The manageress of the Kinlochrua Hotel was a friend of Mrs. Thaw and invited her children north for the summer holidays. They boarded a bus one morning in a garage on the Broomielaw and it took them through shadows of warehouses and tenements into bright sunlight on the broad, tree-lined Great Western Road. They hurled past Victorian terraces and gardens and hotels, past merchants’ villas and municipal housing schemes into a region which (though open to the sky) could not be called country. New factories stood among tracts of weed and thistle, pylons grouped on hillsides and wire fences protected rows of grassy domes joined by metal tubes. The Clyde on their left widened to a firth, the central channel marked by buoys and tiny lighthouses. A long oil tanker moved procession-ally seaward between tugboats and was passed by a cargo ship going the other way. The hills on the right got steeper and nearer, the road was pinched between the river and a wooded crag, then they saw ahead of them the great rock of Dumbarton upholding the ancient fort above the roofs of the town. The bus turned north up the Vale of Leven, sometimes travelling between fields and sometimes through the crooked streets of industrial villages, then it reached the broad glittering water of Loch Lomond and ran along the western shore. Islands lay with trees, fields and cottages on them like broken-off pieces of the surrounding land, and on the far side arose the great head and shoulders of Ben Lomond. Fields gave way to heather and the islands grew small and rocky. The Loch became a corridor of water between high-sided bens, with the road twisting through trees and boulders at the feet of them.
The bus was full of folk going north for the holidays. Climbers sat at the back singing bawdy mountaineering songs and Thaw pressed his brow to the cool window and felt desperate. On leaving home he had taken a grain of effedrine and boarded the bus feeling fairly well, but beyond Dumbarton his breathing worsened and now he tried to forget it by concentrating on the ache the vibrating glass made in the bones of his skull. In the passing land outside the colours were raw green or dead grey: grey road, crags and tree trunks, green leaves, grass, bracken and heather. His eyes were sick of dead grey and raw green. The yellow or purple spots of occasional roadside flowers shrieked like tiny discords in an orchestra where every instrument played over and over again the same two notes. Ruth said, “Feeling cheesed off, brother mine?”
“A bit. It’s getting worse.”
“Cheer up! You’ll be fine when we arrive.”
“It’s not easy.”
“Ach, you’re too pessimistic. I’m sure you wouldnae get so bad if you were less pessimistic.”
The bus stopped on a hillside in Glencoe to let climbers off and the passengers were told they could stretch their legs for five minutes. Thaw got laboriously out and sat on a sun-warmed bank of turf at the roadside. Ruth stood with climbers taking their rucksacks from the boot and talked to someone she had met when climbing with her father. The other passengers gossiped and glanced at the surrounding peaks with expressions of satisfaction or puzzled resentment. An elderly man said to his neighbour, “Aye, a remarkable vista, a remarkable vista.”
“You’re right. If these stones could talk they would tell us some stories, eh? I bet they could tell us some stories.”
“Aye, from scenes like these Auld Scotia’s grandeur springs.” Thaw looked upward and saw huge chunks of raw material hacked about by time and weather. From cracks in the highest a rocky rubble spilled over heathery slopes like stuff poured down slag-bings. A boy and girl in shorts and climbing boots strode past him down the road, the boy with a small rucksack bumping between his shoulders. The climbers by the bus cheered and whistled after them: they joined hands and grinned without embarrassment. The assurance of the boy, the ordinary beauty of the girl, the happy ease of both struck a pang of rage and envy into Thaw which almost made him choke. He glared at a granite slab on the turf beside him. It carried patches of lichen the shape, colour and thickness of scabs he had scratched from his thigh the night before. He imagined the lichen’s microscopic roots poking into imperceptible pores in what seemed a solid surface, making them wider and deeper. ‘A disease of the rock,’ he thought, ‘A disease of matter like the rest of us.’
Back in the bus Ruth said, “That was Harry Logan and Sheila. They’re going to do the Buchail and spend the night in Cameron’s bothy. I wouldnae mind being Sheila for today. Not for tonight, but for today.” She laughed and said, “Are you very bad, Duncan? Why not take another pill?”
“I’ve done that.”
