J.T. sputtered and gasped as water hit him in the face. That ice-cold wake-up call did the trick. He coughed and opened his eyes. Sitting twenty feet away in the dimmed room was a man wearing a fedora tipped low on his forehead and a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses were perched on the bridge of his nose.
“Done napping, Agent Harper?”
J.T. spat a mouthful of blood from his earlier beating out onto the floor. “Where is my sister?”
“Please stop talking about your sister. Your constant pleading has become tiresome. Julie is alive. That’s all you need to know at the moment.”
J.T. cursed the man in the shadows.
“Is there something you’d like to say, Mr. Hotshot Federal Agent?”
An angry smirk sounded from J.T. “So, you’re the all-important Mr. Vetcher, Carden Vetcher, I believe I heard them say. You’re the guy those thugs in the monkey suits work for? What makes you so special? You’re obviously too scared to show yourself.”
“Not scared, Agent Harper, just smart. Timing is everything. You’re an educated man, I assume, and understand the concept of payback, correct?”
“Meaning we have a history whether you realize it or not. You see, I’m much smarter than you, and I’ve bided my time, but now I need your help.”
“And why would I help you? You’re a low-life criminal who has kidnapped one civilian and two federal agents. Did I mention that one agent is dead because of you?”
“My hands are clean, and you’ll help me even if you don’t want to.”
“Why would I?”
“Leverage. Did you forget that I’m holding your sister hostage and won’t think twice about torturing her to death right in front of you?”
J.T. pulled at his restraints. “You sick bastard.”
“No need for name-calling. I’ll be in touch, but right now I have your FBI files to look through. I want to know who fired the shot that killed my brother. Was it you or Agent Belmont?”
“How would I know when you haven’t told me the case you’re talking about? Either way, neither of us has ever shot anybody with Vetcher as their last name.”
Well, I guess Agent Belmont already paid his dues with his life, so it’s up to you. It’s time to pay your penance. Either help me or watch your sister die. My plan is set to take place in two days. Anthony, kill the lights.”
The room went black. J.T. heard footsteps walk away, then an outer door creaked open and slammed closed. He sat alone once more with nothing but his thoughts.