


This will be quite a short chapter. You want to live a lie? Please do it on your own. Don’t involve innocent women and children.

You will say:

  1.      I want to have a settled domestic life. You can, darling, but it doesn’t have to be next door to your parents in the suburbs. In fact, it can’t be. You can have a settled domestic life with a male partner. You can have a settled domestic life with a group of friends. You can have a settled domestic life all by yourself. The idea that you will have no more problems once you are settled in the suburbs with a family is a false one. The troubles are just beginning in fact.
  2.      I want to have children. Fine. Have them. God knows there are tons of lost kids in orphanages all over the world. If you feel you must have children that are the fruit of your own loins, you can figure that out with close lesbian friends also. People are doing it all over the country. But to get married to have children who will never know their Dad is gay? Is that fair? They will never really know you, the real you, and you will never really know them. So what’s the point?

What you don’t realize is:

  1.      You will cheat on your wife with truck drivers and then feel horribly guilty. You will never be able to tell her about your double life and you will never be really intimate with her. And when she finds out, which she will, she will be destroyed and you will have fucked up someone else’s life thoroughly. It’s not a good feeling. This does not sound like a recipe for happiness.
  2.      When the kids are grown and out of the house you will find you can no longer deal with not having a man in your life and you will start going to gay bars, meet someone much younger than yourself, leave your wife and try to replicate your married life with a man. This won’t work either. You will start doing three ways, four ways and five ways. Your looks will be shot. You will be desperate and settle for anyone as a bed partner. This is not a pretty picture either. However accurate.

My friend, a basic rule for successful gay living in the 21st century is “To thine own self be true.” Sorry you had to hear it, but there’s no way around it. Heterosexual or homosexual it’s not easy finding a life partner, and maybe a life partner isn’t even the way to happiness for you. Consider that.