“It was not so much the Buccaneer itself but the way of life that went with it. Big squadrons, a lot of aircrew, splendid engineering people, a challenging task by day and night, plenty of low flying and weaponry – a big honest brute of an aircraft that never let us down.”
Rear Admiral Roger Dimmock, CO 801 Squadron, SNO RAF Honington
“Whilst it was always a thrill to fly the new Tornado, the Buccaneer in those days flew further, faster and lower than any other strike/attack aircraft. Six years of magical flying.”
Air Vice-Marshal Peter Harding, OC 12 Squadron, Station Commander RAF Honington
“It is more years than I care to remember since my last flight in a Buccaneer, yet there are still times when my thoughts turn to the thrill of so many flights in that great aircraft. What a privileged lot we were!”
Lieutenant General Jan van Loggerenberg, OC 24 (SAAF) Squadron and Chief of the SAAF
“I was associated with the Buccaneer for over twelve years. I look back with the happiest of memories of all the outstanding aviators with whom I was privileged to fly, both navy and air force. The loyalty the Buccaneer generated was unique in my experience.”
Rear Admiral Mike Cole, 700Z Flight, 801 and 736 Squadrons
“On retirement, I spent more than a few hours in misty-eyed reflection on my career’s noteworthy memories. My thoughts kept centering back to the three fantastic years I spent at Honington on exchange flying as a Buccaneer navigator.”
Major General Scott Bergren USAF, 237 OCU
“In my view the two-man team reigns supreme and the quality of crew co-operation developed in the Buccaneer world became the ‘gold standard’ to be copied elsewhere. Why was my tour on XV Squadron so special? It was the people.”
Air Vice-Marshal Bob O’Brien, XV Squadron
“The Buccaneer spirit lives on in South Africa. The spirit encountered amongst former Buccaneer aircrew appears to be stronger than that associated with any other aircraft type. Well, this is what we believe and who is going to challenge us?”
Colonel Neil Napier, 24 (SAAF) Squadron
“I am deeply grateful to all those observers who have contributed to make my assignment with the Fleet Air Arm the most rewarding period of my aeronautical life.”
Rear Admiral Jean-Claude Blanvillain, French Navy, 800 Squadron
“Work hard, play hard is an enduring motto for most air forces, and there is no doubt in my mind that the Buccaneer force exemplified this in full measure whether ashore or afloat. But it did so with a feeling of affection for the aircraft that I have not sensed to the same degree elsewhere.”
Air Marshal Sir Peter Norriss, XV Squadron, 237 OCU, OC 16 Squadron