Hate is omnipotent, ubiquitous, omniscient. A growling dog on the walls. A camouflage uniform in the style of the imperial invader, preferably of Cuban origin (the Havana government doesn’t call the exiles “Cuban”). In Cuba hate is the most effective source of governability. Hate builds consensus. We all understand this language that has run through our blood and guts since long before the Revolution. Domestic hatred. Hatred of the other. Hatred of the different. Hatred from afar. Hatred of oneself.
The representation of hatred is a form of self-defense for a little island, victim of all the abuses of the outside world. Hatred is transition from the dictatorship to a State democrhatredcy. Hatred is forgetting of life, a catharsis to palliate our mediocrhatredcy. The obvious hatred. The hatred of the day-to-day. Hatred as god.