About the Authors

David Gershon and Gail Straub created the Empowerment Workshop in 1981, and since then have offered it to thousands of people throughout the world. Their best-selling book, Empowerment, originally published in 1989 and translated into seven languages, has become a personal growth classic and is used worldwide as the basis for life coaching.

Building on their decades of teaching and research in 2001, David and Gail created the Empowerment Institute Certification Program to provide in-depth training in their state-of-the-art empowerment methodology for personal, organizational, community, and societal transformation. For information on the Empowerment Institute, please visit www.empowermentinstitute.net.

In 2010, Gail and David developed IMAGINE—a global initiative for the empowerment of women. In resource-poor settings around the world, women are empowered to envision and create new possibilities for themselves, their families, and their communities. Partner organizations in countries such as Afghanistan, Sudan (Darfur), Nigeria, India, and South Africa select women leaders to attend the Empowerment Institute, where they are trained to lead the Empowerment Workshop in their home countries. For more information, please visit www.imagineprogram.net.

David and Gail lecture widely, and their work and books have won many awards.

Other books by David Gershon

Social Change 2.0

Low Carbon Diet

Green Living Handbook

The Livable Neighborhood

Journey for the Planet

Journey for the Planet Coaches’


Water Stewardship

All Together Now

A Dream for Our World

Other books by Gail Straub

Returning to My Mother’s House

The Rhythm of Compassion

Circle of Compassion