Trey parked in front of the decrepit structure and glanced at the dashboard clock. His phone had no service, and according to the patrol GPS app locator, Slade was running late. Dusk had settled in the valley, and they’d be hard-pressed to check out the old farmhouse before dark. Waiting on Slade wasn’t an option.
Abandoned long ago, the neglected structure sagged on its crumbling frame. Dying trees with naked branches stretched out their limbs in a sad protectiveness around the home. Forest land bordered the property on every side, rising with the gentle rolling hills.
“Pretty,” Justine quipped, one hand on the truck’s door handle.
“Yeah. Think old Underwood Machler actually lives here?” Trey withdrew his weapon, checking the magazine.
“Um. No. But there might be clues to his actual location in there. Or the house will fall in on us while we’re looking.” Justine gave him a shaky smile.
Trey surveyed the property. “Maybe Machler used this address for the money laundering or whatever is going on. Wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened.”
Trey put a hand on her arm. “Wait. Slade will be here soon. Stay inside the truck and lock the doors. I’ll clear the house, and if it’s empty, I’ll come and get you. If I’m not back within three minutes, drive up to the hill, and as soon as you have reception, call Slade.”
Justine shoved the diary into her pocket. “No way am I staying out here alone. Two eyes are better than one.”
“In that case, I’ll take Magnum with me. He’s got two great eyeballs and a power sniffer.”
On cue, Magnum popped his head through the divider, but Trey didn’t miss the exhaustion in the animal’s demeanor.
“Nice try. Not gonna happen. We’re a team.”
As much as he loved the sound of that, Trey made one last plea. “You do realize if something happens, we’re too far from civilization to get help. The whole area is forest for miles.”
“You’re a terrible salesman.”
He chuckled. “Sorry. Just giving you the facts.”
“I appreciate the effort, but we’re so close I can taste it.”
Trey scratched Magnum’s ear, concerned about the way he babied his injured paw. “Maybe I’ll leave Magnum here.”
“In a hot truck?”
“You forget the safety temperature controls.” He gestured to the thermostat device between them.
“Right. Are you sure the windows will roll down? And you’ve got that gadget to open his door if things go bad in there and we need Magnum?” Justine asked.
Trey pointed to a small black button on his vest, trying not to think of scenarios that might prohibit him from using the device. Like an ambush. “Yep, the engine stays running. Mags gets to chill in the AC, and we’ve got a quick getaway if needed.”
“See? What do we have to lose?”
He turned up the air conditioner. “Mags, hang tight, buddy.”
Magnum whined and slipped into his area. Trey slid the divider closed. Then they exited the truck, and he locked the doors.
“Follow me.” Trey’s pulse beat in his ears as they crept toward the house.
Thick air without a hint of a breeze had his shirt plastered to his back. Dead silence hedged about them, as if the elements held their breath.
Trey activated his weapon’s flashlight, and they climbed the fragments of porch steps. Hypervigilance had him constantly surveying the area. “Stay close.”
The comment was unnecessary since Justine was near enough he heard her breathing.
He gripped the rusty knob on the rickety door. Locked. Trey moved to the window and peered inside. It appeared abandoned. He returned to the front door and slammed his shoulder into the rotting wood, forcing it open. He scanned the threshold in search of any IED trip wires, then carefully crossed over, entering the living room. Only a moth-eaten sofa filled the space, and the floors creaked beneath his boots.
He quickly cleared the area and whispered, “Wait here.”
Justine shook her head, and he shot her a pleading look. She conceded, moving farther into the room as he eased into the hallway and across to the kitchen.
He spun, sweeping the flashlight beam off Susan’s pistol, pressed to Justine’s temple. Where had she come from?
“Drop your gun, or I’ll shoot your girlfriend.”
“Then I’d have to return fire,” he countered. His mind raced. They’d diligently watched for anyone following them on the way and had seen no one for miles. How did Susan know they’d be here?
“You’re wondering how we knew you’d show up.” Susan’s lip curved in a sneer.
We. Who was with her? “Something like that,” Trey said, focused on the open front door and his pickup parked in the distance.
“You’d be amazed what information money will buy, Trooper.” Susan laughed.
Gun unwavering, he slowly raised his left hand up to his tactical vest, to Magnum’s emergency-door-release button.
“Put down your weapon!” Susan screeched.
“I wouldn’t test her, Trooper.” Alex’s familiar voice was accompanied by the jabbing of a gun barrel in Trey’s back.
