Academia, and commercial applications, [>]–[>]
Academic stars, in biotech, [>], [>]
Advanced Micro Devices, [>]
Adventures of André and Wally B., The (movie), [>]
Africa, and convergence, [>]
African Americans
and crime-schooling relation, [>]
in Great Migration, [>]
Agell, Jose Luis, [>]
Agglomeration, forces of. See Forces of agglomeration
Agriculture-to-industrialization shift in U.S., [>], [>]
Air Force Academy, fitness experiment at, [>]
Akron, [>]
Albuquerque, [>]
Alexandria, Louisiana, and cost of living, [>]
Alexopoulos, Michelle, [>]
Altoona, Pennsylvania, and cost of living, [>]
American Apparel, [>]
American Community Survey, [>]
American Pastoral (Roth), [>]–[>]
Amylin Pharmaceuticals, [>]
Anchorage, Alaska, and cost of living, [>], [>]
Aniston, Jennifer, [>]
A123 Systems, [>]
Apple, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Applied Materials, [>]
Artisanal workshops, [>]
Assortative mating, [>]
Atlanta, [>]
Empowerment Zone Program in, [>]
August Capital, [>]
Austin, Texas, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
and cost of living, [>]
exciting celebrities in, [>]
Austral Capital, [>]
Austria, PISA scores of, [>]
Automation, in production of PCs and semiconductors, [>]
Automobile industry, [>]. See also Detroit; Flint
Avatar (movie), [>]
Azoulay, Pierre, [>]
Bakersfield, California, [>], [>]
Balasubramanian, Natarajan, [>]
Balkanization of electorate, [>]–[>]
Bank of America, [>]
Barbers and hairstylists, income of, [>]
BASIC software, [>]
Basker, Emek, [>]
Bayh-Dole Act (1980), [>]
Beaumont–Port Arthur–Orange, Texas, [>]
Belgium, PISA scores of, [>]
Bellevue, Washington, [>]
Bensadon, Yaniv, [>]
Bentonville, Arkansas, [>], [>]
Berkeley, California, land regulation in, [>], [>]
Berlin, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
“Big push” strategy, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
Big Sort, The (Bishop), [>]–[>]
Billard, Mary, [>]
BillFloat, [>]
See also High-tech sector; Life sciences research
Birth of a Nation, The (movie), [>]
Blinder, Alan, [>]
Bloom, Nicholas, [>], [>], [>]
Bloom, Ron, [>]
Bloomington, Indiana, [>]
Blue Origin, [>]
BMW, [>]
Borenstein, Severin, [>]
Boston, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
barbers and hairstylists in, [>]
charities in, [>]
salaries for, [>]
cooks in, [>]
new housing limited in, [>]
waiters in, [>]
Boston-Cambridge area, [>], [>]
Bound, John, [>]
Boyer, Herbert, [>]
Brain hubs. See Innovation hubs
and convergence, [>]
entrepreneurs in, [>]
and gains from trade, [>]
middle class increasing in, [>]
PISA scores of, [>]
Breedlove, David, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
Bridgeport, Connecticut, and cost of living, [>]
Brin, Sergey, [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Brisbane, California, [>]
Bristol-Myers Squibb, [>]
Brooklyn, small manufacturers in, [>]–[>]
Brownsville–Harlingen–San Benito, Texas, [>], [>]
Buckley, George, [>]
Buffalo, New York, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Bulgaria, PISA scores of, [>]
Bush, George W., [>]
Cadence Design Systems, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
Cambridge, Massachusetts, [>], [>], [>]
See also Boston-Cambridge area
immigration policy of, [>]
life expectancy geographically unequal in, [>]
PISA scores of, [>]
U.S. star scientists from, [>]
Canon, [>]
Canute (English king), [>]
Carbonite, [>]
Card, David, [>]
Carter, Jimmy, [>]
Casio, [>]
Cell phone industry, in Silicon Valley, [>]
Change, cyclical vs. secular, [>]
Charity, inequality in, [>]–[>], [>]
Chiang, Yet-Ming, [>]–[>], [>]
Chicago, [>]
as biotech loser, [>]
early movie industry in, [>]
Empowerment Zone Program for, [>]
transportation as key for, [>]
and convergence, [>]
effects of competition with, [>]
and gains from trade, [>]
imports from
computers, [>]
quantity of, [>]
and U.S. prices, [>]
middle class increasing in, [>]
productivity flexibility in, [>]
rising costs in, [>]
