List of Main Characters

Russians have three names: a first name, a patronymic (from the father’s first name) and a surname. The polite or formal way to address someone is by his or her first name and patronymic. When on intimate terms or within close family the first name is used, but then mostly in the form of a diminutive (for example, Arkady becomes Arkasha or Arkashka). Some characters are only mentioned by their surname, e.g. Stebelkov, to underline distance. Arkady refers to Andrei Petrovich Versilov as Versilov when feeling distant or antagonistic towards him and as Andrei Petrovich, as would be expected (he refuses to call him father), when showing proper respect for him.

Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruky: the adolescent, who is legally Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky’s son and Andrei Petrovich Versilov’s illegitimate son. Diminutives are Arkasha, Arkashka or Arkashenka.

Andrei Petrovich Versilov: Arkady and Liza’s father.

Sofia Andreyevna Dolgoruky: wife of Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky and mother of Arkady and Liza. Also called Sonia by Andrei Petrovich Versilov.

Lizaveta Makarovna: Arkady’s sister, legally Makar Ivanovich Dolguroky’s daughter and Andrei Petrovich Versilov’s illegitimate daughter. Known as Liza within the family, also called Lizochka, Lizok.

Anna Andreyevna Versilova: Arkady and Liza’s half-sister; Versilov’s daughter by his first marriage.

Andrei Andreyevich Versilov: Arkady and Liza’s half-brother; Versilov’s son by his first marriage.

Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky: Arkady’s “legal” father, husband of Sofia Andreyevna and former household serf on the Versilov estate. Also addressed as Makarushka by Tatyana Pavlovna.

Tatyana Pavlovna Prutkova: known as “auntie” in the Versilov household.

Nikolai Semyonovich: Arkady’s guardian in Moscow during Arkady’s time in grammar school.

Marya Ivanovna: wife of Nikolai Semyonovich and also a favourite of Andronikov.

Alexei Nikanorovich Andronikov: lawyer; involved in Versilov’s affairs. Arkady lived in the Andronikov household when he was a small boy in Moscow.

Alexander Semyonovich: the doctor who attends to Arkady and Makar Ivanovich.

Pyotr Ippolitovich: Arkady’s landlord in St Petersburg.

Olya (diminutive of Olga): young girl living next door to Vasin.

Darya Onisimovna: mother of Olya.

Prince Nikolai Ivanovich Sokolsky: the “old prince”; father of Katerina Nikolayevna.

Katerina Nikolayevna Akhmakova: the old Prince Sokolsky’s daughter and widow of General Akhmakov. Her father calls her Katia.

Lidia Akhmakova: no patronymic given. Daughter of the late General Akhmakov and Katerina Nikolayevna Akhmakova’s stepdaughter.

Baron Bjoring: German baron who is engaged to Katerina Nikolayevna Akhmakova.

Prince Sergei Petrovich Sokolsky: the “young prince”; also known as Prince Seryozha. Not related to the old Prince Sokolsky, even though he has the same surname.

Alexei Vladimirovich Darzan: acquaintance of the young Prince Sokolsky.

Dergachev: no other names given. Leader of a “socialist” group.

Efim Zverev: no patronymic give. Arkady’s school friend who introduces him to the Dergachev group.

Vasin: member of the Dergachev group. Stebelkov calls him Grisha, as he is his stepfather.

Kraft: only name given. Member of the Dergachev group.

Stebelkov: no other names given. Stepfather of Vasin and a moneylender.

Maurice Lambert: Arkady’s school friend. Of French origin.

Alphonsine Karlovna de Verdègne: Lambert’s French mistress; also known as Alphonsinka.

Nikolai Semyonovich Andreyev: referred to either as Andreyev or more often as le grand dadais. One of Lambert’s band.

Pyotr Trishatov: or Petia, also part of Lambert’s band and also referred to as “the boy”.

Semyon Sidorovich: better known as “the pockmarked one”; also part of Lambert’s band.

Maxim Ivanovich Skotoboinikov (the surname means “cattle slaughterer”): chief protagonist in Makar Ivanovich’s story about a cruel merchant.