The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
Anderson, Terry
Annear, Tom
Aragon, Don
Baldes, Dick
Barber, Amos
Barnes, Eric & April
Barrasso, John
Basin Elec. Power v. State Board of Control
Baxter, George
Beck, George: Buffalo Bill partner
Johnson County War and
Bell, Tom
Big Horn Basin
Big Plume (aka Yellow Calf)
Bishop, Floyd
Bishop, L.C.
Bond, Fred
Box Elder Creek (Converse County): location & settlement
water rights contest
Brown v. Board of Education
Budd, Bob
Budd, Dan
Buffalo Bill: irrigation ventures
Wild West shows
Buffalo, Wyoming. See also Johnson County War
Burritt, Charles
Campbell, Malcolm: early life
deputy sheriff
Canton, Frank
Carey, Joseph M.: Carey Act 1894 and
CY Ranch, Casper
early life
fraud contest on Desert Land Act claims
judge, territorial Supreme Court
territorial delegate to Congress
territorial US Attorney
US senator
water rights contest, Box Elder Creek
Wyo. Stock Growers Assoc. President
Wyoming Development Co. investor. See also David, Edward (Carey ranch foreman)
Carey, Robert (son of JM Carey)
Chatterton, Fenimore
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Christofferson, Anna (family)
Clear Creek & French Creek (Johnson County)
climate change
Cody, Wyoming
Coffeen, Henry
Colorado River
twenty-first-century negotiations
cloud seeding
Colorado River Compact (1922)
Mexico & river delta
native American water rights
Upper Colorado River Compact (1948)
water consumption data. See also Reclamation, Bureau/Service
—Colorado River Research Group
consumption cuts to forestall (incl. System Conservation Pilot Project & Demand Management)
commons: common pool resources;
common property governance
open access
Cottenoir, Mitch
Crazy Woman Creek (Johnson County): location & settlement
water rights claims
Crow Creek (Laramie County)
Custer, George Armstrong
David, Edward: Converse County commissioner
Joseph Carey in-law & foreman
role in Johnson County War
son, Robert
Day v. Armstrong
Dominy, Floyd
Donahue, Clint
Douglas, Wyoming
Dry farming
Duncan family (Owl Creek, Wind River Indian Reservation)
Eastern Shoshone Tribe
1868 treaty
early fur trade
irrigation, ditch-digging
traditional fishing, Bull Lake Creek. See also Wind River Indian Reservation
Emerson, Frank: governor
—early work: Shoshone Project
La Prele project
—State Engineer
Shoshone Project permit extension
Colorado River Compact
Ersanch family, Hawk Springs
Evanston, Wyoming
Farm Investment Co.
Farm Investment v. Carpenter
Farmer’s Canal
Fassett, Jeff
Fish & Wildlife, US Service
Fontenelle Creek (Lincoln County)
Fort Fetterman
Frewen, Moreton
General Adjudication of All Rights to Use Water in the Big Horn River System(I & III)
Gilchrist, Andrew
Gillette, Edward
Gillette, Wyoming
Golden, Mike
Gordon, John
Gray, Steve
Green River
impact of possible Colorado River curtailment
instream flow proposal. See also Colorado River
Green River Development Co. v. FMC Corp.
Green River, Wyoming
Greybull/Gray Bull River
Greybull, Wyoming
Hageman, Harriet
Hagenstein, Paul
Hall, William Hammond
Hansen, Cliff
Hawk Springs Reservoir/Horse Creek Conservation District
Herschler, Ed
Hesse, Fred
Hicks, Larry
High Country News
Holt v. City of Cheyenne
Hoopengarner, Molly
Horn, Tom
Horse Creek Conservation Dist. v. Lincoln Land Co.
Horse Creek (Laramie and Goshen Counties)
Hoxie, Frederick
Hyattville, Wyoming
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Jenkins, Theresa
Johnson County War/Invasion
Johnston v. Little Horse Creek Irrig.
