My sincerest thanks to the brilliant minds and skills of those who helped make this book a reality, in particular:

My truly insightful editor, Sylvie Frank; publisher, Paula Wiseman; managing editor, Jenica Nasworthy; art director, Chloƫ Foglia; assistant editor, Sarah Jane Abbott; copy editor, Bara MacNeill; and production manager, Chava Wolin; as well as the rest of the fabulous team at Paula Wiseman Books and Simon & Schuster. My thanks and admiration to Karl James Mountford for the gorgeous cover and interior illustrations.

Brent Taylor, agent extraordinaire and champion of words, and Uwe Stender and the team at TriadaUS.

My bogiest of besties: thank you for being the greatest of friends and colleagues.

Last in these words, but first in my heart, always and forever: Aidyn, Aine, Arran, and Paul.