He dropped his hand. “Glad to see you manned up and came out of hiding, Alex. But you’ll never get away with anything. There’s a BOLO out for your arrest,” Trey warned.
The sun had almost set, darkening the room.
“We? Is Underwood Machler here with you?” Justine’s voice took on that professional sound.
Susan chuckled. “Some secrets are too precious.”
“Secrets Kayla discovered,” Justine said.
“If she’d minded her own business, she would’ve lived,” Alex inserted.
“You killed her,” Justine replied.
“He did what had to be done,” Susan defended.
“Drop your gun and kick it to me.” Alex pressed the gun harder.
“Don’t do it, Trey,” Justine cried.
“Say another word and I’ll finish you off,” Susan bit out, slamming the butt of her weapon against Justine’s temple. She yelped and met his eyes, pleading.
Trey lunged forward, halted by a warning shot near Justine’s foot.
“Drop your gun or the next bullet is for Justine,” Alex warned, stepping closer.
“Okay, calm down.” Trey glanced toward the door.
Justine’s eyes widened with what he prayed was understanding. He sank to a squat, placed the gun on the floor beside him and used the diversion to depress Magnum’s release button.
Barks resounded.
Alex cursed and shoved Trey down, stomping on Trey’s hand as he lunged, and slammed the door shut before Magnum reached the porch.
Trey jumped to his feet and tackled Alex to the ground. Alex’s gun slid toward Trey.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Justine spin, elbowing Susan in the nose.
Relentless, Magnum snarled, clawing and butting the door.
“It’s over. Get up!” Trey ordered.
A warning shot rained bits of wood and plaster on Trey, and he turned.
Justine knelt on one knee, a sliver of crimson sliding down her face.
“It’s far from over, Trooper.” Susan shoved her weapon against Justine’s head. “Put your gun down now, or I’ll shoot her.”
Magnum slammed against the door again, barking furiously. Without an injured paw, he’d easily jump through the window, but Trey prayed he wouldn’t try as he set down his pistol.
“Move to the couch,” Alex ordered.
Trey complied. “So, you’re Underwood Machler?”
“Oh, please. We’re not going to have one of those last-minute-revelation discussions.”
“But even if you kill us, we have the evidence to put you away,” Trey stalled.
Alex sneered. “I doubt that. And by the time your cohorts figure out you two are missing, we’ll be long gone, lounging in the Bahamas.”
Magnum continued hitting the door and barking.
“Shut that dog up before I shoot him!” Susan raged.
Fury showed in Justine’s eyes, locking with Trey’s. A silent acknowledgment to fight.
“Too bad dogs can’t open doors. I’ll take care of the cop. Get what you need from Justine. And do whatever it takes,” Alex ordered.
Susan dragged Justine down the hallway.
Alex stepped closer, kicking Trey’s Glock under the couch.
Trey dived for the man’s legs, tackling him with such vigor they went through the rotting floor and landed on the dirt below.
Alex lost his hold on the gun, but the attorney was more agile than Trey anticipated.
He kicked Trey back and scurried up from the ground.
Trey punched Alex, landing several uppercuts, but Alex hooked a foot around Trey’s leg, tripping him.
Alex jumped on Trey, punches flying.
Trey dodged a jab and gained the top position. He drove a fist into Alex’s stomach and ribs.
Alex clocked Trey, igniting fury.
With three quick hits, Trey pummeled Alex, knocking him unconscious, and then got to his feet, stepping out of the hole.
Trey yanked open the door, and Magnum bolted inside, rushing to Alex and growling at the unresponsive man. “Good boy!”
Darkness had settled, and shadows covered the landscape. How would he find Justine?
Alex groaned, and Trey pulled him through the broken floor and slapped handcuffs over his wrists. He collected his gun from under the couch and grabbed Alex’s weapon, then slid it into his waistband.
Magnum sniffed the room. He’d have to rely on the dog’s ability to track Justine and Susan. They moved through the house and paused in the kitchen at the open back door. “Magnum, seek!”
The dog bolted outside, and Trey hurried after him. But Magnum sped over the ground and disappeared into the forest.
Please, Lord, let Magnum find Justine. They couldn’t have gone far.
Trey ran, debating whether to call Magnum. He didn’t want to alert Susan, but he’d lost sight of the dog.
As if on cue, familiar barks echoed.
