Further Reference

Many terms lying beyond the scope of this dictionary are found explained in other reference works, which are listed below by category.


William Harmon, A Handbook to Literature (12th edn, 2011) offers wide coverage, and includes lists of Nobel and Pulitzer prizewinners.

Literary and Cultural Theory

A careful historical investigation into general terms such as creative and culture is conducted in Raymond Williams, Keywords (1976). Among the many reference books on modern Theory, the most substantial is Michael Groden, Martin Kreiswirth, and Imre Szeman (eds), Literary Theory and Criticism: The Johns Hopkins Guide (2012), which offers lengthy essays on theorists and schools internationally, with substantial bibliographies. Others in this category are Michael Payne, A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory (2nd edn, 2010), David Macey, The Penguin Dictionary of Critical Theory (2nd edn, 2002), and Ian Buchanan, A Dictionary of Critical Theory (2010). Confining itself to terms rather than theorists is Jeremy Hawthorn, A Glossary of Contemporary Literary Theory (4th edn, 2000).


The most substantial work in this sphere is Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman (eds), The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (4th edn, 2012). Some terms not found in that work are covered in either Jack Myers and Don Charles Wukasch, Dictionary of Poetic Terms (2003) or Lewis Turco, The Book of Forms: A Handbook of Poetics (3rd edn, 2000).

Drama and Shakespeare

The fullest coverage of dramatic concepts is found in a work translated from the French: Patrice Pavis, Dictionary of the Theatre: Terms, Concepts, and Analysis (1998). For Shakespearian terminology, see Michael Dobson and Stanley Wells (eds), The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare (2001).


A convenient guide is Richard A. Lanham, A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms (2nd edn, 1991). Many terms are explained more fully in the Princeton Encyclopedia (see above under Poetry).


The vocabulary of modern narrative theory is explained in Gerald Prince, A Dictionary of Narratology (2nd edn, 2003).

Biography and Autobiography

The terminology of this field is covered in Donald J. Winslow, Life-Writing: A Glossary of Terms in Biography, Autobiography, and Related Forms (1995), and in Margareta Jolly (ed.), Encyclopedia of Life Writing (2002).


The standard guide to linguistic terms is David Crystal, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics (6th edn, 2008). Often more suitable to literary purposes is Katie Wales, A Dictionary of Stylistics (3rd edn, 2011).