List of Popes
Providing a list of the popes is not the simple matter it might seem. The difficulty begins at the beginning: who was the first pope? As I mentioned in chapter 1, the earliest lists begin not with Peter but with Linus because Peter was an apostle, which was a much higher status than bishop (pope). Some historians today, for example the much respected Eamon Duffy, follow that tradition and number Linus as the first pope. Yet, as I argued in chapter 1, it is possible to consider Peter a bishop because in the Church of Rome he presumably exercised a special leadership role in the community, which is what we mean by a bishop. I therefore follow the practice of the Annuario Pontificio, the annual and official “catalog” of the Holy See, which characteristically names Peter the first pope.
How to list the popes when two or three men simultaneously claim the office? In most instances, contemporaries or subsequent tradition clearly distinguished between the validly chosen pope and his rival(s), the anti-pope(s). But that is not always the case. The popes at the time of the Great Western Schism pose a special problem because even today some reputable historians of the era hesitate to pronounce on the matter. As mentioned above in chapter 15, until 1947, the Annuario listed the two claimants of the Pisan line (Alexander V and John XXIII) as legitimate. Only beginning in 1947 has it listed them, along with the two Avignonese popes (Clement VII and Benedict XIII), as anti-popes.
Another problem is the use of ordinal numbers to tell one pope from another. By the sixth century it became necessary to distinguish popes of the same name by assigning them a number, but this was not done in a systematic way. In some cases considerable confusion ensued, which was especially marked for popes named Martin, Felix, and Stephen. The issue is thoroughly discussed in the entry “Onomastics, Pontifical,” in The Papacy: An Encyclopedia (Routledge, 2002), especially pp. 1065–1066.
Below I follow the list of popes and anti-popes as given in the current Annuario, but I feel justified in doing so only after having called attention to the problem of providing a list of the “true” popes. I also follow the practice in that listing of indenting the names of the anti-popes. Except for Peter and Clement, no certain dates can be assigned the first six popes, and the dates assigned to others beginning with Sixtus I are approximate into the third century.
Peter |
c. 64 |
Linus |
Anacletus |
Clement |
c. 96 |
Evaristus |
Alexander I |
Sixtus I |
c.117–c.127 |
Telephorus |
c. 127–c.136 |
Hyginus |
c. 138–c. 142 |
Pius I |
c. 142–c. 155 |
Anicetus |
c. 155–c. 166 |
Soter |
c. 166–c. 174 |
Eleutherius |
c. 174–c. 189 |
Victor |
c. 189–c. 199 |
Zepherinus |
c. 199–c. 217 |
Callixtus I |
c. 217–222 |
Hippolytus |
217–c. 235 |
Urban I |
c. 222–230 |
Pontian |
230–235 |
Anterus |
235–236 |
Fabian |
236–250 |
Cornelius |
251–253 |
Novatian |
251–258 |
Lucius I |
253–254 |
Stephen I |
254–257 |
Sixtus II |
257–258 |
Dionysius |
260–268 |
Felix I |
269–274 |
Eutychian |
275–283 |
Gaius (Caius) |
283–296 |
Marcellinus |
296–? |
Marcellus |
