A letter from Alex

If you’re a returning reader, thank you so much for coming back for my seventh book, The Family Business. If you’re a new reader, hello and welcome, and thank you for choosing this book.

I genuinely can’t believe I am here again, with my seventh Hera Books title. I don’t know what else I can say that I haven’t already said before, other than a thousand thank yous.

I started writing this book at the end of February of this year and, as always, I loved writing it. I am thoroughly enjoying writing in the gangland genre, and the research into the underworld in the UK is as terrifying as it is intriguing, yet very useful. I hope you enjoy this one, and I’ll be back with book eight before you know it.

You can follow me on social media, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Just search Alex Kane writer, or you can email me on alexkaneauthor@gmail.com