List of Illustrations


2.1. The Evolution of Labor Laws in the PRC, 1980–1995

2.2. FDI as a Percentage of GDP in Transitional Economies, 1979–1999

2.3. FDI as a Percentage of GDP in East Asian Economies, 1961–1997

5.1. Labor Disputes Accepted by Labor Arbitration Committees, 1994–2002

5.2. Contract Workers as a Proportion of the Urban Workforce, 1987–1996

5.3. Labor Disputes Settled by Mediation, 1987–2000

5.4. Labor Disputes Mediated by Employer, 1996–2001


3.1. Foreign Direct Investment in China, 1990–2002

3.2. Number of Foreign-invested Enterprises by Type, 1996–2002

5.1. Labor Disputes in Taiwan

5.2. Labor Disputes in the PRC

5.3. Collective Disputes, 1996–2002

5.4. Collective Disputes by Firm Ownership, 1997–2002

5.5. Labor Disputes per 100,000 Employees, by Ownership Type, 1998–2001

5.6. Labor Dispute Mediation Committees in Enterprises, 1995–1997