“Special Economic Zones” in, [>]
U.S. exports to, [>]
wages in, [>]
See also Hong Kong; Shanghai
Chinese Taipei, PISA scores of, [>]
Chronicle Building project, [>]–[>], [>]
Cities of United States
as environment for innovation, [>]
Great Divergence in, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>] (see also Great Divergence)
and metropolitan areas, [>]
Clark, Shelby, [>]
Class divide, [>]
Clean-tech companies, [>]
patents for, [>]
in San Francisco Bay area, [>]
See also Green R&D; Solar-panel industry
college-educated immigrants in, [>]
and convergence, [>]
Empowerment Zone Program in, [>]
transportation as key for, [>]
Cluster building, [>]–[>], [>]
through “big push” projects, [>]–[>], [>] (see also “Big push” strategy)
Clustering of innovative industries, [>]–[>], [>]
See also Forces of agglomeration; Innovation hubs
Cohen, Stanley, [>]
College education
and “college premium,” [>]
detrimental division of concentrations in, [>]
and local economy, [>]
self-selection problem in evaluation of, [>]
social return on, [>]
tuition increase for, [>]
of wives, [>]
See also Human capital
Colman, Ronald, [>]
Colombia, PISA scores of, [>]
Commodore (company), [>]
Common, The (San Francisco boutique), [>]
Company Men, The (movie), [>]–[>]
Comparative advantage, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
of community, [>]
Computer animation industry, [>]–[>]
Computer manufacturing industry, [>]–[>]
Construction jobs, loss of, [>]
Consumption and consumerism
Convergence among communities, [>], [>]
Copenhagen, [>]
Cost of living
and compensation levels, [>]
components of, [>]
Cowen, Tyler, [>]
economic rent from, [>]
as location factor, [>]
in new jobs, [>]
and iPhone, [>]
as scarce factor, [>]
See also at Innovation
Credit, Prosper’s innovation in, [>]
and schooling, [>]
Cupertino, California, [>], [>], [>]
Currie, Janet, [>]
Curtiz, Michael, [>]
Cut Loose (workshop), [>]
Cyclical change, [>]
Czech Republic, PISA scores of, [>]
Dalton, Georgia, [>]
Dandelion Chocolate, [>]
Danville, Virginia, [>], [>], [>]
Darby, Michael, [>]
Dayton, Ohio, [>]
Dell, [>]
Dell, Michael, [>]
Demand-side approach to city revitalization, [>]
crime in, [>]
Empowerment Zone Program in, [>]
revitalization efforts for, [>]
transportation as key for, [>]
unemployment in (2009), [>]
Developing countries
in life-expectancy comparison, [>]
regional differences in, [>]
vs. U.S. schooling levels, [>]
Dietrich, Marlene, [>]
Diffusion of ideas, [>]–[>]. See also Knowledge spillovers
Digital entertainment, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
fixed vs. variable costs for, [>]
Discovery Bay (company), [>]
Disney, [>]
Divorce rate, inequality in, [>]–[>]
Doerr, John, [>]
Dolby Labs, [>]
Dorn, David, [>]
Dorsey, Jack, [>]
Dot-com bust (2001–2003), [>], [>]
Draca, Mirko, [>]
Dropout rate, high-school, [>]–[>]
Duluth-Superior, Minnesota/Wisconsin, and cost of living, [>]
Durham, North Carolina, [>]
Durham-Raleigh, North Carolina, [>]
Economic change
cyclical vs. secular, [>]
as painful, [>]
Economic growth theory, [>]
Economies of scale, [>]
localized, [>]
Ecosystems, human, [>]
Ecosystems, service, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
ECOtality, [>]
as employment sector, [>]
in different countries, [>]
and political participation, [>]
pragmatic rationale for, [>]
See also College education; Human capital
Electrolux, [>]
El Paso, Texas, college-educated immigrants in, [>]
e-mail, vs. side-by-side work, [>]
“Emerging Technology Fund” (Texas), [>]
Emeryville, California, [>], [>]
Empowerment Zone Program, [>]–[>]
Ericsson (company), [>]
Eriksson, Håkan, [>]
Estonia, PISA scores of, [>]
Eugene, Oregon, [>]
European Union, mid-level jobs in, [>]
Expedia, [>]
and industrial policy, [>]
in local-investment subsidies, [>]
from thick labor markets, [>]
from unemployed workers moving/staying, [>]
Facebook, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Fairchild Semiconductor, [>]
