Armalite |
5.56mm calibre light automatic rifle. |
Basha |
Hut or makeshift shelter. |
Belt |
Carried essential shortterm equipment. |
Bergen |
Main pack. |
Claymore mine |
Dished canister firing 900 steel shot in a cone. |
L-P |
Landing-point for helicopters. |
Lying-up position. |
OP |
Observation post. |
Panji or punji |
Concealed sharpened bamboo stakes capable of inflicting serious wounds. |
Ruchnoy Pulemyot Degtyaryov. Soviet 7.62mm calibre weapon, commonly called Degtyaryov light machine-gun. |
Returned to unit. |
RV |
Rendezvous. |
Sarbe |
Radio search and rescue beacon for homing aircraft. |
7.62mm calibre high velocity self-loading rifle. |
Standard Operating Procedure. |
‘Amok’ |
Run in frenzied thirst for blood. |
‘Batu’ |
Rock, stone. |
‘Belukar’ |
Overgrown ‘ladang’ with thick undergrowth, secondary jungle. |
Border tribes: |
Iban or Sea Dyak |
Sarawak, warrior race. |
Kelabit |
Sarawak, highlands centred on Ba Kelalan. |
Land Dyak |
Sarawak, 1st Division. |
Murut |
Sabah. |
Punan |
Sarawak, nomadic. |
‘Bukit’ |
Hill. |
Clandestine Communist Organization. |
Divisions |
Administrative areas of Sarawak instituted by Rajah Brooke. |
‘Gunong’ |
Mountain. |
‘Jarit’ |
Murut delicacy of uncooked pork with salt and rice buried in split bamboo for a month. |
‘Kris’ |
Dagger with sinuous blade. |
‘Ladang’ |
Cleared jungle under cultivation. |
‘Padi’ |
Rice, wet or dry depending on how grown. |
‘Parang’ |
Jungle slashing knife, machete; often decorated with human hair. |
Resemen Para Kommando Angaton Darat – Indonesian Para Commando Regiment; an élite unit. |
‘Tapai’, ‘Tuak’, ‘Borak’ |
Raw wine made from fermented rice or tapioca. |
Tentara Nasional Kalimantan Utara – North Kalimantan National Army. A Brunei-based guerrilla organization opposing Malaysia; launched Brunei Revolt in December 1962. |