


As for myself:

  1.      I will go to a gay bar with friends to have fun. I will not go to make new friends. The music is too loud and the lights are too low.
  2.      I, personally, don’t want to sleep with someone who has had sex with half the Eastern Seaboard.
  3.      Also, I go nowhere where being witty and charming counts for nothing.
  4.      Do not wear tank tops. The tank top deserves some extra attention. The people who look good in them usually don’t wear them. That’s left for those men who for some reason like to expose that saggy part of the torso right under the arms. Not nice.
  5.      Behave yourself at the urinal. Please, no.
  6.      Think twice when that perfect guy is from out of town.
  7.      Do not force your number on anybody. You may take his.
  8.      Do not get drunk. See below.


All alcohol and drugs are about is letting you step out of the picture and live in a dream that is chemically generated. If you can afford it, why shouldn’t you?

But you must remember you are all alone in this dream. There really is no place for someone else since your world doesn’t exist in reality.

And of course, alcohol and drugs are a kind of prison. You can only escape with enormous effort once you are stuck in it. But you can escape to the freedom of making your own decisions and finding some sense of security in your own ability to support yourself. The freedom of being attractive to other people. The freedom of putting down a number of pegs to your personal tent so it can’t be blown away in the slightest storm.

But this is your decision. Many people seem to live as though their lives will go on for a million years and it really doesn’t matter too much what they do from day to day. So they drink and do drugs. Unfortunately this is not true. You’re 21, you’re 22, you’re 40. And there’s nothing other people want to hear less than how you’ve wasted your life. You actually knew, honey, and you made the decision by not making the decision. Over and out.