Ten minutes later he knew the asthma had grown too strong for pills and he began fighting it with his only other weapon. Withdrawing to the centre of his mind he recalled images from bookshop windows and American comics: a nearly naked blonde smiling as if her body was a joke she wanted to share, a cowering dishevelled girl with eyes and mouth apprehensively open, a big-breasted woman with legs astride and hands on hips and a sullen selfish stare which seemed to invite the most selfish kind of assault. His penis stiffened and he breathed easily. He fixed on the last of these women and her face became the face of big June Haig. He imagined meeting her in the precipitous waste landscapes through which the bus was rushing. She wore white shorts and shirt but high-heeled shoes instead of climbing boots, and he raped her at great length with complicated mental and physical humiliations. To stop these thoughts from coming to a climax of masturbation he sometimes wrenched his mind from them and sat amazed that thought could make such strong bodily changes. As his penis shrank the asthma got hard and heavy in chest and throat; then his mind gripped the image of the woman once more and a tingling chemical excitement spread again through his blood, widening all its channels and swelling the penis below and the air passages above. And behind it all suffocation waited like an unfulfilled threat.
The bus stopped in a street of uninteresting houses on the shore of a loch. Thaw and Ruth got out and found their mother’s friend awaiting them in a car. Ruth sat in front beside her. She was a small lady with a tight mouth and an abrupt way with the gear lever. Thaw, dumb with sexual broodings, sat in the back seat hardly listening to the conversation.
“Is Mary still working in that drapery?”
“Yes, Miss Maclaglan.”
“A pity. A pity your father can’t get a better job. Won’t these open-air organizations he does so much for pay him anything?”
“I don’t think so. He only works for them in his spare time.”
“Hm. Well, I hope you’re very helpful to your mother around the house. She isn’t at all well, you know.”
Ruth and Thaw gazed out of the window in embarrassment. The road undulated in slanting sunlight over a great boggy moor with small irregular lochans in the folds of it. The summit of a conical peak arose beyond the curve of the moor’s horizon, and Thaw saw, with distaste, it was Ben Rua. To keep sexually excited he had been forced to imagine increasingly perverse things and now whatever in the outer world recalled other experiences upset him by its irrelevance. They came to the height of the moor and descended toward an arm of the sea with Kinlochrua on the other side, a strip of cottage-flecked lands beneath a grey and grey-green mountain. The tide was out and the clear shallow brine, reflecting blue sky over yellow sands, made a colour like emeralds. A sudden muffled clattering hurt their eardrums. Miss Maclaglan said, “They’re testing something at the munition factory. Let’s hope it isn’t atomic.” “Wasn’t the munition factory shut down when the war stopped?” said Ruth.
“Yes, it was shut for almost a year; then the Admiralty took it over. They’ve taken over the hostel too but they haven’t opened it yet, more’s the pity. The hostel was the best thing that ever happened here, it shook up their ideas a bit. Kinlochrua was dead before and it’s been dead since. Do you know that Mary Thaw is the only real friend I’ve made in the place? How can you be friendly with women who’re afraid to knit on Sundays because of what the minister will say? What has nosey old McPhedron to do with their knitting? Your brother isn’t too well, is he?”
Ruth turned and gave Thaw a glance which meant, Pull yourself together. She said, “He’s having one of his wheezy spells, but he’s got pills for it.”
“Well, I think he should go straight to bed the moment we get to the hotel.”
At the hotel Miss Maclaglan showed him upstairs to a small clean flower-patterned bedroom. He undressed slowly, removing a shoe and staring for ten minutes through the window, postponing from moment to moment the effort of removing the next. Outside lay a mossy ill-kept garden hidden by a wing of the building from the well-kept gardens in front. It was hemmed in by dark green cypresses and pines. Small paths and hedges were arranged round a square half-stagnant pond with a broken sundial in the middle. The whole place fascinated him with a sense of sluggish malignant life. The hedges were half withered by the grasses pushing up among them; the grasses grew lank and unhealthy in the shadows of the hedges. With more fibrous limbs than the millipede has legs various plants struggled in the poor soil, fighting with blind deliberation to suffocate or strangle each other. Between the roots moved insects, maggots and tiny crustaceans: jointed things with stings and pincers, soft pursy things with hard voracious mouths, hard-backed leggy things with multiple eyes and feelers, all gnawing holes and laying eggs and squirting poisons in the plants and each other. In the corruption of the garden he sensed something friendly to his own malign fantasies. Convulsively, he wrenched off the other shoe, undressed and got into bed. Miss Maclaglan brought in a hot-water bottle and asked if he would like anything to read. He said no, he had his own books. Ruth brought up a meal on a tray. He ate, then lay and masturbated. Ten minutes later he masturbated again. After that he had no weapons to use against the asthma at all.