Johnston, Clarence: Horse Creek permits and
son of James A.
water permits and
‘What is a Water Right’
Wind River irrigation projects and
Johnston, James A.: constitutional convention delegate
Division I Superintendent
territorial legislator
Wyoming Development Co. president
Johnston, James R. family
Kennedy, Blake
Kirby Creek (Hot Springs County)
LaGrange, Wyoming
land law: Carey Act
Desert Land Act
federal grazing lease system
General Land Office
Homestead Act, homesteading
preemption rights
proposals to cede federal lands to states
public domain
relation to water law
Lander, Wyoming
LaPrele Creek (Converse County)
Laramie River
Laramie, Wyoming
Lasky, Moses
Lawson, John
League of Women Voters of Wyoming
Lincoln Land Co. (Burlington Northern railroad subsidiary)
Little Horse Creek (Laramie County)
Little Snake River
impact of possible Colorado River curtailment
tributary dam projects. See also Colorado River
Lummis, Cynthia
Macy, Richard
Mead, Elwood: Buffalo Bill and
Carey Act and
Commissioner, US Bureau of Reclamation
early life
federal grazing lease system and
following Wyoming water issues after left state
head of Irrigation Investigations, USDA
no “absolute” private property right to water
on Big Horn Basin
on Wyoming agriculture
overall vision for Wyoming water law
Reclamation, Act & projects
selenium at Kendrick Project, and
Shoshone Project and
Van Orsdel and
views on water generally
water lease with rental fee
Wiley irrigation project/Bench Canal and
Wyoming State Engineer
Wyoming Territorial Engineer
Mead, Matt
Meier, Curt
Mitchell, Finis
Mondell, Frank: Congressman
early life
Reclamation Act
US Indian policy
and attack on reserved water rights
use of “Indian appropriations” for Midvale project
Wind River reservation cutback or “cession” (1904)
Moonlight, Thomas
Mormon irrigators
native Americans
Indian Service/Bureau of Indian Affairs irrigation projects
reserved water rights (see Winters v. US). See also Eastern Shoshone Tribe; Northern Arapaho Tribe; Wind River Indian Reservation
US Indian policy
Allotment/Dawes Act
general adjudication of water rights
minimal federal water project investment
Nebraska v. Wyoming
North Central Climate Science Center, US Dept. of Interior
North Platte River
Deer Creek Dam proposal
Nebraska litigation (see also Nebraska v. Wyoming)
Platte River Recovery Implementation Plan
upper North Platte users (see also Reclamation, Bureau/Servic)
Northern Arapaho Tribe
1868 treaty
and Arapaho Ranch
irrigation: ditch-digging, and water rights. See also Wind River Indian Reservation
open-range stock industry
backing new water law system for Wyoming
cowboy strike
federal grazing lease system
maverick law
round- ups
winter of 1886–87, industry crash
Wyoming Stock Growers Assoc.. See also Johnson County War
O’Connor, Sandra Day
O’Toole, Pat
Pacific Power & Light Co.
Paige, Ginger
Parshall v. Cowper
Pinchot, Gifford
Pinedale, Wyoming
Pomeroy, John Norton
Popo Agie River (Fremont County)
Potter, Charles
Powell, John Wesley
Powell, Wyoming
Purcell, Mike
Reclamation, US Service/Bureau
Reclamation Act
water conservation funding
—Colorado River
Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study
Flaming Gorge Reservoir
Fontenelle Reservoir
Lake Mead & Hoover Dam
Lake Powell & Glen Canyon Dam
—North Platte Project
Endangered Species Act review
and Platte River Recovery Implementation Plan
Kendrick Project
and Casper-Alcova Irrigation District
and selenium problems
and Seminoe Reservoir
Pathfinder Dam
—Riverton Project (Wind/Big Horn River): Midvale Irrigation District
and agriculture difficulties
“Indian appropriations” used for
system structure
—Shoshone Project (Shoshone River)
Boysen Reservoir
Buffalo Bill Reservoir
and fish flows
financial burdens
homestead rules
State Engineer survey help
Willwood Division
Yellowtail Reservoir
Red Desert
Riverton, Wyoming
Robinson, Charley (family), Shoshone Project
Rock Springs, Wyoming
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rudolph, Ruth
Russell, Charlie
Salt River & Star Valley
Save the Salt River Committee
Sedwick, William (family), Shoshone Project
Shell Creek (Big Horn County)
Sherard, Nelson
Sheridan, Wyoming
Shoemaker, Albert (family)
Shoshone River. See also Reclamation Bureau/Service, Shoshone project
Simpson, Milward
Slichter, Jesse: Carey roughshod methods witness
later life
Slichter, John
Smith, John R.: early life
Crazy Woman ranch
Johnson County War and
Snake River
Snake River Land Co. v. State Board of Control
Sommers, Albert
Stauffer, Paul
The Nature Conservancy
Tisse Guine
Torrington, Wyoming
Trelease, Frank: instream flow legal report
views on water transfers
and mortmain grip of the pioneer
Trout Unlimited
True, James: family
federal Shoshone project
