Chapter 6

“What have you got, Jade?” SSA Spelling stepped onto the balcony and closed the slider behind him.

I tipped my head toward the street. “Take a look. There are single-family homes directly across from us, but over there”—I pointed to my right—“is a day care center. Follow the roofline halfway up on each end.”


I glanced at Spelling. “See the cameras?”

“I sure do.” He leaned over the railing and looked toward the driveway. “Yeah, the camera facing this way would catch every car pulling out of the garage. At least we’d know what direction they went. The question is, do J.T. and Julie take the same route to work? They both have to go north.”

“I don’t know for sure, sir, but it would seem logical that they’d both take I-43 to their respective exits. J.T. would get off the freeway first, but since Julie drives farther to work, I assume she’d leave the condo before him.” I gave Spelling a hopeful glance. “We’re going to be the unit handling this case, if that’s what this turns out to be, right? J.T. is my partner, and I’m not going to take a backseat in finding him. I physically feel sick right now, but I can do this. We’re going to find both of them, and they’ll be okay.”

“I know, and I’ll make sure we’re the lead investigators. If anything comes up out of state, we’ll let another division take it. J.T. and Julie are our main focus right now.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Spelling tipped his head toward the day care center. “Get over there and see what they can pull from this morning. What’s going on with the ground search?”

“Officer Carson said nothing has popped yet, but they’re about to begin in the garage. Has Joe called you back?”

“Unfortunately, yes, and both of the phones are turned off.”

I groaned. “Can this day get any worse?”

Spelling smirked. “Be careful, Jade. The day is still young.”

“Roger that, boss.” I pulled the slider open and crossed the living room to the front door then looked back at Spelling. “Call me if anything important surfaces.”

Spelling gave me a look of concern. “You know I will.”

I took the elevator down to the main level and exited the building. Officer Carson and two other policemen were walking toward the garage. I called them over.

“Those underground parking garages are dark. Keep your eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary. Put a marker next to anything you see, no matter how insignificant you may think it is. Also, stretch some tape in front of the garage entrance and don’t let anyone drive in or out until you’ve searched it thoroughly. When you’re done, go upstairs and get SSA Spelling. Let him and the other agents take a look at everything you’ve marked. Any questions?”

“No, ma’am. I think we have it covered,” Carson said.

“Okay, thanks. I’ll be back soon.” I raced down the sidewalk to the intersection and crossed the street at the green light. I approached the happy looking yellow building with red shutters. Written on a sign above the door was the name of the business—Kidz Rule Daycare. I entered the building and approached a young lady standing behind a counter.

She gave me a wide grin. “I don’t think you’re a mom I recognize. How can I help you?”

I pulled out the lanyard from inside my blouse and flashed her my badge. “For starters, I need to see your west-facing camera footage from this morning.”

“Oh my goodness. Um, okay. Give me one second to get somebody out here to watch the counter. I’ll be right back.”

The young lady pulled off the stretchy band that hung from her wrist and unlocked a security door that likely led to the children’s play area. She returned several minutes later with another employee who looked to be the same age—a twentysomething female.

“Okay, right this way, please.” She stopped and introduced herself. “I’m Dee Dee Sanchez.”

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Agent Monroe.”

Dee Dee led me through the door of the secured area and down a short hallway. I heard the chatter, cries, and laughter of children coming from a room somewhere to our left.

“Our office is right here.” She pointed straight ahead as she pulled off the stretchy band for the second time in five minutes and unlocked the door.

“I’m impressed with your security measures. If I ever have a kid, I’ll bring them here.”

She grinned. “Thank you, that means a lot. Okay, let me pull up the footage.” She pointed at a guest chair. “Why don’t you scoot in here next to me and the computer?”

I pulled a chair to her side of the desk and took a seat.

Dee Dee looked at me with her brows raised in question. “You said the west camera, right?”

“That’s correct.” I noticed the clock on her desk read 10:52. “I’ll need you to begin at six thirty and go forward from there.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I knew that was probably earlier than the time Julie normally left. From door to door, Julie might have had a forty-minute commute, but that would include parking and getting to her department in the hospital. I wanted to watch the entire complex for a bit to see whether anything had looked off before she left for the day. No one would likely be going into the building at that time of morning. Under normal circumstances, the only people leaving would be residents pulling out of the garage and heading off to their place of employment.

Dee Dee set up the camera footage and typed in the beginning time. The footage began playing at six thirty. I was thankful the day care center had newer cameras with modern technology. That made my job a lot easier. I sighed a deep breath, and Dee Dee gave me a quick glance.

I patted her shoulder. “Everything is okay. I’m just happy you have modern equipment.”

Dee Dee pushed back her chair, stood, then walked around the desk. “Do you need me to stay, Agent Monroe?” She pointed at the door. “Otherwise I’m probably needed out front.”

“I’m fine, and thank you. Hopefully I’ll find what I need and be out of here in less than an hour. Do you have blank thumb drives in case I need to copy the tape?”

She returned to her chair and tapped a few keys to show me how to send the daily camera footage directly to my email address. “It opens up in Media Player like any other attachment.”

“Awesome.” I gave her a nod, and she left the room. Young adults were far more advanced in computer technology than I was. I reminded myself to have my sister Amber show me the ropes when we both had time.

