
Physical Health and
Healing with Spagyrics

Chapter Overview

  • Why We Seek Health
  • Spirituality and Physical Wellness
  • Plants, Ruling Planets, and Potential Uses

Why We Seek Health

For many, the alchemical path begins because they are seeking gold; for others, long life; and for some, to heal themselves or those they love of sickness. In the end, all undertake the alchemical journey with the hope—better still, the burning desire—to end pain and suffering in their lives or for others. Even in its most basic aspect, the desire for long life (if not immortality) and infinite riches has, at its root, the desire to end suffering in some form. This is important, because all of these aspects—wisdom, wealth, health, and the power and responsibility they bring—are under the domain of Jupiter.

These four properties of Jupiter—health, wealth, wisdom, and power—can be interpreted as the four elemental qualities of Jupiter. Health is water, wisdom is air, wealth is earth, and power is fire. Combined and in harmony, they represent the divine plan, or the blueprint for our life as we imagine it. Yet there is a trick. These very things we seek, we cannot seek for ourselves alone, but for all of humanity. Our actions must be based in a broad and tolerant love—but not foolish or incredulous—and we must seek to be of service to the greater evolution of all life.

To be an alchemist, a true alchemist of this level, is to undertake the equivalent of the Bodhisattva’s vow, wherein we live to assist others in their becoming, and not for any purely selfish reasons.

In this respect, we cannot seek health simply because we do not wish to be sick or because we are afraid of death. Health is our natural and active state, and it must be maintained by kind, loving, and generous thoughts, feelings, and actions. If we are to live and be supported by this planet, we need to demonstrate that our continued life is of value. We need to demonstrate that we are more than just eating, sleeping, and sensation-seeking machines, but rather that we can integrate the highest values with the most basic acts and be an example of practical spirituality to those around us. In harmonizing our outer life with our innermost dreams, we experience health and life as a natural expression of who we are. Alchemists use plant and mineral products to help achieve this state of harmony and, with it, reflect the Hermetic axiom “As above, so below.”

Problems of Dosage

The diagnosis of a disease and prescription of treatment for it is the business of medicine. It is important to recognize that it is illegal to practice medicine without a license. For this reason, if you are not a qualified medical practitioner, use the information in this chapter solely for education and do not attempt to treat anyone with spagyric products for physical illness. Experience is required in both the professional end of diagnosis as well as in the preparation of tinctures and assessing how much to ingest.

No disease affects every person identically. Each person will respond differently enough to the same disease that the same set of symptoms can be interpreted differently by several physicians, and only experience allows them to make proper diagnosis. Because spagyric products are increased in their potency with each operation of separation and recombination, the amount needed for a specific disease will differ not only with the patient, but also with the strength of the Elixir prescribed.

Tinctures are often taken diluted at one or two drops in a teaspoon of water or ten drops in a glass of water. Some will brave it and take it directly under the tongue as well. For physical illness, the drops are to be taken hourly, whereas for meditation, the tincture’s dose is taken once a day or at specific weekly intervals.

The choice of herb is tricky, as some alchemists insist on the doctrine of correspondences, yet it is more common to take an herb based upon its healing properties in relationship to the disease and prepare or use it as the basis for a tincture. In this instance, it might be advisable to consult a homeopathic or naturopathic physician for herbal suggestions on which to base the production of an Elixir.

It is also unrealistic, despite the great potency of spagyric products, to expect to heal everything. It is not uncommon for people to turn to alternative forms of healing only at the end of their medical journeys rather than as a complement during allopathic treatment. This is unfortunate, as it creates a condition that is most often worse than if they had begun using spagyric products earlier. This sense of desperation intensifies and charges the healing environment, and it may create expectations that plant products are incapable of satisfying.

Spagyric products must be used:

If plant products are incapable of making any significant progress in curing the disease, then mineral products will need to be employed. Mineral products include either specific medicines made from specific minerals or products that have a broad power and influence, such as the White Stone or the Red Stone, two of the most important healing, rejuvenating, and spiritually initiating alchemical creations known in alchemy.

