“Miss Sinclair, I beg of you, just one more dance.”
“Alas, my gladiator, I fear we have already danced overmuch,” Eden said gently.
“Eden, you will not dance with him.”
The voice came from over her shoulder and she knew instantly to whom it belonged. For the first time that night she felt alive; her skin prickled and her fingers tingled. Turning, she found the Duke of Raven looking at her over the heads of several people. He was still some distance away, but she had heard his words clearly. People parted as he walked and she saw he was dressed entirely in black, from mask to his gleaming boots. Breeches molded his thighs, a flowing shirt was laced at the neck, and she could see his skin through the V at his collar.
“I-I….” Her throat felt suddenly dry as James advanced on her. Eden had the urge to run, but where would she run to? People crowded her in on all sides.
“I beg you, Miss Eden, just one more dance.”
“She is dancing with me.”
James reached them and stood before her.
“Excuse me, sir, Miss Eden and I were conversing,” the gladiator said.
Eden was sure she did not want to dance with James. The look in his dark eyes was dangerous, and she knew it spelled trouble for her.
“She is dancing with me.”
Before she could retreat, his fingers had clasped around hers.
“I-I am promised to another,” Eden said, hating how breathless she sounded as he led her away.
“No, you are promised to me.”
“I could never be with a man who cannot love me,” she whispered furiously.
He didn't speak again, instead pulling her indecently close until their thighs were touching and her breasts crushed against his chest. She felt the anger in him, every muscle taut, and her body reacted traitorously.
“Please, James, I am asking you to release me,” Eden said, uncaring that her voice shook.
The dance was both pleasure and pain. Pleasure to be held in the arms of the man she loved, and pain because he could not love her back. His jaw remained clenched, his eyes on her face. Eden was not brave enough to return the look, so she concentrated on the laces of his shirt.
When the music finished, she turned to flee but James clamped his fingers around her arm and began walking. She had little option but to follow or make a scene. He moved slowly through the crowd, towing her behind him until they had reached a door that he opened and tugged her through.
“Release me!”
Ignoring her, he set off down a hall in long strides, his pace now faster. Eden was forced to trot to keep up with him. Using her other hand she tried to pry her wrist free but he refused to release her.
“James, let me go!”
He turned right and she lost her balance, so he hauled her to his side and half carried her up a set of stairs, then he began to test doors, opening and closing them until he found the one he wanted. Flinging it wide, he picked Eden up and carried her over the threshold. He lowered her to her feet and turned to shut and lock the door behind them.
The open curtains allowed the moonlight to flood the room and Eden stumbled backward until her bottom hit something solid—a desk. James followed, his eyes intent through the small holes in his mask.
“Wh-what do you want from me?”
He pulled off his gloves then wrenched off the mask, and threw them to the floor as he kept walking until his body touched hers.
“Take out your earplugs,” he rasped. “I want you to hear everything clearly.”
“I do... I will,” she said, but he held out a hand. She did as he asked, and watched as he tucked them into his pocket.
Sensing Danger – available now