Some ideas about money:
1. Don’t turn your nose up at it. You’d be amazed at how many problems go away when you throw money at them. This is your prime reason for working.
2. Avarice. One of the Seven Deadly Sins. Money is not an end in itself, and if you think having money will make you more attractive to other men, you’re right. It will. But only to a kind of man whom you are paying for, whether for one night or many years. Can you really feel good about yourself knowing that you’re paying for it?
3. Stuff. It is true that if you are not able to have the kind of emotional fulfillment you wish through an attachment there can be a kind of fulfillment through art, furniture, jewels and other odds and ends. You will need money for this. But you should always be willing to throw it all over for some man. He may be willing to buy you stuff but what is more important is that he cares about you.
4 Tightwads. On the other hand, a man who is not willing to spend money on you is not willing to give you love either. In my experience this has always proven to be true. Once when starting a relationship with an older man I said to my sister, “He has a lot of money but he never spends it on me and it just isn’t right.” She replied, “It wouldn’t be right even if he didn’t have a lot of money.” No wonder I loved her.