Ferra Designs, [>]
Ferrie, Joe, [>]
Financial innovation, [>]
Financiers, and manufacturing decline, [>]–[>]
Fletcher, Jason, [>]
Flint, Michigan, [>], [>], [>]
and crime, [>]
divorce rate in, [>]
as failing city, [>]
as manufacturing capital, [>]
revitalization efforts for, [>]
Florida, Richard, [>]–[>], [>]
Food stamp use, and imports from China, [>]
Forces of agglomeration (attraction), [>], [>]
in economic development programs, [>]
and Great Divergence, [>], [>]–[>] (see also Great Divergence)
knowledge spillovers, [>], [>]–[>] (see also Knowledge spillovers)
and localized economies of scale, [>]
solar panels provide exception to, [>]
and supply-demand equilibrium, [>]
vs. tendencies to collapse, [>]
Ford Foundation, [>]
Fort Collins–Loveland, Colorado, [>], [>]
Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood–Pompano Beach, Florida, and cost of living, [>]
Fort Smith, Arkansas/Oklahoma, [>]
French Internet sector, [>]
Frederick & Nelson department store, [>]
Freescale Semiconductor, [>]
Fremont, California, [>], [>], [>]
Friedman, Milton, [>]
Friedman, Thomas, [>]
FriendFeed, [>]
FRV, [>]
Fuji, [>]
Future growth of United States
and innovation hubs, [>]
Gadsden, Alabama, and cost of living, [>]
Gainesville, Florida, [>]
Garment industry, New York, [>]
Gary, Indiana, [>]
and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, [>]
Gauthier-Loiselle, Marjolaine, [>], [>]
Genentech, [>]
and Empowerment Zones, [>]
Geography of inequality, [>]–[>]
and wage differences, [>]
See also Great Divergence
PISA scores of, [>]
Gilbert, Walter, [>]
Glaeser, Ed, [>]
Glaser, Rob, [>]
Global economy, local, [>]–[>]
and commercial knowledge, [>]
and geography of jobs, [>]
innovation sector driven by, [>]
and iPhone, [>]
and labor market, [>]
skilled-labor demand, [>]
and manufacturing loss, [>]
of solar-panel industry, [>]
Glynn, Dominic, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Goldin, Claudia, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
Google, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
GoogleBuses, [>]
Google Ventures, [>]
Gore, Al, [>]
Government, as employment sector, [>]
Government aid, and imports from China, [>]
Government intervention
and basic research, [>]
through place-based policies, [>]
“big push” policies, [>]–[>], [>] (see also “Big push” strategy)
and productivity through clustering, [>]
Great Britain. See United Kingdom
Great Divergence, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
and cities as intellectual environments, [>]
and forces of agglomeration, [>], [>]–[>] (see also Forces of agglomeration)
in immigration quality, [>]
reversal of in failing cities, [>]
and “spatial mismatch,” [>]
Great Migration (1920s), [>]
Great Recession (2008–2010), [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Great Stagnation, The (Cowen), [>]
Greece, PISA scores of, [>]
Green R&D, [>], [>]. See also Clean-tech companies; Solar-panel industry
Greenstone, Michael, [>]
Greenville-Spartanburg, South Carolina, [>]
Grove, Andy, [>]
Hallock, Kevin, [>]
Hanauer, Nick, [>]
Hanson, Gordon, [>]
Health services, employment in, [>]
Henderson, Rebecca, [>]
Hewlett-Packard, [>], [>], [>]
High-school dropout rate, [>]–[>]
High-tech sector, [>]
and academic stars, [>]
and outsourcing, [>]
productivity in, [>]
in Silicon Valley, [>]
See also Biotech industry; Innovation sector
Hipsters, manufacturing, [>]–[>]
Historical factors, in economic fate of cities, [>], [>]–[>]
Hitchcock, Alfred, [>]
Homcy, Charles, [>]
Honeywell, [>]
Honolulu, and cost of living, [>]
Hospitals, [>]
Houma-Thibadoux, Louisiana, [>]
Houston, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Huawei (Chinese firm), [>]
Hub SoMa, [>]
HubSpot, [>]
and economic-development policies, [>]
global competition for, [>]
and innovation sector, [>]
under-investment in (U.S.), [>]
and local prosperity, [>]
in twenty-first century, [>]
under-supply of (U.S.), [>]
