Frickn' Protien Loaf (makes 2 loaves)


DRY Ingredients

-200 grams of Quinoa or Millet flour

-100 grams of Buckwheat flour

-100 grams whole grain Rice flour

-50 grams of Raisins

-100 grams of Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts, Hazelnuts)

-1tbs Bicarbonate of Soda


WET Ingredients

-500-700 grams of Water

-50 grams of Linseeds

-2tbs of Salt

-1-2 grated Banana, Apple or Carrot


This is the most forgiving and easy bread to make. Calculate 15 minutes to mix the ingredients for the dough. The only thing to keep in mind is to add approximately 1tsp of bicarbonate, 1tsp of salt, and 1 sweet fruit for every 5dl of flour, so make as much as you want. It can be easily frozen. The sugar in the fruit and the salt activates the bicarbonate that raises the bread. The more compact the flour you use the more salt, bicarbonate and sugar (fruit) you need for the bread to raise. If you are on a candida diet, use carrots instead of fruit. We always use carrots.

Keep in mind also to freeze all the “old” bananas and other fruit you don't get around to eating, because you can use them for this bread or as sweeteners in healthy desserts. When fruit turns old it produces more fructose (the sugar in fruit) and that’s why it becomes sweeter with time. But as we have learned the hard way, don't forget to peel the fruit before freezing!



Mix all the dry and wet ingredients in separate bowls, to be sure each is well mixed. Then mix the two together until you get the consistency of a sticky porridge. You can add more water to get the right consistency if it's not sticky at first, but don't let it get runny. Flours tend to be different in different countries, so bear this in mind. If your mixture is too dry add more water.

-Place the porridge-like dough in bread trays. Put pumpkin, sesame or other seeds on top if you want, and tap them down a little so they stick to the surface.

-Bake for 40-60 minutes on 160C, depending on how sticky the mixture is.

-Stick a probe in the center of the bread to see if it's ready. When the stick comes out clean, the bread is ready. If it comes out sticky, the bread's not ready. If you happen to take the bread out too early, just put it in again.

-Breads always like to rest before being cut so let it cool off under a towel for about 20 minutes before eating (if you can). We also like to switch off the oven and let it cook in the after heat.

If you don’t have time to bake the bread after making the dough, just leave the dough in the fridge and bake it whenever you have the time. We often leave dough over night and bake it in the morning so that we have newly baked bread to start the day. You can also change the ingredients to your own liking as much as you want. We do all the time. It's a very “forgiving” bread and you can elaborate a lot until you find exactly what you like, but DON’T fall into the trap of using white wheat flour. Then you miss the whole point and might as well buy a white, pre-sliced, nutrient-free loaf from the supermarket.


Quick Note on Nuts, and Soaked Nuts

A nut wants to fall into wet soil to grow the plant it was meant to produce. When the nut comes into contact with water the hard outer shell opens, the nut gets wet, and it "comes alive" from its dormant phase. Nature has protected nuts from animals or bugs with a bitter taste and peal, which is usually enough for predators to leave them lying on the ground. It's also what makes some people have trouble digesting them.

These bitter enzymes are dissolved when the nuts are soaked in water. They also develop dormant enzymes to strengthen the little plant-to-be. This means that minerals and other good nutrients are bioavailable, and the nut also becomes much healthier and easier to digest for us humans.

When we toast nuts the bitter enzymes and taste go away, but it also kills the enzymes that make them so nutritious. Still however, lightly toasted nuts could still be healthy for us, though deep fried and salted nuts are not. The best is to soak nuts. Just leave them for a few hours or over-night in a bowl of water, then rinse off the dirty water and keep them in the fridge. Now they are as alive as any fresh food and need to be preserved cold. You can keep them in water and they will last 3-4 days in the fridge.