The internet has greatly increased gay men’s opportunities to make contact with other gay men. But has it really made the gay interchange move forward into a more 21st century experience? I think it has moved the possibilities of sex forward enormously. For instance, new developments like Grindr, with which you can actually find out who is sexually available within a few miles, a few minutes from you. But does it make love any easier or any more possible?
Whatever you may think of yourself I believe you are trying to find fulfillment. And fulfillment comes from deeply exploring sex mixed with deeper feelings in a relationship. Having sex with four or five strangers a week may keep you busy but is it really all that different from masturbation?
I know, I know, there are tons of couples who met on the internet. But I still think the overall atmosphere is one of frenetic, almost hysterical activity with people displaying their private parts front and back indiscriminately. Doesn’t it look a little desperate to you? Or am I wrong? Maybe you have to step back and take a long look at yourself and the internet. Are you using it just because you are lonely? Honey, you can’t be so horny you have to have sex every day. Or maybe you are.
At any rate, the internet is just too easy. Take an evening class in painting. Or ceramics. Or even better, automobile repair. Meet some real people in real situations and ask someone out for coffee. Remember, even the women you meet may have sexy brothers or friends you’ll want to know also. And most importantly, remember that you are always somebody’s type. You just need a social life. Not a computer