U.S. policies to increase stock of
through education, [>]–[>] (see also College education; Education)
Human Capital (Becker), [>]–[>]
Human ecosystems, [>]
Hungary, PISA scores of, [>]
as advanced manufacturer, [>]
in Austin, [>]
and high-tech multiplier, [>]
location of, [>]
patents produced by, [>]
Iceland, PISA scores of, [>]
Ideas, diffusion of, [>]–[>]. See also Knowledge spillovers
Image-mastering engineering, [>]–[>]
and geography of jobs, [>]
and immigration debate, [>]
star scientists as, [>]
and innovation, [>]
and other countries, [>]
and twenty-first-century human capital (U.S.), [>]
Income inequality, [>]
and convergence, [>]
and gains from trade, [>]
middle class increasing in, [>]
R&D services from, [>]
Indonesia, PISA scores of, [>]
Industrial Light and Magic, [>]
Industrial policy. See “Big push” strategy
Industries, life cycles of, [>]
in different countries, [>]
and PISA scores (U.S.), [>]
of mobility, [>]
and skilled immigrants, [>]
from under-investment in human capital, [>]
worldwide decrease in, [>]
Infant mortality, post-WWII drop in (U.S.), [>]
Ingenuity, and iPhone, [>]
Innovation, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
and Apple’s success, [>]
benefits from, [>]
and compensation for knowledge spillovers, [>]
and need to adapt, [>]
cross-fertilization in, [>]
destruction and renovation from, [>]
ecosystem for, [>]
global competition for, [>]
by immigrants, [>]
math and science as ingredients in, [>]
and patents, [>]
and standard of living, [>]
Innovation hubs, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
cost of living in, [>]
and state educational programs, [>]
and U.S. economic future, [>]
in U.S. vs. Latin America, [>]
concentrated in limited number of hubs, [>]
design and engineering jobs in, [>]
housing market benefit from, [>]
and multiplier effect
procreation of firms in, [>]
See also High-tech sector
“Insourcing,” [>]
Instant gratification, in U.S. culture, [>]
patents produced by, [>]
fixed vs. variable costs in, [>]
French, [>]
i/o Ventures, [>]
and innovation, [>]
and solar panels, [>]
Iranian revolution, [>]
clothing expenditures in, [>]
lack of innovation financing in, [>]
lifestyle vs. innovation in, [>]
PISA scores of, [>]
Ithaca, New York, [>]
Jacksonville, early movie industry in, [>]
Jacobs, Jane, [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Jacobs, Karrie, [>]
geographical concentrations in, [>]
life expectancy geographically unequal in, [>]
PISA scores of, [>]
in cities with “right” vs. “wrong” industries, [>]–[>] (see also Great Divergence; Innovation hubs)
as complements vs. substitutes, [>]
in computer and semiconductor manufacturing, [>]
distribution of among sectors (U.S.), [>]
importance of, [>]
in innovation sector, [>], [>]–[>], [>], 50, [>] (see also at Innovation)
international trade effects on, [>]
Microsoft’s effect on, [>]
and multiplier effect, [>]–[>], [>]–[>] (see also Multiplier effect)
Jobs, changing of, and size of labor market, [>]–[>]
Jobs, geography of. See Geography of Jobs
Jobs in manufacturing. See Manufacturing
Jobs, Steve, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Johnson City–Kingsport–Bristol, Tennessee/Virginia, and cost of living, [>]
Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and cost of living, [>], [>]
Joplin, Missouri, and cost of living, [>]
Kahn, Jeff, [>]
Kain, John F., [>]
Katz, Lawrence F., [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
Kauffman, Ewing Marion, [>]–[>]
Kerr, William, [>]
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, [>]
Klepper, Steven, [>]
and paradox of agglomeration, [>]
See also at Innovation
Knowledge spillovers, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
from academic researchers, [>]
by immigrants, [>]
land-use policy harm to, [>]
and local investment subsidies, [>]
retaining U.S. leadership in, [>]
social return on, [>]
See also Externalities
Kumar, Neil, [>]
Labor markets (U.S.)
