
Mar 28 England and France declared war.
30 Baltic fleet left Kiel.
Apr 14 Russians commenced Siege of Silistria.
15 Convention between England, France and Turkey.
18 Omar Pacha defeated Lüders near Rassova.
20 Austria and Prussia, Convention of Neutrality.
21 Odessa bombarded.
May   1 Allied armies advanced to Bosphorus.
  4 Turkish Fleet entered Black Sea.
12 Loss of the Tiger off Odessa.
28 Allies advanced to Varna.
29 Desperate sortie at Silistria.
Jun   9 Russians advanced towards Kars.
13 Allied fleets joined in the Baltic.
22 Russians raised Siege of Silistria.
Jul   7 Turks gained Battle of Giurgevo.
21 Fleets advanced to reconnoitre Crimea.
28 Russians evacuated Wallachia.
30 French army joined Baltic Fleet.
Aug 13–16 Siege of Bomarsund.
20 Austrians entered Principalities.
25 Expedition to Crimea announced.
Sep   4 Allies defeated at Pètropaulovsk.
  5 Allied armament began to leave Varna.
14 Allies landed at Old Fort.
15 Russians evacuated Moldavia.
19 Cavalry skirmish at Bulganak.
20 Battle of the Alma.
23 Allies commenced flank march.
23 Menchikoff sank Russian fleet.
24 Menchikoff’s flank march to Baktchèserai.
24 British wounded began to reach Scutari.
24 General Williams arrived at Kars.
26 British took possession of Balaclava.
29 Death of Marshal St. Arnand.
30 Todleben began to fortify Sebastopol.
Oct   2 Siege army encamped before Sebastopol.
12 Times’ Sick and Wounded Fund established.
13 Patriotic Fund established.
17 First bombardment of Sebastopol commenced.
  23 Miss Nightingale departed to the East.
25 Battle of Balaclava.
26 First Battle of Inkermann.
Nov   5 Second (or Great) Battle of Inkermann.
14 Destructive hurricane at Crimea.
20 Contests at the ‘Ovens’, near Sebastopol.
Dec   2 Tripartite treaty against Russia.
22 Sir E. Lyons succeded Admiral Dundas.
24 Admiral Bruat succeded Admiral Hamelin.
28 Memorandum on the ‘Four Points’.
Jan 26 Sardinia entered the Alliance.
29 Sebastopol Committees appointed.
31 Aberdeen Ministry resigned.
Feb   5 Palmerston Ministry formed.
  6 Warrant giving Commissions to Sergeants and Corporals.
20 Night march in snow to Tchernaya.
22 White Works constructed by Russians.
24 French defeated at the White Works.
Mar   2 Tsar Nicholas died.
15 Vienna Conferences commenced.
22 Great sortie from Sebastopol.
Apr   4 Baltic fleet left Spithead.
  9 Second bombardment at Sebastopol.
16 Black Sea telegraph completed.
19 Rifle pits taken by Colonel Egerton.
24 Sardinian army embarked at Genoa.
26 Vienna Conferences closed.
May 1, 2 French captured rifle pits.
16 Pellissier succeeded Canrobert.
22, 23 Fierce contests near cemetery at Sebastopol.
23 Expedition to Sea of Azof.
25 Allies took Kertch and Yenikalé.
25 Russian ships escaped from De Castries Bay.
26 Allies entered Sea of Azof.
Jun   1 Allied fleets joined in Baltic.
  6 Third bombardment of Sebastopol.
  8 Mamelon, Quarries and White Works taken.
17 Fourth bombardment of Sebastopol.
18 Alies defeated at Malakoff and Redan.
18 Sebastopol Committee issued report.
28 Death of Lord Raglan.
Jul 26 Funeral of Lord Raglan.
Aug 9–11 Bombardment of Sweaborg.
16 Battle of the Tchernaya.
17 Fifth bombardment of Sebastopol.
Sep   5 Final bombardment commenced.
  9 Allies entered Sebastopol.
29 Cavalry action near Eupatoria.
29 General Williams defeated Mouravieff at Kars.
Oct   3 Omar Pacha landed at Soucoum-Kalé.
17 Bombardment and capture of Kinburn.
Nov   6 Omar Pacha forced passage of the Ingour.
10 Tsar Alexander visited Sebastopol.
15 Terrible explosion of French magazine.
21 Treaty of Sweaborg with Western Powers.
25 Surrender of Kars.
29 Nightingale Fund established.
Dec   8 Omar Pacha ended Mingrelian expedition.
Jan 16 Russia accepted Bases of Negotiation.
29 Sultan issued new Hatti-humayoon.
Feb 25 Plenipotentiaries meet at Paris.
29 Armistice commenced in Crimea.
Mar 30 Treaty of Peace signed in Paris.
Apr   8 Discussion in Congress on state of Europe.
15 Separate tripartite treaty signed.
16 Paris Congress closed.
16 Sardinian memorandum on Affairs of Italy.
27 Treaty of Peace ratified in Paris.

* This Chronological Table has been adapted from Dodd’s ‘Chronological Table of the Chief Events During the War’ (Dodd, 1856).