I would like to express my deepest appreciation to those who helped with Assassin’s Code.

As always, thanks to my editor, Bob Gleason, for telling me what to fix, but allowing me to fix it. Your rich imigination and in-depth knowledge, not to mention your apocalyptic predilections, offer the perfect sounding board for ideas.

The staff at Tor were instrumental as ever, including Linda Quinton, Elayne Becker, and Emily Mullen. And of course, thanks to the inimitable Tom Doherty for what you have built on Flatiron’s 14th.

All appreciation to my agent, Susan Gleason, for your unfailing enthusiasm, dedication, and, of course, the wine. You have been, and will remain, essential.

I also would like to thank Ileen Maisel and Lawrence Elman at Amber Entertainment for their ceaseless efforts to bring this series to the big screen. Along the same lines, executive producers Bob and Patricia Gussin. The finish line, we all hope, is near.

I certainly could never have completed this book without the steady support of my wife and children. For the eighth time, and with no less enthusiasm than the first, thank you.

Finally, I would like to recognize those on the receiving end of my stories. This series could never have become what it is without the support, feedback, and word-of-mouth recommendations of so many readers. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for helping me bring Slaton to life.