First, I thank God, who took a spiritual hobbit and made him a burglar. Took a bookworm, and made him a raider. It’s been quite a journey.
To my wife, Andrea, my coadventurer in everything written in these pages, the number one Inkling, best friend, favorite theologian, and funniest comedian. Without your heart for missions, I’d still be in the lecture halls and would have never learned to crack a whip.
To my Inklings group (in particular Andy Froiland, Dan Samms, Matt Frettwell, Joel Hughes, Ty Petersen, and Beau Moffat). You’ve saved this book from being a bigger mess than it is.
To the team at Zondervan, Ryan Pazdur, Paul Pastor, Kim Tanner, and Nathan Kroeze.
To my agent, Steve Laube, who has given me many a beating to make me a better author.
To everyone else who has had the guts to accompany me on some harebrained scheme . . .
Thank you.