I tapped the forward arrow and continued watching that morning’s footage. Several people passed the camera as they walked their dogs. Cars buzzed by, and joggers made occasional appearances. City buses stopped and picked up people waiting on benches in the covered structures. I glanced at the lower right corner of the computer and nothing unusual had surfaced yet. It was closing in on seven o’clock. I was beginning to fidget. Julie should be pulling out any second, and J.T. would be close behind given that it was the morning of our scheduled breakfast together. Any other day, J.T. wouldn’t leave the condo until seven forty-five. He lived only ten minutes from our Glendale office. An idea came to mind, and I quickly jotted it in my notepad before it faded away. I’d check to see whether either vehicle had been picked up by the plate readers on the interstate. That could speed up the search process considerably, yet we still had to rule out any foul play at the condo. I paused the tape and called Joe in Tech again.

“Joe, I need to know if any plate reader got a hit on J.T. and Julie’s plates on I-43. Yes, call me back as soon as you find out.”

I hung up and leaned forward with my elbows on the desk and my face in my hands. I continued to stare at the screen. Several minutes later, what appeared to be two men from the gardening crew crossed the front lawn. They stopped briefly, said a few words to each other, then parted ways and disappeared off screen. I watched the garage exit and barely dared to blink. The garage door rose several minutes later and a burgundy Fiesta pulled out. I stopped the tape and checked the exact time—7:07 a.m. I began the tape again. Julie turned right at the end of the driveway.

Where the hell is she going? The freeway is to her left.

I jotted down the time she pulled out and the direction she went—east. I continued the tape. If J.T. had had any intention of meeting me at seven twenty, he’d be pulling out in the next five minutes. I watched and waited, then I waited some more. Every second seemed like an eternity. I checked the time, heaved a sigh, and stared at the screen again. The door rose at seven thirteen, but it was a false alarm—the car was white. I let out a slow breath and settled in. A flash of movement at J.T.’s balcony caught my eye.

What the hell was that?

I backed up the tape and saw it again but couldn’t make out what I was looking at. It seemed as if the drapes fluttered for a second, and then it was over. I wrote down the time. At seven twenty-one, the overhead garage door began to lift. I sat up straight with my eyes laser focused on the garage. It had to be him, or my timing was completely wrong. The door reached the top, and a black Corolla pulled out. I nearly jumped from my chair to pause the video. I stopped the footage at exactly 7:22 a.m. It was definitely J.T.’s car, and he turned right at the end of the driveway, just as Julie had.

Where the hell are they going, and why didn’t he call to say he wasn’t showing up for breakfast?

There was nothing else I needed to watch at that moment. I knew what time each of them left the condo and what direction they headed, although I’d email a copy of the footage to myself. I wanted the tech department to look it over. Even the smallest detail could be significant.

I thanked Dee Dee, told her I’d forwarded a copy of the footage to my email, and left the day care center. My pace quickened, I got back to the condo in less than five minutes. With the door still propped open, I passed through and gave the officer watching the entrance a thank-you nod. I took the stairway, not wanting to wait for the elevator doors to part.

Val and Maria had returned from their knock and talks. Because it was a small complex and most people were at work during the day, Spelling had the officers speak to every tenant who was home.

“Get anything?” I asked as I entered the condo.

Everyone turned toward me. “Yeah,” Val said, “a complex consisting of six people who answered their doors and didn’t see or hear anything unusual.”

Spelling slid out a chair and took a seat at the dining room table. “I finally got ahold of Mr. and Mrs. Harper. They haven’t spoken to J.T. or Julie and said there weren’t any family emergencies. I hated to worry them, but we had to know.” He took a deep breath. “What did you learn, Jade?”

“First off, I forwarded the day care center tape to my email. We can all go through it again back at the office.”

Spelling nodded. “That could help—the more eyes the better.”

“That’s what I thought too, sir. Anyway, I saw both cars leave. The condo doesn’t seem to be related to their disappearances since they left on their own accord.”

“We’re thinking the same, that there’s nothing unusual here,” Maria said. “So can I make a quick pot of coffee while Jade goes over her findings with us?”

Spelling waved her off. “Yeah, go ahead. This unit is clean.” He turned his focus back to me. “Okay, tell us what you learned.”

I let out a deep breath to clear my thoughts, then I pulled out my notepad and flipped to the last used page. “Okay, Julie drove out of the garage at seven minutes after seven. The timing is within range given the fact that she starts work at eight o’clock. That would give her time to park, go inside, grab a coffee, and have a few minutes before she reports to her department.”

“I agree. Then what?” Spelling asked.

Maria brought five cups and the carafe of coffee to the table. She poured a cup for everyone and sat down.

“Then she turned right.”

“The opposite way of the freeway?” Cam asked.

I nodded. “My exact thoughts, but what’s even stranger is that J.T.’s car exited at seven twenty-two, and he made a right-hand turn as well. He’s never late for our Wednesday breakfast, but if he didn’t intend to show up, which seems obvious by the direction he turned, then why didn’t he call me?”

“And you tried his phone numerous times while you waited.”

I turned toward Spelling. “That’s correct, and he never picked up. Something is definitely off.”

A knock sounded on the front door. Val got up and opened it. Standing in the hallway were Officer Carson and two other officers. Val ushered them in.

“Carson,” Spelling said, “have you finished searching the garage?”

“Yes, sir, and I’m sure you’ll want to see the areas we’ve marked.”

“Then let’s go.” Spelling stood, guzzled the coffee, and followed Officer Carson out the door. We fell in line at his back.