1854 |
Mar |
28 |
England and France declared war. |
30 |
Baltic fleet left Kiel. |
Apr |
14 |
Russians commenced Siege of Silistria. |
15 |
Convention between England, France and Turkey. |
18 |
Omar Pacha defeated Lüders near Rassova. |
20 |
Austria and Prussia, Convention of Neutrality. |
21 |
Odessa bombarded. |
May |
1 |
Allied armies advanced to Bosphorus. |
4 |
Turkish Fleet entered Black Sea. |
12 |
Loss of the Tiger off Odessa. |
28 |
Allies advanced to Varna. |
29 |
Desperate sortie at Silistria. |
Jun |
9 |
Russians advanced towards Kars. |
13 |
Allied fleets joined in the Baltic. |
22 |
Russians raised Siege of Silistria. |
Jul |
7 |
Turks gained Battle of Giurgevo. |
21 |
Fleets advanced to reconnoitre Crimea. |
28 |
Russians evacuated Wallachia. |
30 |
French army joined Baltic Fleet. |
Aug |
13–16 |
Siege of Bomarsund. |
20 |
Austrians entered Principalities. |
25 |
Expedition to Crimea announced. |
Sep |
4 |
Allies defeated at Pètropaulovsk. |
5 |
Allied armament began to leave Varna. |
14 |
Allies landed at Old Fort. |
15 |
Russians evacuated Moldavia. |
19 |
Cavalry skirmish at Bulganak. |
20 |
Battle of the Alma. |
23 |
Allies commenced flank march. |
23 |
Menchikoff sank Russian fleet. |
24 |
Menchikoff’s flank march to Baktchèserai. |
24 |
British wounded began to reach Scutari. |
24 |
General Williams arrived at Kars. |
26 |
British took possession of Balaclava. |
29 |
Death of Marshal St. Arnand. |
30 |
Todleben began to fortify Sebastopol. |
Oct |
2 |
Siege army encamped before Sebastopol. |
12 |
Times’ Sick and Wounded Fund established. |
13 |
Patriotic Fund established. |
17 |
First bombardment of Sebastopol commenced. |
23 |
Miss Nightingale departed to the East. |
25 |
Battle of Balaclava. |
26 |
First Battle of Inkermann. |
Nov |
5 |
Second (or Great) Battle of Inkermann. |
14 |
Destructive hurricane at Crimea. |
20 |
Contests at the ‘Ovens’, near Sebastopol. |
Dec |
2 |
Tripartite treaty against Russia. |
22 |
Sir E. Lyons succeded Admiral Dundas. |
24 |
Admiral Bruat succeded Admiral Hamelin. |
28 |
Memorandum on the ‘Four Points’. |
1855 |
Jan |
26 |
Sardinia entered the Alliance. |
29 |
Sebastopol Committees appointed. |
31 |
Aberdeen Ministry resigned. |
Feb |
5 |
Palmerston Ministry formed. |
6 |
Warrant giving Commissions to Sergeants and Corporals. |
20 |
Night march in snow to Tchernaya. |
22 |
White Works constructed by Russians. |
24 |
French defeated at the White Works. |
Mar |
2 |
Tsar Nicholas died. |
15 |
Vienna Conferences commenced. |
22 |
Great sortie from Sebastopol. |
Apr |
4 |
Baltic fleet left Spithead. |
9 |
Second bombardment at Sebastopol. |
16 |
Black Sea telegraph completed. |
19 |
Rifle pits taken by Colonel Egerton. |
24 |
Sardinian army embarked at Genoa. |
26 |
Vienna Conferences closed. |
May |
1, 2 |
French captured rifle pits. |
16 |
Pellissier succeeded Canrobert. |
22, 23 |
Fierce contests near cemetery at Sebastopol. |
23 |
Expedition to Sea of Azof. |
25 |
Allies took Kertch and Yenikalé. |
25 |
Russian ships escaped from De Castries Bay. |
26 |
Allies entered Sea of Azof. |
Jun |
1 |
Allied fleets joined in Baltic. |
6 |
Third bombardment of Sebastopol. |
8 |
Mamelon, Quarries and White Works taken. |
17 |
Fourth bombardment of Sebastopol. |
18 |
Alies defeated at Malakoff and Redan. |
18 |
Sebastopol Committee issued report. |
28 |
Death of Lord Raglan. |
Jul |
26 |
Funeral of Lord Raglan. |
Aug |
9–11 |
Bombardment of Sweaborg. |
16 |
Battle of the Tchernaya. |
17 |
Fifth bombardment of Sebastopol. |
Sep |
5 |
Final bombardment commenced. |
9 |
Allies entered Sebastopol. |
29 |
Cavalry action near Eupatoria. |
29 |
General Williams defeated Mouravieff at Kars. |
Oct |
3 |
Omar Pacha landed at Soucoum-Kalé. |
17 |
Bombardment and capture of Kinburn. |
Nov |
6 |
Omar Pacha forced passage of the Ingour. |
10 |
Tsar Alexander visited Sebastopol. |
15 |
Terrible explosion of French magazine. |
21 |
Treaty of Sweaborg with Western Powers. |
25 |
Surrender of Kars. |
29 |
Nightingale Fund established. |
Dec |
8 |
Omar Pacha ended Mingrelian expedition. |
1856 |
Jan |
16 |
Russia accepted Bases of Negotiation. |
29 |
Sultan issued new Hatti-humayoon. |
Feb |
25 |
Plenipotentiaries meet at Paris. |
29 |
Armistice commenced in Crimea. |
Mar |
30 |
Treaty of Peace signed in Paris. |
Apr |
8 |
Discussion in Congress on state of Europe. |
15 |
Separate tripartite treaty signed. |
16 |
Paris Congress closed. |
16 |
Sardinian memorandum on Affairs of Italy. |
27 |
Treaty of Peace ratified in Paris. |