as attractive for immigrants, [>]
shifts in, [>]
strength of, [>]
La Jolla, California, biotech labs in, [>]
Land-grant colleges, [>]
Lang, Fritz, [>]
Lasseter, John, [>]
Las Vegas, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Lawyers, income of in various cities, [>]
Lessin, Sam, [>]
Levi Strauss & Company, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Lexington-Lafayette, Kentucky, [>]
Liechtenstein, PISA scores of, [>]
Life cycles, of industries, [>]
Life expectancy, inequality in, [>], [>]–[>]
Life sciences research, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
outsourcing by, [>]
in Silicon Valley, [>]
and Washington, D.C., area, [>]
See also Biotech industry
Lima, Ohio, and cost of living, [>]
Lin, Jeffrey, [>]
Lincoln, Nebraska, [>], [>], [>]
Local investment subsidies, [>]–[>]
Localized economies of scale, [>]
Local services, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
and manufacturing, [>]
Microsoft’s effect on, [>]
Local ventures, venture-capitalist favoring of, [>], [>]
Locational freedom, in employment, [>]–[>]
Lochner, Lance, [>]
Long Island, [>]
Looney, Adam, [>]
Los Angeles
American Apparel clothing in, [>]
anchor company in, [>]
digital entertainment jobs in, [>]
Empowerment Zone Program in, [>]
entertainment concentrated in, [>]
pollution levels in, [>]
Los Angeles–Long Beach, California, and cost of living, [>]
Lubitsch, Ernst, [>]
Lucas, Robert, [>]
Lumni (social enterprise), [>]–[>]
Lynchburg, Virginia, and cost of living, [>]
Macao-China, PISA scores of, [>]
Madison, Wisconsin, [>], [>], [>]
Mansfield, Ohio, [>]
in China, [>] (see also China)
of laptops and notebooks, [>]
production flexibility in, [>]
rising costs of, [>]
and “Special Economic Zones,” [>]
innovative sector contrasted with, [>]
in overseas countries, [>]
in U.S.
advanced, [>]
and fixed vs. variable costs, [>]
innovation sector as replacing, [>]
and local service jobs, [>]
locational determination of, [>]
peak size of, [>]
productivity increase in, [>]
traditional vs. local, [>]
Manufacturing hipsters, [>]–[>]
Market economy, creative destruction in, [>]
Market failure
and industrial policy, [>]
and productivity through clustering, [>]
as public-funds criterion, [>]
in under-compensation for education, [>]
See also Externalities
Markusen, Ann, [>]
Marriage market, and education, [>]
Marx, Karl, [>]
Mathematics, poor U.S. achievement in, [>]–[>]
Matheson, Kent, [>]
Maveron, [>]
McAllen-Edinburg-Pharr-Mission, Texas, [>], [>]
McCreary, Colleen, [>]
McKinsey consulting company, [>]
Medicare, [>]
Menlo Park, California, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Merced, California, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Mercedes, [>]
Metropolitan areas, [>]
Mexico, PISA scores of, [>]
Microsoft, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
Cambridge lab of, [>]
employee compensation at, [>]
and nonprofit sector, [>]
patents produced by, [>]
Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon area, New Jersey, [>]
Minneapolis, [>], [>], [>], [>]
Miranda, Gonzalo, [>]
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), [>], [>]–[>], [>]
MITS (firm), [>]
Mobile, Alabama, [>], [>], [>]
Mobility in U.S., [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
inequality of, [>]
Modesto, California, [>]
Montgomery, Alabama, [>]
Moscow, [>]
Motion picture industry, [>]–[>]
Mountain View, California, [>]
Moving to Opportunity program, [>]–[>]
Multiple equilibria, [>]
Multiplier effect, [>], [>]–[>]
for innovation sector, [>]
and land-use policy harm, [>]
and Microsoft, [>]
in Seattle vs. Albuquerque, [>]
of well-educated foreigners, [>]
See also Social multiplier effect
“My Hometown” (Springsteen song), [>]–[>]
Nashville, [>]
National Institutes of Health, [>], [>]
National Science Foundation, [>]
Neighborhood revitalization
See also Gentrification
Nelson, Willie, [>]
Netflix, [>]
Netscape, [>]
Newark, [>]
New Jersey, northern, [>]
New Orleans, [>]
and Hurricane Katrina, [>]