The garden behind the hotel was overlooked by a dusty porch containing a massive table and some chairs too worn for use inside. Next day he sat there with books and painting tools. Breathing heavily, he made pencil drawings, emphasized the best ones with India ink and tinted the result with watercolours. While he worked the asthma came to bother him less, and as he had hardly slept the night before he shut his eyes, leaned over the table and rested his brow upon clenched fists. He could hear the air lightly stirring the branches of the trees, the infrequent call of a bird and a wasp buzzing in the corner of the porch, but he listened most intently to a murmuring in his own head, a vague remote sound like the conversation of two people in an adjacent room. One speaker was excited and raised his voice so much above the steady drone of the other that Thaw almost heard the words: “… ferns and grass what’s wonderful about grass …”
An external sound made him look up. The minister stood on the sunlit path beyond the shadow of the porch watching him in an interested way. His buttoned-up black figure was as Thaw remembered, but smaller, and the face more kindly. He said, “They tell me you are not well.”
“I’m a lot better this morning, thanks.”
The minister stepped into the porch and looked at a drawing. “And who is this fellow?”
“Moses on Sinai.”
“What a wild wee man he looks among all that rock and thunder. So you are illustrating the bible.”
Thaw spoke tonelessly to keep the note of pride out of his voice. “No. I’m illustrating a lecture I’m to give to the school debating society. It’s called ‘A Personal View of History.’ The pictures will be enlarged onto a screen by epedaiescope.”
“And what place has Moses in your view of history?”
“He’s the first lawyer.”
The minister laughed and said, “In a sense, yes, no doubt, Duncan; but then again, in a sense, no. What’s this you are reading?” He picked up a thin book with a glossy cover.
“Professor Hoyle’s lectures on continuous creation.”
The minister sat down on a chair with his hands on the umbrella handle and his chin resting on his hands. “And what does Professor Hoyle tell us about the creation?”
“Well, most astronomers think all the material in the universe was once compressed in a single gigantic atom, which exploded, and all the stars and galaxies in the universe are bits of that old atom. You know that all the galaxies in the universe are rushing away from each other, don’t you?”
“I have heard rumours to that effect.”
“It’s more than rumour, Dr. McPhedron, it’s proved fact. Well, Professor Hoyle thinks all the material of the universe is made out of hydrogen, because the hydrogen atom is the simplest form of atom, and he thinks hydrogen atoms are continually coming into existence in the increasing spaces between the stars and forming new stars and galaxies and things.”
“Dear me, is that not miraculous! And you believe it?”
“Well, it isn’t definitely proved yet, but I like it better than the other theory. It’s more optimistic.”
“Well, if the first theory is true then one day the stars will burn out and the universe will be nothing but empty space and cold black lumps of rock. But if Professor Hoyle is right there will always be new stars to replace the dead ones.”
The minister said politely, “I am fortunate to be rescued from a dying universe at the moment of finding myself menaced by it.”
When Thaw had worked out what the minister meant he felt oppressed and angry. He said “Dr. McPhedron, you talk and— and smile as if everything I say is stupid. What do you believe in that makes you superior? Is it God?”
The minister said gravely, “I believe in God.”
“And that he’s good? And made everything? And loves what he made?”
“I believe those things too.”
“Well, why did he make baby cuckoos so that they can only live by killing baby thrushes? Where’s the love in that? Why did he make beasts that can only live by killing other beasts? Why did he give us appetites that we can only satisfy by hurting each other?”