In his work The Alchemist’s Handbook, Frater Albertus describes a method for testing the quality of a product:

Before administering any alchemical medication to animals or sick individuals, a test should be performed to determine if the medicine is properly prepared. This is done by placing a small amount of the herbal substance on a thin sheet of heated copper. If it melts like wax and does not give off any smoke, and then solidifies again, it is an indication that the medication has been prepared correctly and that it is ready for use. . . . Alchemical herbal medications are the essence and salt in their purest form, as all irrelevant and extraneous matter has been removed during the process of calcinations. That which is essential cannot be destroyed by fire, but is only purified and brought to its preordained state.15

Alchemy and Homeopathy

The Spagyric Way of Preparing Medicine in Relationship to Parachemistry, a small pamphlet produced by Frater Albertus under his birth name, Albert Richard Riedel, Ph.D., hints at the relationship between alchemy and homeopathy when discussing mineral salts, an important part of alchemical and homeopathic treatments. Salts in spagyric products have the dual role of acting as a purifier (through filtration) for the energies of the plant and as an anchor for those same energies in the material world. Spagyrically prepared herbal products also owe part of their beneficial virtues to the mineral salts they contain. These salts are what are returned to the tincture after they are calcined. Even in instances in which the salt has not been calcined and a crude tincture is used, some of the mineral salts of the plant (known as “salts of the sulphur”) will still be present. Mineral salts act in the same manner individually as when in a harmonic group with other salts or when found in herbs. Centuries of research on the actions of these salts and the symptoms produced by their deficiencies has led to their efficient use in affecting certain illnesses.

These salts and their areas of action are:

Mineral Salt

Area of Symptomatic Relief

Aluminum Hydrate

Nervine for the sympathetic nervous system, stimulant

Antimony Sulfide, Golden

Depurative, stimulates circulation

Calcium Chloride

Restores elasticity, muscle weakness, muscle tonic

Calcium Fluoride

Blood vessels, tooth enamel, connective and elastic tissue, skin

Calcium Phosphate

Bones, general nutrition, digestive aid, tonic, antianaemic

Calcium Sulphate

Blood purifier, depurative, prevents cell disintegration and pus formation

Copper Sulphate

Thyroid, sexual organs, kidneys

Gold Chloride

Cardiac, tonic, heart, antiarthritic

Iron Phosphate

Reduces fever and inflammation, carries oxygen, antiphlogistic, antianaemic, febrifuge, haemostatic, vasotonic, vulnerary

Iron Sulphate

Depurative, gall bladder, antiphlogistic, blood oxygenation

Magnesium Phosphate

Antispasmodic, cardiac, spasm and cramp relaxative, carminative nervine

Mercury Chloride

Brain cell activator, liver cleanser, alternative, cholagogue, stimulant, hepatic, antisyphilitic

Potassium Chloride

Anticoagulant, depurative, hepatic, expectorant, mucus and clot neutralizer, cholagogue

Potassium Phosphate

Antiseptic, restorative, nervine, exanthemintic

Potassium Sulphate

Febrifuge, skin lubricant and opener, antiphlogistic, carminative, diaphoretic, exanthemintic, emmenagogue

Silic Oxide

Cleanser and eliminator, stimulates assimilation, depurative, diaphoretic, pus and tissue developer, maturing

Silver Chloride

Aids memory, brain tonic, antiseptic to mucus membranes

Sodium Chloride

Water distribution, promotes digestion, exanthemintic

Sodium Phosphate

Acid neutralizer, antacid, digestive, vermifuge, antirheumatic

Sodium Sulphate

Antibilious, cholagogue, depurative, water remover, hepatic, hydragogue

Zinc Chloride

Tissue and brain cell stimulant, astringent, antiseptic

The fundamental principle involved in the use of mineral salts is that of correcting a deficiency and, through that correction, establishing a harmony that results in “health” rather than seeking to achieve a specific result. This same fundamental process is carried over into homeopathy, which has its roots in alchemy.16

In 1873, Wilhelm Schuessler, a German homeopathic physician, proposed that of the salts found in the human body, the twelve major ones were responsible for maintaining health. Schuessler’s ideas won adherents quickly and became very popular in Europe and even India. Like many forms of non-allopathic medicine, Schuessler’s suffered during the second half of the twentieth century, but not before Dr. George Washington Carey and Inez Eudora Perry would adapt Schuessler’s ideas into a complex form of esoteric healing very much in harmony with homeopathy’s alchemical roots. Carey and Perry suggested that each of the twelve major cell salts found in the human body were related to one of the signs of the zodiac.17