New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. (NUMMI), [>]
New York City, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
artisanal workshops in, [>]
charities in, [>]
college-educated immigrants in, [>]
and cost of living, [>]
employment gains in, [>]
Empowerment Zone Program in, [>]
and finance, [>]
garment industry in, [>]
and lawyers, [>]
as pre-WWII movie capital, [>]
New York–Northeastern New Jersey, and cost of living, [>], [>]
New Zealand, PISA scores of, [>]
Nirvana, [>]
Nobel Prizes, for foreign-born scientists in U.S., [>]
Nokia, [>]
Non-traded (non-tradable) sector, [>]–[>], [>], [>] (see also Local services)
Norfolk–Virginia Beach–Newport News area, [>]
Obama, Barack
and federal loan guarantee program, [>]
and Solyndra, [>]
Oberhelman, Doug, [>]
Ocala, Florida, [>]
Oil prices, rise in (1979), [>]
Oklahoma City, immigrants in, [>]
Old Navy, [>]
O’Neill, Tip, [>]
Orange County, [>]
Orlando, waiters in, [>]
Otis Elevators, [>]
Outsourcing, [>]
by clothing sector, [>]
and innovation sector, [>]
as knowledge-flow impediment, [>]
media focus on, [>]
and skilled-labor demand, [>]
Paccar, [>]
Palo Alto, biotech labs in, [>]
Panasonic, [>]
Pandora (company), [>]
Pasadena, [>]
in clean tech, [>]
and college-educated immigrants, [>]
economic rent from, [>]
for financial or business innovations (U.S.), [>]
and knowledge spillovers, [>]
from MIT, [>]
from Rochester, New York, at peak, [>]
PayPal, [>]
Pearl Jam, [>]
Perry, Rick, [>]
Personal computers, [>]
Peru, PISA scores of, [>]
Pfizer, [>]
Pharmaceutical industry
fixed vs. variable costs in, [>]
college-educated immigrants in, [>]
early movie industry in, [>]
Empowerment Zone Program in, [>]
PISA scores of, [>]
Philippines, solar panels from, [>]
Phoenix, Arizona, [>], [>], [>], [>]
PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), results of, [>]–[>]
Pittsburgh, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Pixar Animation Studios, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Place-based policies, [>]. See also “Big push” strategy; Cluster building
Political life, unequal participation in, [>]–[>]
Porter, Michael, [>]
Portland, Oregon, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Posit Science, [>]
Poverty traps, “big push” strategy for, [>]–[>]. See also “Big push” strategy; Cluster building; Great Divergence
Powell, Walter, [>]
“Power couples,” and thick labor market, [>]–[>]
and dropout rates, [>]
and local investment subsidies, [>]
in local services, [>]
as location factor, [>]
rise in (post-WWII), [>]
from skilled colleagues, [>]
and threat of Chinese competition, [>]
of unskilled working with better-educated, [>]
Progent, [>]
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), results of, [>]–[>]
Programmers, and “offshoring,” [>]
Protectionism, [>]
Providence, Rhode Island, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Quality of life
variation in, [>]
See also Standard of living
Q-Cells, [>]
“Radical collaboration,” [>]
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Ralph Lauren, [>]
R&D (research and development), [>]–[>]
global investment in, [>]
knowledge spillover from, [>] (see also Knowledge spillovers)
in life sciences, [>]–[>], [>] (see also Life sciences research)
for Microsoft, [>]
and New York City, [>]
scientific, 50
social return on, [>]
vs. variable costs, [>]
Real estate prices, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
and rationing of new housing, [>]
RealNetworks, [>]
Recessions, [>]–[>]. See also Great Recession
Relay Aides, [>]
Relocation and relocation vouchers, [>], [>]–[>]
Research. See R&D
Revitalization of cities, [>], [>]–[>]. See also Cluster building; Gentrification
Richmond, [>]
Rochester, Minnesota, [>], [>]
Rocky Mount, North Carolina, [>]
Romania, PISA scores of, [>]
Rome, [>]
Roosevelt, Franklin D., [>], [>]
Russia, PISA scores of, [>]
Rust Belt, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]. See also specific cities
St. Joseph, Missouri, and cost of living, [>]