The minister grinned and said, “Dear me. God himself might be afraid to sit an examination like this. However, I’ll do my best. You talk, Duncan, as if I believed that the world as it is is the work of God. That is not true. The world was made by God, and made beautiful. God gave it to man to look after and keep beautiful, and man gave it to the Devil. Since then the world has been the Devil’s province, and an annexe of Hell, and everyone born into it is damned. We have either to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow or steal it from our neighbours. In either case we live in a state of anxiety, and the more intelligent we are the more we feel our damnation and the more anxious we become. You, Duncan, are intelligent. Mibby you’ve been searching the world for a sign of God’s existence. If so, you have found nothing but evidence of his absence, or less, for the spirit ruling the material world is callous and malignant. The only proof that our Creator is good lies in our dissatisfaction with the world (for if the God of nature had made us the life of nature would suit us) and in the works and words of Jesus Christ, someone you may have read of. Has Christ a place in your view of history?”
“Yes,” said Thaw boldly. “I regard him as the first man to make a religion of the equal worth of each individual.”
“I’m glad you present him as something so respectable, but he’s more than that. He is the way, the truth and the life. To find God you must believe Christ was God and discard every other knowledge as useless and vain. Then you must pray for grace.”
Thaw shifted several times uncomfortably during this speech, for it embarrassed him; also, he was finding it hard to keep his eyes open. After a half minute of silence he realized a question was expected and said, “What’s grace?”
“The Kingdom of Heaven in your own heart. The sure knowledge that you are no longer damned. Freedom from anxiety. God does not send it to all believers, and to few believers for very long.”
“Do you mean that even if I become a Christian I can never be sure of … of …”
“Salvation. Dear me, no. God is not a reasonable man like your grocer or bank manager, giving an ounce of salvation for an ounce of belief. You can’t bargain with him. He offers no guarantee. I see I am boring you, Duncan, and I’m sorry for it, though I’ve said nothing that almost every Scotsman did not take for granted from the time of John Knox till two or three generations back, when folk started believing the world could be improved.”
Thaw held his head between his hands feeling depressed and dull. The minister’s answer was more thorough than he had expected and he felt trapped by it. Though certain there were many sound counter arguments, the only one he could think of was “What about the cuckoos?”
The minister looked puzzled.
“Why did God make cuckoos so that they have to live by killing thrushes? Did they give the world to the Devil too? Or did the thrushes?”
The minister got up and said, “The life of brute beasts, Duncan, is so different from ours that strong feelings for them are bound to be vanity and self-deception. Even your father the atheist would agree with me in that. I understand you will be here a week or two. Mibby we can discuss these matters another time. Meanwhile, I hope you have better health.”
“Thank you,” said Thaw. He pretended to scribble on a piece of paper till the minister had gone then folded his arms on the edge of the table and laid his head on them. He was very tired but if he lost consciousness for a moment the beast of suffocation might pounce on his chest, so he tried to rest without actually sleeping. This was difficult. He got up, collected his things and went slowly to bed.
That afternoon his memory of what is was like to be well faded and hope of improvement faded with it. The only imaginable future was a repetition of a present which had shrunk to a tiny painful act, a painful breath drawn again and again from an ocean of breath. No longer companioning erotic fancies (which, like the pills, had got useless through overuse) the sluggish resolute life of the garden grated on him as it grated on the soil feeding it. He felt the natural world stretching out from each wall of the hotel in great tracts of lumpy earth and rock coated thickly with life, a stuff whose parts renewed themselves by eating each other. Two or three hundred miles to the south was a groove in the earth with a gathering of stone and metal in it−Glasgow. In Glasgow he had been aided a little by a feeling that among many people someone might hear and help if he screamed loudly enough. But among these mountains screaming was useless; his pain was as irrelevant as the pain of the thrush starved out by the cuckoo, the snail crushed by the thrush. He started screaming but stopped at once. He tried to think but his thoughts were trapped by the minister’s speech. How could the world be justified except as punishment? Punishment for what?