c. 306–c. 309 |
Eusebius |
310 |
Miltiades |
311–314 |
Sylvester |
314–335 |
Mark |
336 |
Julius I |
337–352 |
Liberius |
352–366 |
Felix II |
355–365 |
Damasus |
366–384 |
Ursinus |
366–367 |
Siricius |
384–399 |
Anastasius I |
399–401 |
Innocent I |
401–417 |
Zosimus |
417–418 |
Eulalius |
418 |
Boniface |
418–422 |
Celestine I |
422–432 |
Sixtus III |
432–440 |
Leo I |
440–461 |
Hilarus (Hilary) |
461–468 |
Simplicius |
468–483 |
Felix III (II) |
483–492 |
Gelasius I |
492–496 |
Anastasius II |
496–498 |
Symmachus |
498–514 |
Lawrence |
498–499, 502–506 |
Hormisdas |
514–523 |
John I |
523–526 |
Felix IV (III) |
526–530 |
Dioscorus |
530 |
Boniface II |
530–532 |
John II (Mercury) |
533–535 |
Agapitus I |
535–536 |
Silverius |
536–537 |
Vigilius |
537–555 |
Pelagius I |
556–561 |
John III |
561–574 |
Benedict I |
575–579 |
Pelagius II |
579–590 |
Gregory I |
590–604 |
Sabinian |
604–606 |
Boniface III |
607 |
Boniface IV |
608–615 |
Adeodatus I |
615–618 |
Boniface V |
619–625 |
Honorius I |
625–638 |
Severinus |
c. 638–640 |
John IV |
640–642 |
Theodore |
642–649 |
Martin I |
649–653 |
Eugene I |
654–657 |
Vitalian |
657–672 |
Adeodatus II |
672–676 |
Donus |
676–678 |
Agatho |
678–681 |
Leo II |
682–683 |
Benedict II |
684–685 |
John V |
685–686 |
Conon |
686–687 |
Theodore |
687 |
Paschal |
687 |
Sergius I |
687–701 |
John VI |
701–705 |
John VII |
705–707 |
Sisinnius |
708 |
Constantine I |
708–715 |
Gregory II |
715–731 |
Gregory III |
731–741 |
Zacharias |
741–752 |
Stephen II (III) |
752–757 |
Paul I |
757–767 |
Constantine |
767–768 |
Philip |
768 |
Stephen III (IV) |
768–772 |
Hadrian I |
772–795 |
Leo III |
795–816 |
Stephen IV (V) |
816–817 |
Paschal I |
817–824 |
Eugene II |
824–827 |
Valentine |
827 |
Gregory IV |
827–844 |
John |
844 |
Sergius II |
844–847 |
Leo IV |
847–855 |
Benedict III |
855–858 |
Anastasius Bibliothecarius |
855 |
Nicholas I |
858–867 |
Hadrian II |
867–872 |
John VIII |
872–882 |
Marinus I (Martin I) |
882–884 |
Hadrian III |
884–885 |
Stephen V (VI) |
885–891 |
Formosus |
891–896 |
Boniface VI |
896 |
Stephen VI (VII) |
896–897 |
Romanus |
897 |
Theodore II |
897 |
John IX |
898–900 |
Benedict IV |
900–903 |
Leo V |
903 |
Christopher |
903–904 |
Sergius III |
904–911 |
Anastasius III |
911–913 |
Lando |
913–914 |
John X |
914–928 |
Leo IV |
928 |
Stephen VII (VIII) |
928–931 |
John XI |
931–935 |
Leo VII |
936–939 |
Stephen VIII (IX) |
939–942 |
Marinus II (Martin III) |
942–946 |
Agapitus II |
946–955 |
John XII |
955–964 |
Leo VIII |
963–965 [sic] |
Benedict V |
964 [sic] |
John XIII |
965–972 |
Benedict VI |
973–974 |
Boniface VII |
974, 984–985 |
Benedict VII |
974–983 |
John XIV |
983–984 |
John XV |
985–996 |
Gregory V |
996–999 |
John XVI |
997–998 |
Sylvester II |
999–1003 |
John XVII |
1003 |
John XVIII |
1003–1009 |
Sergius IV |
1009–1012 |
Gregory VI |
1012 |
Benedict VIII |
1012–1024 |
John XIX |
1024–1032 |
Benedict IX |
1032–1044, 1045 |
Sylvester III |
1045 |
Gregory VI |
1045–1046 |
Clement II |
1046–1047 |
Damasus II |
1048 |
Leo IX |
1049–1054 |
Victor II |
1055–1057 |
Stephen IX (X) |
1057–1058 |
Benedict X |
1058–1059 |
Nicholas II |
1059–1061 |