From this basis, it has been theorized that since the number twelve is the basis for a complete life cycle (twelve months in the year, signs in the zodiac, gates of the New Jerusalem, Apostles, and Hebrew prophets), as well as the number of perfection in Renaissance numerology, the human body will always be missing a certain level of cell salts because its period of formation in the womb falls short of the number twelve. By the very fact that we take on physical life, we take on imperfection in form. Only through alchemical, homeopathic, or some other form of energetic means can this deficit be identified and corrected. The alchemical process for modifying these deficiencies is time consuming; however, a highly simplified variation of it, which follows, will assist in regaining energetic and physical well-being and maintaining health.18


Mineral Salt

Cell Salt Name


Potassium Phosphate

Kali Phos


Sodium Sulphate

Natrium Sulph


Potassium Chloride

Kali Mur


Fluoride of Lime

Calcium Fluoride


Magnesium Phosphate

Magnesium Phos


Potassium Sulphate

Kali Sulph


Sodium Phosphate

Natrium Phos


Lime Sulphate

Calcium Sulph





Lime Phosphate

Calcium Phos


Sodium Chloride

Natrium Mur


Iron Phosphate

Ferrum Phos

Each sign also corresponds to a decant, or one-third, of other signs in its particular elemental grouping. For us, this means that one cell salt will be absent and several of the needed cell salts will always be low in our bodies, for a total of nine parts, or three decants for each of the missing three zodiacal signs if a fetus is carried to full term. If it is born prematurely, additional cell salts will be needed. To simplify the process of having to calculate which cell salts are needed, it is possible to obtain a single remedy that already contains all twelve cell salts. The following method uses this product:19

Method I

1. Collect rainwater, preferably in the months of April and May and during a lightning storm. Fresh snow can also be used if rainwater is not available.

2. Filter the water to remove any debris.

3. Dissolve nine tablets in 45 milliliters of rainwater.

4. Drink it.

5. Do this daily for three months, starting with your birthday. If you were born prematurely, add additional weeks or months to compensate.

You will need a little over 4 liters of rainwater for this method.

Method II

Dissolve the pills in rainwater and circulate it at a very low heat, or allow it to digest for one month, preferably during the sign of Cancer.

Circulation Without a Laboratory

1. To circulate without a laboratory setup, place the liquid with the dissolved tablets in a glass container that is tall enough so that after the liquid is added, it will be at least three-quarters to four-fifths empty. Do this preferably on a Monday or Thursday morning during a New Moon or Full Moon.

2. Cover the mouth of the container with plastic food wrap and seal tightly.

3. Place on a low heat source for several hours. The liquid should never boil.

4. Allow it to cool before bottling.

5. Take 5 milliliters daily for three months, starting with your birthday.


Digestion is the same as circulation, except that there is no external heat source pushing the product. For our purposes, time and astrological influences are the deciding factors. Start your operation on a Monday morning, on or near the New Moon, in the sign of Cancer or Virgo. Other signs can be used, but Cancer deals with growth and form of the body and Virgo rules the Sixth House, the house of health.

1. Place the liquid with the dissolved tablets in a glass container that is tall enough so that after the liquid is added, it will be at least three-quarters to four-fifths empty. An Erlenmeyer flask is ideal for this, as it has a long neck that allows for a great deal of evaporation and condensation of the liquid.

2. Stopper the flask or cover the mouth of the container with food wrap, sealing tightly.

3. Wrap the flask in aluminum foil. Cover it completely.

4. Allow it to sit in darkness for thirty or forty days.

5. Take 5 milliliters daily for three months, starting with your birthday.

You will need about 750 milliliters of rainwater for this method.

The addition of the highly charged rainwater (which can be kept in your refrigerator when not in use to hold the charge) and the extended period of digestion, allowing for “solve et coagula” to occur, is what makes this an alchemical product. Here we have three simple methods that can be followed with little or no equipment and that will give tremendous benefits toward improving physical health.