That evening Miss Maclaglan phoned for a doctor. He entered Thaw’s room and sat by the bed, a not quite middle-aged man in plus fours with a black moustache and squarish head sunk so far into his shoulders that he seemed unable to move it independently of his body. He took Thaw’s pulse and temperature, asked how long he had been like this and grunted sombrely. Miss Maclaglan brought a pan of boiling water with a small metal cage clipped inside it. He took glass and metal parts from the cage, fitted them together into a hypodermic syringe, filled this from a rubber-capped bottle then asked Thaw to pull up his pyjama sleeve. Thaw stared at a corner of the ceiling, trying to think of nothing but a crack in it. He felt the muscle of his upper arm wiped with something cold and then the needle running in. The steel point breaking through layers of tissue set his teeth on edge. There was a faint ache as the muscle swelled with pumped-in fluid, then the needle was withdrawn and an amazing thing started to happen. There spread through his body from the arm, but this time unsustained by thought, the tingling liberating flood he had only been able to make erotically. Each nerve, muscle, joint and limb relaxed, his lungs expanded with sufficient air, he sneezed twice and lay back feeling altogether comfortable and well. There was no sense of asthma waiting to return. He could not believe he would ever be unwell again. He looked out into the sun-warm garden. An overgrown rosebush beside the pond had put out white blossoms, and the black dot of a bee moved over one. Surely the bee was enjoying itself? Surely the bush grew because it liked to grow? Everything in the garden seemed to have grown to its appropriate height and now rested a moment, preserved in the amber light of the evening sun. The garden looked healthy. Thaw turned with servile gratitude to the ordinary depressed-looking man who had made this change in things. The doctor was examining books and drawings on the bedside table and frowning slightly. He said, “Any better?”. “Yes, thanks. Thanks a lot. I’m a lot better. I can sleep now.”
“Mm. I suppose you know that your kind of asthma is partly a psychological illness.”
“You do a lot of reading, don’t you?”
“Do you abuse yourself?”
“Certainly, if I’ve been stupid in public.”
“No no. I mean, do you masturbate?”
Thaw’s face went red. He stared down at the quilt.
“How often?”
“Four or five times a week.”
“Mm. That’s quite often. It’s not widely agreed upon yet, but there is evidence that nervous diseases are aggravated by masturbation. The inmates of lunatic asylums, for instance, masturbate very often indeed. I would try to cut it out if I were you.”
“Yes. Yes, I will.”
“Here’s a bottle of isoprenaline tablets. If you get bad again, break one in two and let half dissolve under your tongue. I think you’ll find it’ll help.”
Thaw was left feeling faintly worried, but fell asleep almost at once.
He woke late at night and worse than ever. The isoprenaline tablets had no effect and the image of June Haig occurred to him, potent and burning like a hot poker in the blood of his stomach. He thought, ‘If only I think things about her it will be all right. I don’t need to masturbate.’ He thought things about her and masturbated ten minutes later. The beast of suffocation pounced at once. He clenched his fists against his chest and dragged breath into it with a gargling sound. Fear became panic and broke his mind into a string of gibbering half-thoughts that would not form: I can’t you are I won’t it does it will drowning no no no no drowning in no no no no air I can’t you are it does….
A thundering hum filled his brain. He was about to faint when a sudden thought formed complete—If I deserve this it is good—and around the thought his mind began exultingly to reassemble. He grinned into the bulb of the bedside lamp. He was in pain, but not afraid. Breathing hoarsely, he took a notebook and pen from the bedside table and wrote in big shapeless words:
Lord God you exist you exist my punishment proves it. My punishment is not more than I can bear what I suffer is just already the pain is less because I know it is just I won ‘t ever do that thing again, it will be a hard fight but with your help I am able for it I won’t ever do that thing again.
Next day he did it three times. Miss Maclaglan sent a telegram to his mother, who came north by bus the day after. She stood by the bed and smiled sadly down at him. “So you’re not too well, son.”
He smiled back.
“Ach,” she said, “You’re a poor auld man. Get a bit better and I’ll stay on with you awhile. It’ll be an excuse for me to have a holiday too.”
He was moved to a big low-ceilinged room with two beds in it. One was his, and Ruth and his mother shared the other.
That night when the lights were out Ruth said, “Sing to us, Mummy. It’s a long time since you sang to us.”