Salaries. See Wages and salaries
Salinas–Sea Side–Monterey, California, [>]
Salk Institute, [>]
San Antonio, [>]
San Diego, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
architects in, [>]
college-educated immigrants in, [>]
computer science salaries in, [>]
cost of living in, [>]
land-use regulation in, [>]
Mission District of, [>]
new housing limited in, [>]
waiters in, [>]
Zendesk in, [>]
San Francisco Bay Area, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
biotech firms in, [>]
clean-tech companies in, [>]
employment gains in, [>]
Walmart in, [>]
San Francisco Chronicle Building, [>]–[>]
San Francisco–Oakland–Vallejo area, [>]
San Francisco–San Jose region, [>], [>]
San Francisco–Silicon Valley region, as adapting, [>]–[>]
salaries of, [>]
and cost of living, [>]
divorce rate in, [>]
See also San Francisco–San Jose region
Sanmina, [>]
Santa Barbara–Santa Maria–Lompoc area, [>]
Santa Cruz, California, [>], [>]
Santa Rosa–Petaluma, California, [>]
Schmidt, Eric, [>]
Schultz, Howard, [>]
Scientific R&D, 50
Scott, Allen, [>]
Scott, Eric, [>]
Scranton, Pennsylvania, [>]
Scripps Research Institute, [>]
Seattle, [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
employment gains in, [>]
exciting celebrities in, [>]
as anchor company, [>]
and software leadership, [>]
waiters in, [>]
Seattle-Everett, and cost of living, [>]
Secular change, [>]
economic, [>]
educational, [>]
sociological, [>]
in Portland, Oregon, [>]
and Shockley, [>]
and Taiwan, [>]
Sequoia Capital, [>]
Serbia, PISA scores of, [>]
Service ecosystems, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Services sector
as hurt by manufacturing loss, [>]
innovations in, [>]
local jobs in, [>]
Microsoft’s effect on, [>]
Shah, Dharmesh, [>]
Shanghai, [>]
innovative concentration in, [>]
Sharma, Vinita, [>]
Sharon, Pennsylvania, and cost of living, [>]
Shen, John, [>]
and Pixar, [>]
Shockley, William, [>]
Siemens, [>]
Silicon Alley (New York), [>]
Silicon Laboratories, [>]
Silicon Valley, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
cell phone firms in, [>]
clustering in, [>]
cricket games in, [>]
diversification in, [>]
dot-com boom in, [>]
ecosystems of, [>]
high-tech jobs as driver in, [>]
in innovative area, [>]
and life expectancy, [>]
nondescript locations in, [>]
and personal computer industry, [>]
as possible Microsoft location, [>]
Trulioo success in, [>]
Simmons, Russel, [>]
PISA scores of, [>]
Sivadasan, Jagadeesh, [>]
Skype, vs. side-by-side work, [>]
Slaughter, Matthew, [>]
Slovenia, PISA scores of, [>]
Small businesses, [>]
Smart growth policies, [>], [>]
Smith, Vaughan, [>]
Social multiplier effect, [>]–[>], [>]
Social Network, The (movie), [>]
Social return
on education, [>]
Software industry, jobs in, [>], [>]
See also Clean-tech companies
South (American), as convergence example, [>]
Soviet Union, and Norilsk, Siberia, [>]–[>]
mobility in, [>]
PISA scores of, [>]
Spartanburg, South Carolina, Chinese factory in, [>]
SpringLeaf Therapeutics, [>]
Square (company), [>]
Stamford, Connecticut, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Standard of living
innovation as driver of, [>]
and productivity, [>]
See also Quality of life
Stanford University, [>]
and Google, [>]
and Silicon Valley, [>]
Starbucks, [>]
Stars, academic, in biotech, [>], [>]
and Austral Capital, [>]
and biotech academics, [>]
in digital music business, [>]
in Seattle, [>]
and venture capitalism, [>]
State College, Pennsylvania, [>]
Stellar Solutions, [>]
Stockton, California, [>]
Subsidies, [>]
on Chinese solar panels, [>]
for high-tech industries
in Fremont, California, [>]
for thick labor markets, [>]
and TVA, [>]
Sun-tech, [>]
“Supply side approach” to revitalizing cities, [>]
Sweden, PISA scores of, [>]
Talent, economic value of, [>]–[>]
Tallahassee, Florida, [>]
Tax advantages, [>]
Taylor, Bret, [>]
Taylor, Lori, [>]
Technological progress
and commercial knowledge, [>]
and geography of jobs, [>]
innovation sector driven by, [>]
as job creator, [>]