Salt Structures and the Tree of Life

An extremely interesting but highly esoteric aspect of plant salts is that they also act in a manner reflecting their geometric shapes—shapes that have direct relationships to the planetary correspondences of the plants. Therefore, if we examine the calcined salt of a plant under a microscope, we will see that it has a specific shape and form. For example, salts of a cubic crystalline form relate to Saturn and can be used to assist in all areas in which the energies of Saturn are needed. This can be used to help us in deciding the correspondences for plants that are not listed in the traditional alchemical herbals.

This theory also demonstrates the Qabalistic theory of “Four Trees in Four Worlds,” wherein the earth, or mineral, Tree is the first to form but the last to be animated with consciousness. Through the addition of mineral substances to our work, we not only anchor our work solidly in the material world, but also assist the mineral world in its evolution. The more we work with the salts of our plant products, the closer we bring the entire process into the realm of genuine alchemy, and by that we mean a transformative practice for both matter and energy.


Planetary Correspondence of Plant

Sphere on the Tree of Life






















Planets, Plants, and Their Healing Qualities


Saturn rules over: old age, chronic diseases, and life’s lessons, or karma. Often perceived as the Cosmic Bookkeeper, Saturn is the planet of learning. If we have some introspection and self-discipline, Saturn will not be too difficult for us. If we lack these basic qualities, then we will perceive Saturn’s influences as hostile, punitive, and even evil at times.

Saturn corresponds to: the bones, teeth, the spine (in conjunction with Leo), the spleen, hair, nails, all minerals in the body, joints and flexibility (especially the knees), and all slow and chronic activities of the body. Saturn governs age’s hardening and restricting processes, such as the formation of crystals in the body as well as the hardening of the anterior lobe of the pituitary (restricting growth), hearing, memory, and circulation to the extremities and soft tissue.

Diseases associated with Saturn are: diseases affecting any of the above organs, including depression, melancholy, senility, crankiness, and lethargy; hardenings of the organs, arteries, or any calcification; rheumatism, arthritis, and anything chronic.

Plants associated with Saturn include:

Beta vulgaris—beetroot

Equisetum arvense—horsetail

Trigonella foenum-graecum—fenugreek


Plantago coronopus—plantain

Polygonatum officinale—Solomon’s seal

Secale cereale—rye


Symphytum officinale—comfrey (sometimes Jupiter)

Vinca minor—periwinkle, myrtle (sometimes lunar)

Viola tricolor—pansy

Zea mays—corn


Jupiter is the largest of the planets, the Sun being first, and bears many similarities to the Sun. Jupiter is in fact a sun that failed to fully ignite, and therefore it actually gives off more energy than it takes in. Jupiter is known as the Greater Benefic, and its placement in a birth chart is studied extensively because of the profound influences this planet has on so many significant areas of daily life. It is advisable to have a copy of your horoscope made so that you can study it in relation to the spagyric products you are making. If a planet is badly aspected, prepare a tincture for it.

Jupiter rules over: good health, wealth, philosophical and religious matters, ceremony, and the enjoyment of life.

Jupiter corresponds to: the liver, the lungs (sometimes with Mercury), arteries of the stomach and abdomen, digestion and assimilation of oxygen and nutrition, fatty tissues and areas of the body that store fat, the spleen (with Saturn), general antibiotic functions of the body, cell growth, general energy levels, and, in the brain, the occipital lobe of the pituitary body.

Diseases associated with Jupiter are: Jupiter does not promote disease but through its configuration with other planets can affect diseases, which include all diseases of excess and immoderation, particularly excessive drinking (Jupiter rules the liver), excessive eating, and even drug and substance abuse; congestion in the lungs, nose, and throat; poor blood (along with Mars); and the stomach. Jupiter has secondary effects on the heart and various cancers.

Plants associated with Jupiter include:

Agrimonia eupatoria—agrimony

Asparagus officinalis—asparagus

Borago officinalis—borage

Cichorium endivia—endive

Fraxinus ornus—manna, flowering ash

Inula helenium—elecampane (sometimes solar)

Melissa officinalis—lemon balm

Panax ginseng—ginseng

Rubus idaeus—raspberry

Salvia officinalis—sage

Symphytum officinale—comfrey (sometimes Saturn)

Vaccinium myrtillus—bilberry


Mars rules over: intense and often violent energy, bringing dynamic power to all that it encounters. Mars increases psychic ability as well as motion and power in the physical realm.