Magnum had found them!
Hope surged through Trey, fueling his search.
The forest was thick, reaching high, with a canopy of branches and leaves blocking the moonlight.
Trey sprinted, arms outstretched to thwart the low-hanging limbs slapping at him from all directions. There was no path to follow, and the ground was covered with brambles and exposed roots, forcing Trey to move slower.
Ears straining, he aimed toward Magnum’s barks. The sound seemed to come from everywhere and inky night smothered him, confusing his sense of direction.
Trey paused, activated his weapon’s flashlight and whistled a response.
A gunshot exploded.
* * *
Justine glanced down at the creek separating her from Magnum’s scent trail. She’d heard him rushing through the leaves, but he hadn’t reached her before Susan had forced her across the water. She prayed he’d lead Trey to where she’d dropped the diary and know they’d crossed over.
Susan grew more agitated, escalating her irrational behavior. Pain seared from the bullet-grazing wound of Susan’s last warning shot.
“Why not kill me here?” Justine pressed.
“Walk!” Susan seethed, but something in her attitude hinted that things weren’t going as planned.
Trey’s whistle echoed, a comforting reminder he searched for her in the enveloping darkness, Magnum’s barks promising to find her.
But would that happen before Susan killed her?
“I can’t see where I’m going.” Justine clumsily traversed the sloping ground.
“Shut up and walk.”
Stumbling through the brambles, Justine determined to keep Susan talking. “Where are you taking me?” The leaves and pine needles crunched beneath their shoes.
“Where they won’t find your body.” The iciness in Susan’s voice sent a shiver down Justine’s back.
Magnum’s barks faded. Was he going the wrong way?
Though her eyes had adjusted, she couldn’t see two feet in front of her.
Lord, help them find me.
Her head throbbed from where Susan had struck her with the gun.
“Where is he?” Susan murmured, confirming Justine’s suspicions Alex was the brains behind everything.
But why?
“Alex will give you up. He’s already in custody,” Justine surmised, praying she was right.
“You don’t know anything.” Susan’s voice quavered.
“Don’t let him get away with killing Kayla. I’ll go in with you, explain how he manipulated you.”
“Shut up! I need to think!”
Justine paused and turned.
Susan stood close behind her.
She was breaking down. Whatever plot she and Alex had was unraveling. Justine used her most soothing tone. “Susan, there’s time to stop this. I’ll give you the diary. We can talk to the police together. You don’t want another murder on your hands.”
A streak of moonlight pierced through the trees overhead. A silent second ticked by and Susan faced her, a murderous glare lasered on Justine. “You think you’re so smart, don’t you?”
“If you surrender before Alex does, you’ll have leverage.”
“I’ll be gone before that happens. Alex served his purpose.”
The woman bounced between calculating to unsure. Had she been the one behind the psychological games against Kayla? Justine stepped closer, hands outstretched. “Susan, I want to help.”
From the depths of the night, Magnum’s barks grew stronger.
Susan turned, and Justine barreled into her.
They slammed into a tree.
Justine grasped the woman’s gun-wielding arm.
“No!” Susan screeched, the weapon swaying dangerously above them in Susan’s attempt to maintain control.
Justine thrust Susan’s hand into the trunk, and Susan accidentally fired the gun a second time.
Like a beacon to their location, Magnum’s barking drew closer.
“Magnum!” Justine held on tight, unwilling to release Susan’s arm.
The woman kicked, striking Justine’s injured leg.
Pain exploded, and she buckled but refused to let Susan go.
Fury infused Justine with adrenaline, and she straightened and headbutted Susan. The gun toppled to the ground, and the impact sent them both stumbling.
Magnum’s barks ceased. Had he left?
Justine’s vision clouded, but she couldn’t stop. She swung hard, landing a blow to Susan’s face.
Susan wasn’t giving up easily. She lunged, tackling Justine, and pinned her down.
Susan swung wildly. Two strikes to her ribs stunned Justine as she fought to dodge the attacks.
She tucked her knees up, prepared to shove Susan off.
A blur of black appeared from the brush, and Susan flew to the side.
Justine bolted to her feet.
Magnum stood on guard, teeth bared, hackles raised.
“He will attack,” Justine warned through painful breaths, though she wasn’t sure he’d act on her command. Where was Trey?
Susan froze, braced on all fours, chest heaving with exertion.
“Justine!” A light bounced in the distance.
