could tell that Cole was pushing your buttons back there, talking about you cheating on Roxanne when you were down in London working with him.’
‘He’s a fucking prick. He might be able to sling a few quid our way with this deal, but don’t for one minute think he’s your mate. He’ll stab you in the back as quick as shake your hand, Eddie. Let that be a warning.’
Eddie didn’t reply, instead he ordered two whiskies from the barmaid. Turning to locate Cole, he wasn’t at all surprised to see three girls dancing around him. One on his lap wearing nothing but lace knickers and the others on their knees next to him.
‘He really is a bit of a prick,’ Eddie said as he turned back to Jake. ‘But then I can’t say anything. I’m not much better than him.’
The barmaid placed two glasses in front of them and Jake knocked his back in one go before he said, ‘Why’s that?’
‘I kind of cheated on Arabella when she was in prison too.’
‘Kind of?’ Jake said in a sarcastic tone.
‘Well, I slept with a few girls. Aye, I know. Weak. But there was one girl I got involved with and it backfired.’
‘What do you mean?’ Jake seemed more interested now.
‘It doesn’t matter. But what I’m trying to say is that it doesn’t make a difference so long as the missus doesn’t find out. And before you go judging me, I’ve stopped now.’
Jake let out a laugh and shook his head. ‘Aye, only because she’s out and you can get it from her whenever you want.’
Eddie didn’t know whether to laugh with him or knock him out. ‘Alright then, Mister High and Mighty, I’ve told you my story, you tell me yours.’
The music boomed around the club, yet Eddie could still hear Cole whooping and whistling at the dancers. He really was quite the creep. Eddie may have shagged about but he wouldn’t pay for sex and certainly not from girls who were forced into this line of work. It was bad enough he was present at all. Yet if he was thinking of working with Cole, earning big money, then he would have to swallow his pride and get on with it.
‘I don’t want to talk about it,’ Jake replied.
‘Aw come on; it can’t be that bad. Oh, don’t tell me you’ve married someone and got kids? You’ve got a fake identity and living two different lives?’ Eddie laughed loudly, yet it still didn’t drown out the sound of Cole on the other side of the bar. He certainly wasn’t subtle.
‘In some respects that would have been the easier option.’
Eddie saw Jake’s expression fall then and he instantly knew there was much more to Jake’s past than he was ever going to let on. Cole had something on him; it wasn’t that hard to work out. Like Jake said, Cole would stab you in the back as quick as shake your hand.
‘Look Eddie, I haven’t told anyone about what I did in London. The only reason Cole knows about it is because he was there. He saw the whole thing. Used it against me. Continues to use it against me. Like I said, keep one eye on him while you’re doing the job. Don’t let your guard down with him. He’s dangerous, one of the most dangerous men I know. He’ll do whatever he can to get to the top and he doesn’t care who’s in the firing line. The worst thing is, he doesn’t know you so he won’t give a fuck about sorting you out if you let him down.’
Eddie turned and stared at Cole who caught his eye. Cole raised a hand, gave him a thumbs up while a sly smile took over his face. The three men had met just hours previously and now Eddie was thinking of going into business with them. He knew he shouldn’t; there was no need to financially. But Eddie still had an itch that needed scratching. Something more exciting than filing the tax return and paying people’s wages.
Jake was right; Cole didn’t know Eddie. Knew absolutely nothing about him. Eddie was prepared to take risks for the tax-free cash that could come out of the deal he’d agreed to. But if Cole Woods thought that Eddie Corrigan was a pushover just because he wasn’t a big-time gangster like him, then he was wide of the mark.
It would be stupid to risk everything he’d built up, to go against his dad’s wishes of leading a simpler life. But deep down, that just wasn’t Eddie. It was pathetic that he was jealous of Arabella being friends with Roxanne and the danger that could bring. If he was jealous, why shouldn’t he do something to rectify that for himself?
Yes, Cole was a bit of a dick, but then so were he and Jake. None of them would know faithfulness if it smashed them in the face. So, working alongside them to earn a bit of cash and excitement surely wouldn’t do much harm. He’d already convinced himself that working with Cole and Jake was going to be good for him. He loved Arabella; he didn’t want to live his life without her and yes, he could go through life now that she was out, having date nights and relaxing with her like they’d both wanted. But going into business with Cole and Jake would bring back the excitement in his life that he’d been craving. And if it hadn’t been for Arabella meeting Roxanne, then he wouldn’t be sitting here with them now.