Big Horns Wanted On Set

Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 14:04:53 -0800 (PST)
From: “Gabe Kaplan” <gabed@gabekaplan.com>
Subject: The Ramsters
To: rlee@fnaws.org

Dear Mr. Lee,

As executive director of the Wild Sheep Foundation, I was hoping you might be able to help me.

The UPN Network and I will soon shoot a pilot called, “The Ramsters.” Despite the name it’s comedy. It’s comedy. It’s about two buddies who personify the word “macho” and are always trying to outdo each other in every aspect of their lives.

I don’t know if you folks out there at the Foundation know what the term “titles” means. The “titles” refers to the same scene you see every week at the opening of all television shows. In a comedy it’s usually cute and funny stuff. We thought the “titles” of our new show, “The Ramsters, “should depict our two protagonists on a mountain charging at each other and smashing heads. What do you think? Do you think it ‘s a funny idea? Is it too much of a stretch to think that men could do this like sheep? Anything else the sheep do that you think is funny? Remember, “funny” is what we’re looking for. Vulnerability is important also.

I know this is not your typical request. Also, the guys live in separate apartments on the same floor of a Chicago high rise. One of their downstairs neighbors is a lesbian and the doorman of the building is a religious fanatic. We are contractually bound to include these characters in the opening sequence. What would these two be doing (if they were behaving like sheep) while our guys are butting heads? Any ideas you have about this would also be greatly appreciated.

It’s better to butt heads then hearts,

Gabe Kaplan


PS I’m giving serious thought to changing the name of the show to, “Chicago Bighorns.” Do you think that’s better?

Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 15:12:52 -0700
From: “Ray Lee” <rlee@fnaws.org>
Subject: Re: The Ramsters
To: gabe@gabekaplan.com

Dear Mr. Kaplan:

I would suggest you go with the name “the ramsters” (it sounds something like “the honeymooners,” a somewhat successful show, and less like and arena football team, the Chicago Bighorns!).

Personally, I think the premise is funny (and the mountain dew commercial was certainly popular).

The nice thing about animal behavior is that it is extremely popular right now as evidenced by the many nature shows. Wild sheep display many behavioral traits that could be cleverly adapted to human - lesbians would be easy, religious fanatics a little more difficult. Off the top of my head I picture a lone ram sitting on the top of the mountain looking down on the warring machos - not too far removed from gurus, monks, and mystics.

Another nice thing about wild sheep is that it is possible to acquire considerable film footage to use in the title - ie., a few seconds of real sheep followed by the interspersion of your cast of characters.

I like the concept, let me know if I can help.

Ray Lee