


If you are not willing to get out of the closet you might as well close this book right now and read no further. You can not be a successful gay person and be in the closet. You are creating a life for a non-person; the person you would be if you were straight. None of these roles have anything to do with you. And when you lay down to die you will realize that you never really lived. And you will just have to do it all over again. And surely it will be as a gay person. So you might just as well deal with it now.

You can’t tell your parents? Then don’t. Just move to Seattle or as far away as you can and don’t write. And get on with it. Any man over thirty who is not trying to fuck women should think a bit, “Who do I want to fuck?”. If you don’t date girls and you think most people don’t think you’re gay, you’re kidding yourself. This is the communication age. Everybody knows everything. Everyone is smarter than you think they are.

The trouble with a secret life is that the only person who thinks it’s a secret is the person living it. Everyone else knows. So if you think the shock of your coming out will alienate your friends and family, forget it.

  1.      If you are not out of the closet you cannot have an honest relationship with another man. Anyone who is worth caring about is not going to want to spend his life meeting you at out-of-town hotels.
  2.      You are wasting an enormous amount of emotional energy trying to conceal something most people don’t care about. The world is like a classroom of children with their heads down on their desks. When you raise your head, you discover there isn’t any teacher. You may do as you please. Everyone else has their heads down. They don’t care.
  3.      You are walking around with enormous weight hanging over your head. Imagine how wonderful it would feel to be rid of it.
  4.      You are not getting on with your life. Life is about living, being happy, finding work you like or money you like, loving someone madly, badly, and gladly. It’s not about big secrets.
  5.      You may not want to join a gay world that you see as a lot of aging poofs. You are probably afraid that once you’re out you will be part of a gay world that is a lot of men wearing pink tutus in a bar somewhere. Hello! And grow up.

The list could go on indefinitely. The number of families in the United States that constitute Mom, Dad and the kids is only about 23% of the population. The bulk of the people in this country are trying to work out lifestyles that suit who they are, not what other people think they should be. Join the mob.