Mars corresponds to: the muscular system, male sexual organs, marrow, blood formation, the quality of red corpuscles, adrenaline (suprarenal glands), body heat and combustion, the gall bladder, and the purging of the body to maintain health.

Diseases associated with Mars are: swelling and inflammation of tissues, blood pressure (high and low), bleeding or any sudden and rapid onset of a disease, sharp pains, blisters, eruptions, and fevers. Mars also rules head injuries (via Aries) and the polarity between the sexual organs (Scorpio) and the brain (Aries), demonstrating the two terminals of the Secret Fire, or serpent energy.

Plants associated with Mars include:

Allium cepa—common onion

Allium sativum—garlic

Artemisia absinthium—wormwood

Capsicum—red pepper, paprika

Cochlearia armoracia—horseradish

Genista tinctoria—dyer’s broom

Gratiola officinalis—hedge hyssop

Nicotiana tabacum—tobacco

Pinus—all kinds of pine

Raphanus sativus—black radish

Smilax utilis—sarsaparilla

Sinapis—all varieties of mustard


The Sun rules over: all life, as we know it. The Sun provides all of the other planets (including the Moon) with energy, which in turn they transform or modify, reflecting it back and thereby creating the impulses that influence the horoscope when they are perceived from the perspective of Earth. The Sun is our sense of self, willpower, total organizing ability (externally), self-integration (internally), total energy levels and vitality, and success.

The Sun corresponds to: the heart, and with it circulation (in relation to Mars and Jupiter); the distribution of heat in the body, as well as psychic energy (via the solar plexus); the spinal column; vision; thymus gland (near the heart); pituitary gland (with Mars and Saturn); and eyes: right in man, left in woman.

Diseases associated with the Sun are: diseases that affect the total health of the body, degrade the structure of the body, or are a result of birth defects or accidents.

Plants associated with the Sun include:

Anthemis nobilis—Roman chamomile

Calendula officinalis—marigold

Cinnamomum zeylanicum—cinnamon

Citrus bergamia—bergamot

Dictamnus albus—dittany

Euphrasia officinalis—eyebright

Helianthus annuus—sunflower

Hypericum perforatum—St. John’s wort

Inula helenium—elecampane (sometimes Jupiter)

Matricaria chamomilla—German chamomile

Paeonia officinalis—peony

Rosmarinus officinalis—rosemary


Venus rules over: herbalism, spagyrics, talismanic and natural magic, arts, music, poetry, design, theater, harmony, proportion, integration and mediation of opposites into a whole, odors, perfumes, physical love, and celestial love (the Path of Devotion).

Venus corresponds to: the skin, complexion, muscles of the face, kidneys, perspiration, veins, parathyroid glands, tissue selection and formation, transformation and enrichment of substances within the body (or alchemically), internal sexual organs, and smell.

Diseases associated with Venus are: Venus, like Jupiter, does not promote disease but through its configuration with other planets can affect diseases, mainly of the skin, uterus, sexual organs, and kidneys, as well as, like Jupiter, diseases of immoderation and excess.

Plants associated with Venus include:

Achillea millefolium—yarrow

Alchemilla vulgaris—lady’s mantle

Althaea officinalis—marshmallow

Cynara scolymus—artichoke

Fragaria vesca—wild strawberry

Leonurus cardiaca—motherwort

Persica vulgaris—peach

Pyrus communis—pear

Rosa damascena—rose

Rubus fructicosus—blackberry

Senecio jacobaea—tansy ragwort

Verbena officinalis—vervain


Mercury rules over communications and commerce, initiation into the Mysteries, alchemy, Qabala, astrology, all forms of magic, writing, transmission of information, the nerves, skills involving manipulations and dexterity, mental skills, and the speedy distribution of energy.