Trey sprinted through the dark, rushing to her side. He jerked Susan to her feet.
“Good boy, Magnum.” Justine hugged him.
Susan huffed, hands cuffed behind her. “Wait. I’ll give you a cut of the money.”
“Forget it. Trey, can you hand me that flashlight?”
He swept his weapon light across the area. Justine pressed an arm against her ribs. “I can’t find her gun.”
“Magnum, evidence.”
The dog scurried, nose to the ground, moving beside a thicket, then dropped to a sit. Trey shone the beam on Susan’s weapon.
Justine eased out of her outer shirt and used it to pick up the gun.
Sirens blared in the distance.
“Oh, sure. Now big brother shows up,” Trey teased, leading the group through the woods.
As they neared the creek, Justine asked, “Did you find the diary?”
Trey nodded. “Yep, got it in my pocket. Great idea, by the way.”
Susan gaped but said nothing.
They hiked back to the house, using the strobing lights to guide the way. Entering the clearing, Justine exhaled relief at the two patrol cars parked beside Trey’s pickup.
Eric Irwin hauled a swaying and stumbling Alex from the house.
Trey shot her a look.
“Be nice,” she whispered.
He grunted.
“What happened to Alex?” Justine asked.
“He made the mistake of trying to keep me from you,” Trey said.
She grinned, grateful he couldn’t see the warmth radiating up her neck.
Slade rushed to their side and took custody of Susan. “Thank God. We didn’t know where you’d disappeared to.”
“You’ve got nothing on me. Alex forced me to do this. He’s the mastermind,” Susan ranted across the property.
“Lady, save it for your next attorney.” Slade assisted her into his patrol car and closed the back door. He turned and faced Justine and Trey. “I’d ask why you didn’t wait for me, but that seems to be a moot point.”
“Sorry, but it all worked out.” Trey grinned.
Slade snorted.
“Why’d you call him?” Trey jutted a chin at Eric, approaching from the side.
“You’re welcome,” Slade replied. “Instinct. I tracked your location and saw you’d ignored my suggestion and gone into the valley. I requested backup, and Irwin was the first to respond.”
“I’m sure he was,” Trey grumbled.
“Bro, he’s cool.”
Justine watched the interaction as Trey sized up the other trooper.
“Did you tell him?” Eric smiled wide.
“Tell me what?” Trey asked.
“Eric did a little background search on this property. Turns out it belonged to the Underwood family,” Slade explained.
Justine and Trey exchanged glances.
“And?” Justine invaded the pregnant pause.
“And Underwood was Susan’s maternal grandmother’s name. She left the property to Susan, who ‘sold’—” Eric made air quotes with his fingers “—it to Underwood Malcher. They made up the name, used a fake Social Security number and created a false identity.”
“You discovered that tonight?” Justine queried.
Eric shrugged. “The internet is full of mystery. Besides, it’s all a team effort, right?”
Trey ducked his head and held out a hand. “Outstanding work. I owe you.”
Eric guffawed, shaking his hand. “I want that in writing.”
“Alex and Susan embezzled money from the Nolans’ business into the offshore account. When Kayla found out, she made the copies of the documents,” Justine clarified.
“And they killed her before she ratted them out,” Trey finished. “But how do we prove who actually injected Kayla with the drugs?”
Slade laughed. “Alex is rambling like a babbling two-year-old. He flat out admitted he didn’t mean to kill Kayla. He’ll turn on Susan in a heartbeat.”
“The dream team stole the show.” Eric beamed, slapping Trey on the back a little harder than necessary, based on the accompanying wince.
Justine stifled a giggle.
“Unless you want the honors of booking Alex, I’ll take him in,” Eric offered.
“He’s all yours,” Trey said.
“Fantastic.” Eric jogged to his patrol car.
“Hey, Eric?” Trey called.
He turned.
“Hold off a few minutes.”
“Roger that.” Eric saluted and resumed walking to his vehicle.
“See?” Slade put a hand on Trey’s shoulder.
“I really had him pegged as a vulture,” Trey admitted.
“Nah, bro, he’s just young and eager. Can’t blame a guy for wanting to jump in and swim.” Slade fist-bumped his brother, then turned to Justine. “Will’s doing an amazing job at the ranch. You’ll be able to sleep in your house tonight.”
Justine covered her arms with her hands, suddenly self-conscious of the exposed burn scars and grateful for the dark atmosphere. “Thank you, Slade, for everything.”