and manufacturing loss, [>]
productivity increase in, [>]
and skilled-labor demand, [>]
and standard of living, [>]
in technologies of the earth, [>]
See also Innovation
Telecommuting, vs. side-by-side work, [>]
Television manufacturing industry, [>]
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Terre Haute, Indiana, and cost of living, [>]
Tesla Motors, [>]
Texas, “Emerging Technology Fund” for, [>]
Texas Instruments, [>]
Thailand, PISA scores of, [>]
Thiel, Peter, [>]
Thomas, Paul, [>]
Three Americas, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
3M, [>]
3scale Networks, [>]
T-Mobile, [>]
Tocqueville, Alexis de, [>]
Topeka, Kansas, [>]
Tourist destinations, [>]
Trade Adjustment Assistance, limited allocation allowance for, [>]
Traded (tradable) sector, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
and innovation, [>]
innovative hubs, [>]
and multiplier effect, [>]
Trajtenberg, Manuel, [>]
Travelocity, [>]
Trina Solar, [>]
Trulioo, [>]
Truly Disadvantaged, The (Wilson), [>]
TRW, [>]
Tulsa, immigrants with little education in, [>]
Tunisia, PISA scores of, [>]
TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority), [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Twilight: New Moon (movie), [>]
Ufford, Stephen, [>]
in Berlin, [>]
in Detroit vs. Iowa City (2009), [>]
and labor market thickness, [>]
and mobility, [>]
Unemployment insurance system, [>]
United Kingdom (Great Britain)
geographical inequality of life expectancy in, [>]
and Hong Kong, [>]
PISA scores of, [>]
unemployment by region in, [>]
U.S. star scientists from, [>]
United States
biotech stars in, [>]
increasing human capital in
as crossroads decision, [>]
mobility in, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>] (see also Mobility in U.S.)
PISA scores of, [>]
political engagement and education in, [>]
See also Cities of United States
and biotech industry, [>]
economics departments of, [>]
University of California at San Diego, [>]
University of Rochester, [>]
University of Washington, [>], [>], [>], [>]
Uruguay, PISA scores of, [>]
Utopian communities, [>]
Valentino, Rudolph, [>]
Vance, Alabama, [>]
Van Reenen, John, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Ventura–Oxnard–Simi Valley, California, [>]
and Amazon, [>]
Video conferencing, vs. side-by-side work, [>]
Video games, [>]
Vineland-Milville-Bridgetown, New Jersey, [>], [>]
Virtuous cycle of growth (self-reinforcement), [>], [>]
through Empowerment Zones, [>]
in high-tech world, [>]
Visalia, California, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Wages and salaries
in different countries, [>]
generational decline in, [>]
post-WWII increase in, [>]
reversal of for average worker, [>]
in San Jose vs. Merced, [>]
in Seattle vs. Albuquerque, [>]
and size of labor market, [>]
in traded and non-traded sector, [>]
for unskilled workers related to percentage of college graduates, [>]–[>]
Waiters, income of in various cities, [>]
Wall Street, and manufacturing decline, [>]–[>]
Wall Street (movie), [>]
Walmart, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Walton, Sam, [>]
Wang, Jialan, [>]
Washington, D.C., [>], [>], [>], [>]
barbers and hairstylists in, [>]
charities in, [>]
college-educated immigrants in, [>]
and cost of living, [>]
waiters in, [>]
Washington University in St. Louis, [>], [>]–[>]
Waterbury, Connecticut, [>]
Welfare payments, and imports from China, [>]
Wells Fargo, [>]
West Palm Beach, [>]
Wichita, immigrants with little education in, [>]
Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and cost of living, [>]
Wilson, Charles, [>]
Wilson, William Julius, [>]
Winklevoss twins, [>]
Worcester, Massachusetts, [>]
Workplace, physical layout of, [>]
World Is Flat, The (Friedman), [>]
Xilinx, [>]
Yakima, Washington, [>]
Yale University, [>]
Yingli Green Energy, [>]
Youngstown-Warren, Ohio/Pennsylvania, [>]
YouTube, [>]
Yuba City, California, [>]
Yuncheng (company), [>]
Zendesk, [>]
Zivin, Joshua Graff, [>]
Zucker, Lynne G., [>]