David Kuhn knew what I meant before I could articulate it, and helped me bring the idea for this book forth. Alessandra Bastagli was the first believer in the book and has been a champion and a dogged advocate throughout. Martha K. Levin and Dominick Anfuso have been unflagging in their support. Aja Pollock was meticulous. Daniella Wexler has been patient and painstaking. I would not be writing anything at all if it hadn’t been for Keith Bellows, who was the first to take a chance when an actor asked for an opportunity to write. There are others: Susan Dalsimer, Dani Shapiro, Michael Maren, Nancy Novogrod, Luke Barr, Jayne Wise, Candace Bushnell, Jacqueline Carleton, Lisa Jane Persky, Stephen O’Connell, Lois Wecker, all offered insight along the way. And my gratitude goes to my family, all of them—none asked to be in a book; I hope they will accept, forgive, and understand. Finally, there would be no book without Dolores—for obvious reasons, and for some less obvious ones. I am made grateful, awed, blessed, and humbled by her in equal measure.