Alexander II |
1061–1073 |
Honorius II |
1061–1064 |
Gregory VII |
1073–1085 |
Clement III |
1080, 1084–1100 |
Victor III |
1086–1087 |
Urban II |
1088–1099 |
Paschal II |
1099–1118 |
Theoderic |
1100–1101 |
Albert |
1101 |
Sylvester IV |
1105–1111 |
Gelasius II |
1118–1119 |
Gregory VIII |
1118–1121 |
Callixtus II |
1119–1124 |
Honorius II |
1124–1130 |
Celestine II |
1124 |
Innocent II |
1130–1143 |
Anacletus II |
1130–1138 |
Victor IV |
1138 |
Celestine II |
1143–1144 |
Lucius II |
1144–1145 |
Eugene III |
1145–1153 |
Anastasius IV |
1153–1154 |
Hadrian IV |
1154–1159 |
Alexander III |
1159–1181 |
Victor IV |
1159–1164 |
Paschal III |
1164–1168 |
Callixtus III |
1168–1178 |
Innocent III |
1179–1180 |
Lucius III |
1181–1185 |
Urban III |
1185–1187 |
Gregory VIII |
1187 |
Clement III |
1187–1191 |
Celestine III |
1191–1198 |
Innocent III |
1198–1216 |
Honorius III |
1216–1227 |
Gregory IX |
1227–1241 |
Celestine IV |
1241 |
Innocent IV |
1243–1254 |
Alexander IV |
1254–1261 |
Urban IV |
1261–1264 |
Clement IV |
1265–1268 |
Gregory X |
1271–1276 |
Innocent V |
1276 |
Hadrian V |
1276 |
John XXI |
1276–1277 |
Nicholas III |
1277–1280 |
Martin IV |
1281–1285 |
Honorius IV |
1285–1287 |
Nicholas IV |
1288–1292 |
Celestine V |
1294 |
Boniface VIII |
1294–1303 |
Benedict XI |
1303–1304 |
Clement V |
1305–1314 |
John XXII |
1316–1334 |
Nicholas V |
1328–1330 |
Benedict XII |
1334–1342 |
Clement VI |
1342–1352 |
Innocent VI |
1352–1362 |
Urban V |
1362–1370 |
Gregory XI |
1370–1378 |
Urban VI |
1378–1389 |
Clement VII |
1378–1394 |
Boniface IX |
1389–1404 |
Benedict XIII |
1394–1417 |
Innocent VII |
1404–1406 |
Gregory XII |
1406–1415 |
Alexander V |
1409–1410 |
John XXIII |
1410–1415 |
Martin V |
1417–1431 |
Eugene IV |
1431–1447 |
Felix V |
1439–1449 |
Nicholas V |
1447–1455 |
Callixtus III |
1455–1458 |
Pius II |
1458–1464 |
Paul II |
1464–1471 |
Sixtus IV |
1471–1484 |
Innocent VIII |
1484–1492 |
Alexander VI |
1492–1503 |
Pius III |
1503 |
Julius II |
1503–1513 |
Leo X |
1513–1521 |
Hadrian VI |
1522–1523 |
Clement VII |
1523–1534 |
Paul III |
1534–1549 |
Julius III |
1550–1555 |
Paul IV |
1555–1559 |
Pius IV |
1559–1565 |
Pius V |
1566–1572 |
Gregory XIII |
1572–1585 |
Sixtus V |
1585–1590 |
Urban VII |
1590 |
Gregory XIV |
1590–1591 |
Innocent IX |
1591 |
Clement VIII |
1592–1605 |
Leo XI |
1605 |
Paul V |
1605–1621 |
Gregory XV |
1621–1623 |
Urban VIII |
1623–1644 |
Innocent X |
1644–1655 |
Alexander VII |
1655–1667 |
Clement IX |
1667–1669 |
Clement X |
1670–1676 |
Innocent XI |
1676–1689 |
Alexander VIII |
1689–1691 |
Innocent XII |
1691–1700 |
Clement XI |
1700–1721 |
Innocent XIII |
1721–1724 |
Benedict XIII |
1724–1730 |
Clement XII |
1730–1740 |
Benedict XIV |
1740–1758 |
Clement XIII |
1758–1769 |
Clement XIV |
1769–1774 |
Pius VI |
1775–1799 |
Pius VII |
1800–1823 |
Leo XII |
1823–1829 |
Pius VIII |
1829–1830 |
Gregory XVI |
1831–1846 |
Pius IX |
1846–1878 |
Leo XIII |
1878–1903 |
Pius X |
1903–1914 |
Benedict XV |
1914–1922 |
Pius XI |
1922–1939 |
Pius XII |
1939–1958 |
John XXIII |
1958–1963 |
Paul VI |
1963–1978 |
John Paul I |
1978 |
John Paul II |
1978–2005 |
Benedict XVI |
2005– |