Mercury corresponds to: the nerves, speech, hearing, the arms (fingers), the feet (toes), the brain (with the Moon), coordination between thoughts and speech or actions, the throat and thyroid, the pons in the brain (links the Sun [cerebrum] and Moon [cerebellum] aspects of the brain), spinal fluids, nerve sheaths, fluids related to the brain and nervous system, and in some instances the lungs (along with Jupiter).

Diseases associated with Mercury are: mental disorders, stuttering, and nerve disorders and breakdown, as well as respiration (under stress), metabolism, and metabolic disorders reflected in the thyroid.

Plants associated with Mercury include:

Acacia—all varieties of acacia

Anethum graveolens—dill

Apium graveolens—celery

Calamintha arvensis—mint, calamint

Carum carvi—caraway

Foeniculum vulgare—fennel

Marrubium vulgare—horehound

Mercurialis annua—(annual) mercury (and perenis, or perennial)

Pastinaca sativa—parsnip

Petroselinum hortense—parsley

Solanum dulcamara—bittersweet

Tussilago farfara—coltsfoot


The Moon rules over: water, growth, agriculture (with Saturn), fertility, conception, emotions, instincts and unconscious responses, psychic phenomena, family (mother), collective consciousness, rhythm and cycles, and genetic and cultural heritage.

The Moon corresponds to: the brain, memory (with Saturn), the breasts, the womb, the ovaries, menstruation, the stomach (with Jupiter) and esophagus, and all body fluids, including salivation, urination, and lactation.

Diseases associated with the Moon are: disruptions in any of the organs it rules, including dry breasts, infertility, and any glandular secretions (in conjunction with their specific planetary ruler), as well as the eyes: left in man, right in woman.

Plants associated with the Moon include:

Brassica—all varieties of cabbage

Cucurbita pepo—pumpkin gourd

Curcuma longa—turmeric

Hieracium pilosella—mouse-ear hawkweed

Hyssop officinalis—hyssop

Lenticula palustris—duckweed

Lilium album—white lily

Myristica fragrans—nutmeg

Nasturtium officinale—watercress

Stellaria media—chickweed

Veronica officinalis—speedwell

Vinca minor—periwinkle, myrtle (sometimes Saturn)

For a very thorough listing of plants, their Latin names, and their planetary correspondences, see The Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy, by Manfred Junius. For a comprehensive listing of plants, their Latin names, their planetary and zodiacal correspondences, and cross-name listings for common names, see The Master Book of Herbalism, by Paul Beyerl. Additional suggested reading includes A Modern Herbal, by Mrs. M. Grieve, and Culpeper’s Medicine: A Practice of Western Holistic Medicine, by Graeme Tobyn.

Key Points

General Assignments for Chapter Seven

1. Make an Elixir from fresh rainwater and cell salts.

2. Review your notes and see how you can improve on the calcination of your salts.

Meditation Practices for Chapter Seven

1. Using planetary hours, meditate on each of the crystalline structures presented. Do this for several weeks. Note the results of your meditations in your notebook.

2. Meditate on the nature of planetary correspondences. Starting on Saturday, sit with some horsetail (fresh or dried), or some other plant under the rulership of Saturn, and visualize yourself inside the plant’s structure. What does it feel like to be horsetail? If possible, locate the position of Saturn in an ephemeris and face in its direction. Repeat this for each planet of each day, using the appropriate herb.


15. Frater Albertus, The Alchemist’s Handbook (York Beach, ME: Weiser, 1987), 45–46.

16. For more on homeopathy, see: Elizabeth Danciger, Homeopathy: From Alchemy to Medicine (Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1987).

17. George Washington Carey and Inez Eudora Perry, The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation: Homeopathic Remedies for the Sign Types (York Beach, ME: Weiser, 1996).

18. For the complete alchemical process, including the “Separation of the Waters,” see lessons 25 and 26 in: Jean Dubuis, Spagyrics: A Course in Plant Alchemy, vol. 2 (Winfield, IL: Triad Publishing, n.d.). Available online at http://www.triad-publishing

19. Bioplasma is a combination of all twelve tissue remedies (cell salts) and is produced by P&S Laboratories, Los Angeles, CA 90061. They have been producing homeopathic products according to Dr. Schuessler’s methods since 1903. Other companies may have similar products.