“That’s what family does.” He grinned.
“I want to talk to Alex while he’s still chatty,” Trey said.
“I’ll meet you at Booking so you can wrap up here.” Slade rounded his patrol car and slid behind the wheel.
Trey and Justine walked to Eric. He opened the back door to where Alex sat.
“She made me. I tried to talk Susan out of it all, but she insisted. What else could I do?” The hope in Alex’s eyes was almost comical.
“Let’s skip the part where you deny any knowledge of this whole situation,” Trey said.
Alex slumped in the seat. “All Kayla had to do was leave it alone. Susan said we’d just scare her. Use the stalker thing to get Kayla off the trail and make her look unstable.”
“You used terror to control her, but it didn’t work. Kayla was too strong for you,” Justine said.
Alex blinked. “I really did like Kayla, but she locked us out of the Underwood account. That sent Susan over the edge.”
“So all this time, you haven’t been able to get to the money?” Justine asked.
Alex nodded. “Then, when you called about the diary, we figured she’d hidden the information in it. If you’d just given it back, none of this would’ve happened.”
“You’re not seriously blaming me?” Justine gaped at the man.
He shrugged. “No one had to die.”
“Who injected Kayla?” Justine pressed.
“If I tell you, will you cut me a deal?”
“You watch too many crime-TV shows.” Trey shook his head and reached for the door.
“Wait! There’s more! Susan set that IED at the warehouse. I wasn’t even there.”
Justine leaned against the quarter panel. “Except you were.”
“No. I wasn’t. Honest.”
“Prove it,” Trey said.
“Sure! How?”
“Let me see your leg.”
Alex’s eyes widened. “Why? What’s that got to do with anything?”
Magnum sat beside Justine with that knowing smile of his.
“I can get a warrant, but we both know what I’m going to find,” Trey said.
Alex shifted, placing his leg on the outer edge of the door. “Stupid dog.”
Eric leaned in. “Now, Apollo won’t like that kind of attitude,” he said, pointing to the dog’s kenneled area beside Alex.
The man paled.
Trey lifted Alex’s pant leg. A bite mark on his calf screamed the truth. “Magnum, is that your handiwork?”
The dog wagged his tail.
Alex tucked his leg in the truck.
“Thanks, Alex. I’ll see you in Booking.” Trey grinned.
“Got what you wanted?” Eric asked.
“Yep. Meet you at the office.” Trey slammed the door and Alex startled.
Eric exited the property, Slade behind him.
Justine giggled. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For showing up at the perfect time. Susan might’ve killed me.”
“Nah, you had her.”
She grinned and leaned over, inspecting her leg.
“You’re hurt!” Trey squatted beside her.
“It hurts worse than it looks,” she teased.
Trey lifted her and carried Justine to his pickup. Setting her down, he pulled out a first-aid kit and cleaned the wound.
“Nice.” Justine inspected the bandage.
“Still need to see the doctor.”
She smiled. “Magnum’s rescue more than proves he’s K-9 material. The bite is solid evidence against Alex.”
“He did a great job, didn’t ya, buddy?” Trey ruffled Magnum’s mane. “Too bad that doesn’t count for the recertification.”
“He’s earned a little R & R. Let’s see how he does after that.”
Trey shrugged. “The funny thing is, I’m okay with whatever happens. I can train a new dog, and Eric deserves to work Apollo. Regardless, Mags is my partner, and even if he’s forced to retire, he’s staying with me.”
“I love the way you think.”
Trey chuckled. “See, that optimism of yours totally wore off on me. It’s one of the many things I love about you.”
Justine blinked. Her mouth went dry, and she rubbed her arms, longing for her long-sleeved shirt to cover the scars.
Trey covered her hands with his. “I love you, Justine. If you feel the same, I’ll wait a year, ten years, whatever it takes, but I want to be with you. Forever. You’ve always been the one.”
His words burst through the floodgates of her heart, and Justine melted into his embrace. Had she hidden behind Kayla because she feared falling for Trey? Would Kayla approve? Justine tipped back, her gaze meeting Trey’s.
Yes, her friend had known how Trey felt. It was time to release the past.
Justine leaned in.
Trey’s mouth parted, and she paused, their lips a breath apart. She whispered, “I love you too,” and initiated a kiss.
This time, the connection was no longer tentative.
But deepened with acceptance and promise for their future.