Alchemical Reading
List and Resources

Over the last decade, there has been an explosion in the amount of resources available to the aspiring alchemist. There is so much available that at times it can be difficult to decide where to begin. However, alchemy has always been fraught with hucksters and con men. Courses offering degrees, certificates, and other forms of validation are fine for professional continuing education, but in alchemy they mean little or nothing. In the end, one has either completed the inner and outer work or one hasn’t, and a piece of paper will only show that someone has shown up for class and paid a fee. Be careful of promises of the fantastic.

The good news is that the worldwide alchemical circle is a small one, and it is easy to contact many people courtesy of the Internet. In fact, for the would-be alchemist, the Internet is the best place to start. Adam McLean’s Alchemy Web Site ( is world famous and has thousands of documents, images, and articles on alchemy. There are free course materials listed as well as links to other sites, e-groups, and various chats.

For those looking for a quality self-paced study course that covers all of the possible permutations of plant and mineral work, there is the course work previously issued by the Philosophers of Nature, now available through Triad Publishing. With forty-eight lessons on spagyrics and eighty-four lessons on mineral work, these courses have been the guiding hand for thousands of sincere students across the world and are available at an affordable price.

Several individuals who have studied with Frater Albertus and Manfred Junius continue to teach what they have learned and can be found in Australia, the United States, and Europe. Such instruction is invaluable when it can be had, in that it connects each student to the living tradition and saves hours of having to learn by trial and error. Both books by these modern alchemical giants should be in every library.

The following books have been selected because of their importance, availability, and practicality to new and even advanced students of the Hermetic arts and sciences. Combined, they create a complete course in alchemical theory and practice for the disciplined and dedicated student and will give a complete foundation for intermediate and advanced alchemical, esoteric, or energetic healing practices.

Suggested Reading

Practical Alchemy

An Alchemical Treatise on the Great Art, by Antoine-Joseph Pernety

The Alchemical Works of Geber, translated by Richard Russell

The Alchemist’s Handbook, by Frater Albertus

Culpeper’s Medicine: A Practice of Western Holistic Medicine, by Graeme Tobyn

The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus the Great, by A. E. Waite

In Pursuit of Gold: Alchemy Today in Theory and Practice, by Lapidus

John Reid’s Course on Practical Alchemy, by John Reid, III, an e-book located at

The Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy, by Manfred Junius

Praxis Spagyrica Philosophica: Plain and Honest Directions on How to Make the Stone; and, From “One” to “Ten”: A Treatise on the Origin and Extension of the Prime Manifestation on the Physical Plane, by Frater Albertus (This is actually two books issued as one.)

Homeopathy and Alchemy

Homeopathy: From Alchemy to Medicine, by Elizabeth Danciger

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation: Homeopathic Remedies for the Sign Types, by George Washington Carey and Inez Eudora Perry

Alchemical Meditations and Inner Alchemy

The Alchemical Mandala: A Survey of the Mandala in the Western Esoteric Traditions, by Adam McLean

Alchemical Studies, by C. G. Jung, translated by R. F. C. Hull

Psychic Energy: Its Source and Its Transformation, by M. Esther Harding, with foreword by C. G. Jung

Salomon Trismosin’s Splendor Solis, translated and edited by Joscelyn Godwin, with introduction and commentary by Adam McLean

General Esoteric Theory and Practice

The Art & Practice of Creative Visualization, by Ophiel

The Hermetic Tradition: Symbols and Teachings of the Royal Art, by Julius Evola

The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy, by Gregg Braden

The Kybalion, by Three Initiates

Psychosynthesis: A Collection of Basic Writings, by Roberto Assagioli, M.D.

The Seven Rays of the QBL, by Frater Albertus

Alchemical Images and Plates

Alchemy: The Secret Art, by Stanislas Klossowski de Rola

Alchemy & Mysticism, by Alexander Roob

The Golden Game: Alchemical Engravings of the Seventeenth Century, by Stanislas Klossowski de Rola


Access to Western Esotericism, by Antoine Faivre

The Alchemists, by M. Caron and S. Hutin, translated by Helen R. Lane

Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored, by Archibald Cockren

The Elements of Alchemy, by Cherry Gilchrist

Hidden Wisdom: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions, by Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney

Lure and Romance of Alchemy, by C. J. S. Thompson

Modern Esoteric Spirituality, edited by Antoine Faivre and Jacob Needleman

Fulcanelli and Alchemical Mysteries

The Dwellings of the Philosophers, by Fulcanelli, translated by Brigitte Donvez and Lionel Perrin

The Fulcanelli Phenomenon, by Kenneth Rayner Johnson

Fulcanelli: Master Alchemist; The Mystery of the Cathedrals, translated by Mary Sworder

The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time, by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges

Quantum Physics and Energetic Healing

The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics, by Gary Zukav

The Dreaming Universe: A Mind-Expanding Journey into the Realm Where Psyche and Physics Meet, by Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

Fire in the Mind: Science, Faith, and the Search for Order, by George Johnson

The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot

Vibrational Medicine, by Richard Gerber, M.D.

What the Bleep Do We Know!?, DVD, directed by William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, and Mark Vicente (The movie’s website is a small treasure trove of articles on quantum physics and includes links to the Institute of Noetic Science, a forerunner in new and cutting-edge research on the mind-matter interface:

Spagyric and Alchemical Courses

Spagyrics: A Course in Plant Alchemy, by Jean Dubuis, Lessons 1–48

Mineral Alchemy, by Jean Dubuis, Lessons 1–84

Triad Publishing, P.O. Box 116, Winfield, IL 60190

Tel: 630.682.3938; Fax: 630.665.2364



Triad also hosts occasional seminars and workshops on various aspects of Western esotericism.


The Alchemy Web Site—

Adam McLean is the owner of this international treasure. It is one-stop shopping that will allow you to connect with safe and reliable alchemical resources.

Seminars and Workshops

Institute for Hermetic Studies

P.O. Box 4513, Wyoming, PA 18644-4513


The Institute for Hermetic Studies offers seminars and workshops on all aspects of Western esotericism, including plant and mineral alchemy. For a subscription to VOXHERMES, the Institute’s free electronic newsletter announcing both Institute and non-Institute seminars and activities, contact