Horse Creek abandonment
Tyrrell, Pat
Udall, Brad
University of Wyoming
US law affecting water: Clean Water Act
and irrigation impact on rivers
Endangered Species Act
Federal Power Act (hydropower)
Safe Drinking Water Act
Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. See also native Americans, and Reclamation, Bureau/Service
Van Devanter, Willis: Johnson County War and
US Supreme Court Justice
Van Orsdel, Josiah: early Wyoming career
reserved water rights
water permits convey “inchoate right”
Winters case and
Wyoming Attorney General
Wallop, Malcolm
Warren, Francis E.: early life
federal grazing lease system and
first state governor
Johnson County War and
Reclamation Act and
statehood speech
territorial governor
US senator
Van Devanter and
Wyoming Development Co. and
Washakie, Dick
Water: adaptive management and
birds and
data availability
fish, aquatic life
flood irrigation
interdependence created by use
law (see water law); pollution
return flow
river ecology, instream flow, channelization
water law, generally: beneficial use
prior appropriation
public ownership, generally
water rights as private property
water law, Wyoming: abandonment
and voluntary abandonment
accommodation of change
beneficial use, and coalbed methane production
Board of Control
cities, towns
community management, distributed rights
constitutional convention debates
diversion, common but not required
duty of water
economists’ critique
free river
paper unused water rights
permit adjudication
permit date, “relation back”
permit deadlines
permit requirements
preferred uses
prior appropriation, priority regulation
private property view of water rights
public ownership
revival of unused right
state constitution
storage account for bird habitat
streamwide adjudications
surplus water rights
tabulation lists of water rights
takings claims
water rights tied to land
Wyoming Supreme Court
Wyoming system adoption by other states. See also Trelease, Frank
—instream flow
ballot initiative
irrigator concerns
Stream Preservation Feasibility Study Committee
Trelease report
—transfers to new use or place
statute (1973)
temporary transfers
Wheatland Irrigation District v. Laramie Rivers Co.
Wheatland, Wyoming. See also Wyoming Development Co.
Wiley water project/Bench Canal
Wilson, Paul
Wind River Indian Reservation: 1868 treaty establishing
allotments imposed
and sales to non-tribal members
cattle herds
climate change
cutback in land, “cession” (1904)
cutback sought by Wyo territory & state
economy and employment
education and Wyoming Indian High School
hot springs portion sold
oil & gas
termination resisted
voting rights issues
—irrigation: ditches dug by tribal members
federal investment after decades
Office of the Tribal Water Engineer takes over from BIA
US Indian Service/Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
—water law
instream flow
Office of the Tribal Water Engineer
—water rights: land sales urged to protect state water permits
state permits filed
treaty reserved rights
wilderness preservation
Wind River Environmental Quality Commission
Wind River Mountains
Wind/Big Horn River
—irrigation projects
and Chicago investor
Riverton Valley & LeClair irrigation districts. See also Reclamation, Bureau/Service, and Wind River Indian Reservation
Winters v. US
applied to Wind River
Montana origins
Wister, Owen
Wolcott, Frank
Wold, John
conservation districts
constitution (1890)
eastern & western regions
fur trade era
irrigation difficulties
native people see native Americans, Eastern Shoshone Tribe, Northern Arapaho Tribe, Wind River Indian Reservation; population
resources and development
watershed, river restoration, water quality work
women’s suffrage
—energy production, coal & other:
coalbed methane (CBM)
coal-fired power plants
and water needs
energy revenue wealth
irrigator fear of resulting change
irrigators supported by energy revenues
oil & gas
and hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”)
voter resistance to non-energy taxes
Wyoming Development Co.: colony president JA Johnston
creation of irrigation colony at Wheatland
water rights
Wyoming Farm Bureau
Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Wyoming Outdoor Council
Wyoming v. Colorado
Wyoming Water Development Office and Commission
climate change and
commission seat for Wind River Indian Reservation
interstate rivers work
legal obstacles to dams & reservoirs and
project funding structure
projects on Wind River Indian Reservation
total funds expended
water conservation
water project funding vs. education funding
watersheds, water quality work
Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resources Trust Fund
Wyoming Wildlife Federation
Yoder, Frank
Zezas Ranch Inc. v. Board of Control