Mrs. Thaw sang some lullabies and sentimental lowland songs: Ca ‘the Yowes, Hush-a-baw Birdie, This is No’ My Plaid. She had once won certificates at musical festivals with her singing, but now she only managed the high notes by singing them very softly, almost in a whisper. She tried to sing Bonnie George Campbell, which starts with a loud wild lamenting note, but her voice cracked and went tuneless and she stopped and laughed: “Ach, it’s beyond me now. I’m getting an auld woman.”
“No! you’re not!” Thaw and Ruth shouted together. Her words alarmed them. She said, “I think we should try to sleep.” He lay against his pillows breathing heavily. When he coughed Mrs. Thaw said hopefully, “That’s right son, bring it up,” and afterward, “There now, that’s better, isn’t it?”
But he had brought up hardly anything, and nothing was better, and the sense of her lying awake attending to the pains in his chest made them harder to bear. He tried to be as still as possible, keeping the small lumps in his gullet until the silence from the other bed made him think she was asleep, but as soon as he coughed, however stealthily, the creak of a mattress told him she was awake and listening.
Suddenly he was sitting up and laughing in the darkness. He had been thinking about the key, or perhaps dreaming of it, and now he saw the universe and the meaning of things. It was hard to put his vision into words but he wanted to share it. “Everything is hate,” he gabbled dreamily. “We are all hate, big balloons of hate. Tied together by Ruth’s hair ribbons.”
The two women screamed. Mrs. Thaw said in a high-pitched voice, “That settles it. We’re going back. We’re going back tomorrow. There must be somebody who knows how to cure him.”
Ruth yelled, “You’re selfish, utterly selfish! You just don’t care about anyone but yourself!” and started crying. Thaw felt puzzled, knowing the words had not conveyed what he meant to convey. He tried again.
“Men are pies that bake and eat themselves, and the recipe is hate. I seem to be buried in this rockery …” for though he could dimly see the bedroom, and knew where his mother and sister lay, he also felt buried up to the armpits in a heap of earth and rocks. Mrs. Thaw shouted, “Shut up! Shut up!”
Next morning Thaw and his mother returned to Glasgow. Ruth was allowed to stay behind. That day a boat called at Kinlochrua and Miss Maclaglan drove them to the pier and waved from it as they put to sea. The sun shone as bright as when he had arrived five days before, and for the first time since arriving he saw the great green side of Ben Rua. A clean hard wind was blowing. A member of the crew, a thin boy of Thaw’s age, leaned against the funnel playing a concertina. Gulls with spread wings hung above in the rushing air. Thaw sat on a ventilator which stuck out of the deck like an aluminium toadstool, and nearby his mother waved to the figure on the receding pier. On the mountaintop he could make out the white dot of the triangulation point. He thought of the previous night and tried to recover from the muddle of darkness and crying his vision of the key. He seemed to have thought that, just as hydrogen was the basic stuff of the universe, so hatred was the basic material of the mind. In the fresh sunlight it was not a convincing idea. He felt amazingly weak, yet liberated, and while sitting still was not conscious of asthma at all.
Two days later Thaw walked jauntily into town with Coulter to visit the Art Galleries. He talked about the visit to Kinlochrua and what the doctor said. Coulter became angry. “That’s daft!” he said. “Everybody masturbates at our age. It’s natural. We produce the stuff; how else can we get rid of it? Five times a week sounds about normal to me.”
“But that doctor said that in lunatic asylums they do it all the time.”
“I believe him. Lunatics are like us. They arenae allowed to have sex in other ways. And what else can they do with their time?”
“But whenever I do it nowadays I have another attack.”
“I can believe it. That doctor made you think you would have asthma when you masturbate so you have asthma. Anybody can make you believe anything if they try hard enough. I remember once making you think I was a German spy.”
Thaw started grinning. “The funny thing is,” he said, “that doctor had me believing in God as well.”
“How? No, don’t tell me, I see how,” said Coulter with disgust,
“I bet you felt very special and superior, being punished by God for something he doesnae give a damn for in other folk. Well, I hate to disappoint you, but ye may as well leave God and masturbation out of it and go back to having asthma in the normal way.”